Unit 11: Computer Networks

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|Unit 11: Computer Networks |

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|Dylan Hallam 40059990 |

|[Pick the date] |


Contents 2

Task 1: 3

Task 2: 3

Purpose and Requirements 3

Network diagram 4

List off hardware and software components 6

Operating Systems and Applications 6

Set up and configuration 7

Network users and access permissions 7

Test plan 7

Alternative Solutions 8

Cost 8

Justification 9

Task 3 9

Folders and Files 11

User permissions 12

Test 13

Feedback 14

Refining the network 14

Review 14

Task 1:

Task 2:

1 Purpose and Requirements

The purpose of the network is to reach user requirements make first music able to sell digital and physical music and make it able for the customers to download music in store. The network should also be adjustable in case the company want to change anything.

User requirements:

- First Music requires fast and direct access to the internet To search for music, E-Mail, Instant messaging, Blogs.)

- A good internet speed so the customer can download music whilst in the store.

- A shared printer.

- A server.

- Sharing data or programs through the network.

- 3x windows 7 operating system

- A firewall

- Malware and virus protection

- It must be safe and secure so the customers and the stores data are safe.

- The network must be able to back-up any essential files so the business is safe if the network goes down.

- The network must have different administrative levels.

- At least 3 high-spec computers for sales, stock control and downloading music.

- At least 3 network users one of which is an administrator.

- When user the network an administrator must be able to add more users, remove existing users, change access rights and disable user accounts.

First music has approximately £3,000 to spend on the network for their business. For £3,000 I must get 3 high-spec computers and all of the peripherals necessary to use them, a server, the necessary operating systems and utilities such as a firewall and malware/ virus protection. The most appropriate topology for cost reduction and ease of use would be a bus network if a bus network turns out to be a bad choice I will find an alternative solution to the problem. The network will have one server which everything is connected to. It will also have 3 workstations all of which are connected to a switch. The printer will be connected directly to the server to make it possible for every machine to use the printer.

The £3,000 budget is a limitation that will affect many parts of the network, I must consider this whilst creating the network which is why I have chosen to use a bus network, a bus network might not be seen as the best choice for a small business but it is definitely the most cost effective, If after using the bus network to reduce costs I am still over budget, I will have to consider buying used peripherals and machines. I will be using CAT 5E Ethernet cables to connect everything as they are fairly fast and are not very expensive like CAT 6 Ethernet cables. I may use WiFi to connect the printer to the network that way I can spend a little less money on cables.

The network must also be set up to have different access levels, the manager of FirstMusic will have full access to every single aspect of the business, whereas the customer will only have access to relevant files and applications such as the music and media applications. This will ensure that unauthorised user do not have access to private and important files.

2 Network diagram

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|Key for Network Diagram |

|[pic] |This is the Computer |

|[pic] |This is a printer |

|[pic] |This is a server |

| |This is a switch |

| |This is a Router |

|[pic] |This is a Firewall |

|[pic] |This is the internet |

| |This is the Ethernet cable |










12 List off hardware and software components

|Hardware/ Software |Their role |How they connect and communicate |

|3x Computer towers |To run all of the programs that are necessary|WiFi, USB Cable, |

| |to first music. | |

|3x Computer monitors |To make it so you can see what is happening |VGA, DVI or HDMI cables |

| |on the Computer | |

|3x Keyboard and mouse |To make it possible to control the computer. |USB Cable / Bluetooth (If the peripherals |

| | |are wireless |

|1x Printer |To print out documents that need printer. |WiFi or USB cable |

|1x Server |To store all of the files that can be shared |Ethernet cable |

| |between the machines. | |

|1 x physical firewall(Zyxel USG 20) |To protect the network from potential hackers|Ethernet cable |

| |and malicious attacks. | |

13 Operating Systems and Applications

I will be using windows 7 because it is relatively cheap and stable and should run everything perfectly if there are any problems with the operating system or if some one think that an upgrade will run the network better then I shall update the operating system.

For getting music and putting it onto Mobile Devices I will be using iTunes because it is very easy to use and it think it works better than any other media application.

I will use McAfee anti-virus to make sure there are no malicious software's on any of the machines with the computer network for FirstMusic.

I will also use comodo as the firewall because it will keep the costs down and will protect the business as much as is necessary.

14 Set up and configuration

IP Addresses for each computer and device:

Computer 1: 192.168.003

Computer 2: 192.168.004

Computer 3: 192.168.005

Printer: 192.168.007

Router: 192.168.000

The default SubNet mask is: The SubNet mask will stay as the default.

15 Network users and access permissions

|Users |Permissions |Allowed Roles |Reasons for settings |

|Network Administrator |Full control (apart from |This allows the network |This so the network admin can |

| |financial records) |administrator to access, modify |make all changes necessary to |

| | |and delete all folders and files.|keep the network running smoothly|

|Manager |Full control |This allows the Manager to |The manager needs access to all |

| | |access, modify and delete all |files and folders so they can |

| | |folders and files. |oversee the whole business to |

| | | |make sure that the business is |

| | | |running smoothly and how it is |

| | | |supposed to. |

|Employee |Read and execute |This will allow the employee to |This is so all employees have the|

| | |view the allowed files and |ability to make transactions and |

| | |folders; they won’t be allowed to|keep track of them. Also the |

| | |view the financial files for |employees need to be able to view|

| | |instance. This also allows them |files so they can help customers |

| | |to execute allowed files and |locate necessary files and |

| | |folders. |folders. |

16 Test plan

After setting up the network and setting up access permissions, I will try to log in as one of the users to test whether setting up the access permissions worked, after this I will try to send a file to one of the other computers connected to the network. I will also try to print something to test if the printer is actually connected to the network and whether it is actually accessible to those with