Summary Sheet for Microsoft Office 97 – Word, Excel ...

Summary Sheet for Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Integration, Access, and PowerPoint

Keep in mind that the directions are general. More specific information regarding each command can be found in the Help menu.


Accessing Microsoft Word

Use the start button, click programs, choose Microsoft Word.

Adding Color to Text

Highlight the information you want to apply color to and choose the format, font, click the color list arrow and choose an appropriate color, click the ok button.

Adding a Picture to a Document

Position the cursor and use the insert, picture menu to insert a picture into the document. If you choose Clip Art, scroll to find the picture you want to insert, select it, and click the insert button.

Bold Text

Highlight the information you want to bold and click the b button on the formatting toolbar, Click the B button on the formatting toolbar again will turn off the underline. You can also use the format, font menu. Using the CTRL B characters on the keyboard will also underline the material. Pressing CTRL B a second time will turn off the underline format.

Bulleted and Numbered Lists

Highlight the information you want to apply bullets to and click the bullets button on the formatting toolbar to apply bullets to the highlighted text. Click the numbering button on the formatting toolbar to apply numbering to the highlighted text. You can also use the format, bullets and numbering menu.

Changing Paragraph Spacing

Highlight the information you want to change the line spacing for and use the format, paragraph menu to change the line spacing.

Changing Paragraph Alignment

Highlight the information you want to change the alignment of and click the left, center, right, or justified button the formatting toolbar. You could also use the format, paragraph menu to change the alignment of paragraphs.

Closing a file

Use the lower X button representing the document currently opened. You may be prompted to save your last changes. You can also use the file, close menu to close a file out of memory. You should always save the file prior to closing the file so as to safeguard your changes.

Control Menu Commands

Use the restore menu to restore the screen, use the move menu to move the window, use the size menu to adjust the size of the window, use the minimize menu to place the application or file on the taskbar for later use (click the application to activate), use the maximize menu to fill the screen, and use the close button to close an application or file.

Copying Information

Highlight the information you want copied and use the edit, copy menu to copy the highlighted material to the clipboard, position the cursor to the copy location, and use the edit, paste menu. You can also use the copy and paste icons from the standard toolbar as well.

Cursor Movement Keys

Use the backspace key to erase previously entered characters

Use Ctrl Home buttons to move to the beginning of the document

Use Ctrl End buttons to move to the end of the document

Use the Delete key to erase characters to the right of the cursor

Use the Home button to position the cursor to the beginning of a line

Use the End button to position the cursor to the end of a line

Use the cursor keys to move about the document

Drag and drop (Copy)

Highlight the information you want to copy, select the information and hold the Ctrl key and drag the information to a copied location.

Drag and drop (Move)

Highlight the information you want to move, select the information and drag the information to the moved (new) location.

Exiting the Software Product

Use the File, exit menu to leave the software product. You may be prompted to save your last changes. You can also click the right and topmost X button to exit the product. You should always leave every software product properly.


When you are saving files you make up the filename. The filename can be up to 256 characters. Make your filenames as documentary as possible. There is no need to add a file extension to the file for the system automatically tags the filename with a period and a doc extension. The file extension doc indicates that the file was created in Microsoft Word.

Finding Text

Position cursor to position of find, choose edit, find, in the find box type what you are looking for and click the ok button. Choose further find options so as to control the find execution.


Highlight the information you want to apply fonts to and choose the appropriate font from the formatting toolbar, choose the appropriate point size by using the font size list arrow. You can also use the format, font menu as well. This menu will allow you to select further formatting options.


Position the cursor in the location where you want the footnote and use the insert, footnote menu to add a footnote.

Format Painter

Highlight the information that has the format you want to copy, click the format painter button on the standard toolbar and then drag over the text that will have the copied formats.

Formatting a Table

Position the cursor in the table and use the table, table autoformat to format the table.

Hard Page Breaks

Position the cursor where you want to place a hard page break and use the insert, break, page break menu. You could also use the Ctrl enter buttons.


You can click the help menu and choose the topic of your choice. Choose contents and index, click the index tab, type a keyword associated with your help topic then choose the help topic by click the display button. You can also use the Office Assistant button the standard toolbar to obtain help.

Highlighting Information

Position cursor, point, click the left mouse button and drag the mouse over the material to be highlighted. You can also highlight by using the selection area (area leftmost of the text) – click once in the area to highlight a line, click twice in the area to highlight a paragraph, click three times to highlight the entire document. You can also highlight information by holding the shift button down and while tapping the cursor movement keys.

Indenting Paragraphs

Highlight the information you want to indent and use the first line indent marker, hanging indent marker, left indent marker or right indent market to format your paragraphs. You can also use the format, paragraph menu to change paragraph indents.

Insert Date and Time

Position the cursor where you want to insert data/time, use the insert, date and time menu to insert the date and/or time. Click your selection and then click the ok button.

Italic Text

Highlight the information you want to italicize and click the I button on the formatting toolbar, Clicking the I button on the formatting toolbar again will turn off the underline. You can also use the format, font menu. Using the CTRL I characters on the keyboard will also underline the material. Pressing CTRL I a second time will turn off the underline format.

Moving Information (Cutting Information)

Highlight the information you want to move and use the edit, cut menu to remove the highlighted material to the clipboard, position the cursor to the new location, and use the edit, paste menu. You can also use the cut and paste icons from the standard toolbar as well.

Previewing a File

Use the file, print preview to view a file. Use the close button or X button to leave print preview. You can also use the print preview button on the standard toolbar to access print preview. You can also print the document from this menu by using the print button. Experiment with the other options of print preview.

Printing a File

Use the file, print menu to print a document. Set any options desired prior to printing the document. You can also use the print preview button the standard toolbar to preview and print the file.

Replacing Text

Position cursor to position of replacement, choose edit, replace, in the find box type what you are looking for, press the tab key, type the replacement information and choose further replacement options so as to control replacement execution.

Saving a Document

Use the save button on the standard toolbar, or click the file menu, save as, choose the appropriate drive in the save in area, click in the filename area, type in a filename, click the save button. Note: If you want to save the file in another format, choose the save as type and indicate the format for the file prior to clicking the saving button. To save changes to the file, click the save button on the standard toolbar, or choose the file, save commands from the menu.

Setting Tabs

Use the tab alignment indicator located on the left hand side of the ruler to set tab settings. Click the type of tab you want to insert and position the cursor in the appropriate ruler location and click the left mouse button. A tab should be set at that location. To remove a currently set tab, click the tab and drag it below the ruler area.

Showing nonprintable characters

Use the show/hide button on the standard toolbar to show/hide nonprintable characters on the screen. You can also use the tools, options, view menu to show/hide nonprintable characters on the screen. Keep in mind that these characters show spacing, tab locations, etc. and none of them will show on the printed document when it is printed.

Sorting Information in a Table

Position the cursor in the table and use the table, sort menu to sort the table.

Spelling and Grammar

Press Ctrl+home to position the cursor to the beginning of the document. Use the tools, spelling and grammar menu to begin the facility. You can also use the spelling and grammar button on the standard tool to begin the spell and grammar facility.


Position the cursor to where you want to insert the table and use the table, insert table menu. Indicate the number of columns and rows for the table and click the ok button. Proceed with entering data into each cell. Press the tab key to position from one cell to the next.

Tables and Borders

Highlight the information you want to add tables and borders to and click the tables and borders list button and choose the type of border to apply. You can also use the format, borders and shading menu.


Use the View, toolbar menu and choose the appropriate toolbar to activate or make visible. Clicking the toolbar again (removing the checkmark) deactivates the toolbar.

Typing into the document

Begin typing the paragraph of information. Do not press enter at the end of each line for Microsoft Word performs a feature called wordwrap when the end of line has been reached. Press the enter key after you type the complete paragraph.

Underline Text

Highlight the information you want to underline and click the u button on the formatting toolbar. Click the u button on the formatting toolbar again will turn off the underline. You can also use the format, font menu. Using the Ctrl U characters on the keyboard will also underline the material. Pressing Ctrl U a second time will turn off the underline format.


Use the edit menu, select undo or redo. You could also use the undo and redo button located on the standard toolbar.

Using the Shortcut Menu

Right-clicking an object brings up a menu to allow for further modifications to it. Left-click the menu you want to use and proceed with its usage.

Viewing multiple documents in windows

Use the window, arrange all menu to view all documents currently opened. You can maximize any window by using the maximize button.

Word Count

Use the tools, word count menu to view document characteristics of the current file.


Use the insert, picture, wordart menu to add wordart options to a document. Select the type of print you want and click the ok button. Type your text, along with any other features and click the Ok button.


Note: Basic file management commands such as opening, saving, and printing, etc., that are available in Microsoft Word also work in the fashion in Microsoft Excel.

Accessing Microsoft Excel

Use the start button, click programs, choose Microsoft Excel

Autofill Handle

Position the cursor, position the pointer until it changes to a fill handle +, click and drag over desired cells.


Highlight the cells you want to format and use the format, autoformat menu. Click the format you want from the table format list box and click the ok button.


Position the cursor and click the autosum button. If the range is correct, press the enter key. If the range is incorrect, highlight the appropriate range and press the enter key. Note: You can also highlight the range of cells you want to sum prior to using the autosum button.


Highlight the cells you want to add a border to and use format, cells menu. Click the border tab and select the various options you want and click the Ok button.

Changing Cell Alignment

Highlight the cells you want to change the alignment of and click the left, center, or right button from the formatting toolbar. You can also use the center across cells to align information within a cell range. To center across cells, highlight the cells you want centered across cells, click the merge and center buttons from the formatting toolbar. You could also use the format, cells menu to change the cell alignment.

Color, Patterns, Borders

Highlight the cells that you want to add formatting to and use the format, cells menu.

Column Widths

Position the pointer between the column to widen until the pointer changes to a double arrow, click the left mouse button and drag the column to the appropriate width. You can adjust column widths to the largest entry in the column by double-clicking on the double arrow. You can also widen columns using the format, column menu.

Conditional Formatting

Position the cursor on the cell you want to add conditional formatting to and use the format, conditional formatting menu.

Copying a cell to another cell (using drag and drop)

Position the cursor on the cell you want to copy and press the Ctrl while dragging the cell to another copy location.

Copying Formulas (using Edit, fill)

Position cursor, type content (a formula) into the cell, point, click and drag over the cells that will contain a similar formula, use the edit, fill, menu and select the fill option needed.

Copying the formats of cells using Format Painter

Highlight the cell that has the format you want to copy and click the format painter toolbar button. Highlight the cells you want to contain the formatting.

Copying using the Edit Copy Menu

Highlight the cells you want to copy and use the edit, copy menu. Position the cursor on the cell you want to copy the cells to and use the edit, paste menu.

Creating a Chart using the Chart Wizard Button

Highlight information to be charted, click the chart wizard button located on the standard toolbar, step one, In step one, choose the type of chart you want, in step two, analyze the information as to accuracy and make any necessary adjustments, in step three, enter titles, etc., and in step four, indicate the placement of the chart.

Declaring a Cell as Absolute

Position the cursor in the cell and type a $ before the column, and a dollar sign before the row. You can also use function key F4 to change the cell reference.

Deleting a row or column

Position the cursor on one of the cells in the column or row that you want to delete and use the edit, delete menu. Click a column if you want to delete a column or click a row if you want to delete a row.

Deleting a Worksheet

Right-click the sheet tab, use the delete menu to delete the sheet.

Deleting one or more cells

Highlight the cells you want to delete and use the edit clear menu. Select all if you want to clear everything from the cell (data, formatting), select formats if you want to remove only the formatting from the cell, select contents if you want to remove only the data content from the cell, or select comments if you want to remove only the comments from the cell. You can also remove contents from cells by pressing the delete key.


You can add various drawing to your file content by using view, toolbars, drawing toolbar. Use the various buttons on the drawing toolbar to create various drawings. Use the view, toolbars, drawing toolbar menu again to turn off the toolbar.

Editing a cell

Position the cursor in the cell you want to edit and double-click it. Make your editing changes and click the enter button (check mark) on the formula bar or simply press the enter key. You can also press function key F2 to edit a cell.


When you are saving files you make up the filename. The filename can be up to 256 characters. Make your filenames as documentary as possible. There is no need to add a file extension to the file for the system automatically tags the filename with a period and a xls extension. The file extension xls indicates that the file was created in Microsoft Excel.


Highlight the cells you want to apply fonts to and choose the appropriate font and font size from the formatting toolbar or use the format, cells menu.

Formatting cells

Highlight the cells you want to format and choose the appropriate button from the formatting toolbar or use the format, cells menu.


Position cursor, point, click the left-mouse button and drag over the material to be highlighted.

Inserting a Column or Row

Position cursor, use the insert menu.

Making changes to a chart

Click the chart to select it and use the chart menu. Click the appropriate menu and make your changes.

Moving a cell to another cell (using drag and drop)

Position the cursor on the cell you want to move and drag the cell to another location.

Moving a Chart

Click the chart to select it (selection handles will appear around the chart), point, click, and drag the chart (the pointer changes to two double arrows) to its new location. To adjust other objects displayed on the chart, click the object to select it, point, click, and drag it to its new location. Note: Double-clicking the object will display a menu which will allow you to make further adjustments to the object.

Moving cells using the Edit Cut Menu

Highlight the cells you want to move and use the edit, cut menu. Position the cursor on the cell where you want to move to and and use the edit, paste menu.

Order of arithmetic operations

Parentheses (), ** exponents, * Multiplication and / Division (left to right), + addition and – subtraction (left to right).

Paste Function

Position the cursor to the cell that you want to add a function to and click the function paste button, click the category of the function you want, click the function needed, fill in values or cell addresses for arguments, click the ok button. You can also use the insert, function menu to add a function to your spreadsheet.

Renaming a Worksheet

Double-click the sheet tab, type another name and press the enter key.

Replacing a cell contents

Position the cursor in the cell that you want to replace and type new information into the cell and press the enter key.

Resizing a Chart

Click the chart to select it (selection handles will appear around the chart), point and click on one of the selection handles and drag it (the pointer changes to a double arrow) to the desired size.

Using a Short-cut Menu

Right-click the object, left-click the menu needed to carry out your operation.

Typing in a formula or function

Position the cursor on the cell you want to add a formula or function to and type an = sign followed by the formula or function.

Typing in a label or value into a cell

Position the cursor on the cell you want to add a label or value to and type in the label or value, press the enter key or use one of the cursor movement keys to position the cursor to another place.


Copying information from one file to another

Open the files in which you want to copy or share information (see opening files). Highlight the information you want copy to another file and click the edit copy menu. This command will copy the information to the clipboard (temporary holding area for copied and cut material). Click the application located on the taskbar that will hold the copied information, position the cursor in the document where you want to copy the information and use the edit, paste menu (use the edit, paste special menu with paste link option to link the information into the file. Use this option if the information you are pasting changes a lot.).


Changing Data in a Record

Open the database that contains the record you want to change, click the table tab and click the name of the table that contains the record you want to change and click the open button. Click the record you want to make changes to and retype over the old data. Press the enter key after typing in the new information.

Creating a Form

Open the database that you want to create a form for, click the forms tab and click the new button. Click AutoForm:Columnar, choose the name of the table or query in which to create the form and click the Ok button. Click the save button to save the form. Click the close button when you are finished with the form.

Creating a Query

Open the database that you want to create a query from, click the queries tab and click the new button. Click simple query wizard and click the Ok button. Highlight the first field you want to appear in the query and click the > button. Repeat this process for each record you want to add to the query. Name the query and click the finish button to complete the query. Click the close button when you are finished with the query.

Creating a Report

Open the database that you want to create a report from, click the report tab and click the new button. Click AutoReport:Columnar, choose the name of the table or query in which to create the report from and click the Ok button. Click the save button to save the report. Click the close button when you are finished with the report.

Creating a Table

Open the database that you want to create a table, click the table tab and click the new button. Click Design view and click the Ok button. Type the name of the field and press the enter key. Indicate the data type for the field and press the enter key. Indicate an optional description for the field then choose the appropriate field size for the field. Click the field name if you are going to enter multiple fields and continue entering the field name, data type, description, and field size. Click the save button to save the table. Type a name for the table and press the enter key. Click the close button to leave the table area.

DataSheet View (viewing records)

Open the database that contains the table records you want to view, click the table tab and click the name of the table that contains the records you want to view and click the open button. You can use the navigaton button to view the records. You can also add, update, and delete records in this location as well.

Deleting a Record

Open the database that contains the record you want to delete, click the table tab and click the name of the table that contains the record you want to delete and click the open button. Click the record you want to delete and use the edit, delete record command. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion. You could also use the delete record command located on the standard toolbar to delete a record.


When you are saving files you make up the filename. The filename can be up to 256 characters. Make your filenames as documentary as possible. There is no need to add a file extension to the file for the system automatically tags the filename with a period and a mdb extension. The file extension mdb indicates that the file was created in Microsoft Access.

Inserting a New Record

Open the database you want to add records to and click the table tab. Select the table you want to add records to and click the open button. Use the insert, new record menu to add a record. Type the information into each record using the enter key after entering the information into each field. You can also use the insert new record button on the standard toolbar to add a record to the table. Click the save button when you are finished adding the record.

Opening a Database

Use the file, open command to open the database you want to use. To open an object, click the tab corresponding to it and select it. A table (file) contains the data records. A query allows you to ask questions and retrieve certain information from the database. A form is a data entry form for entering, deleting, and changing records. A report contains output information from data located in the database. Click the save button when you are finished creating and/or modifying the object.



When you are saving files you make up the filename. The filename can be up to 256 characters. Make your filenames as documentary as possible. There is no need to add a file extension to the file for the system automatically tags the filename with a period and a ppt extension. The file extension ppt indicates that the file was created in Microsoft PowerPoint.

References used in this summary:

Swanson, M., Reding, E., Beskeen, D., and Johnson, S. Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition A First Course. Publisher: Course Technology.

Nelson, S. Field Guides: Microsoft Word 97, Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Access 97, and Microsoft PowerPoint 97. Publisher: Microsoft Press.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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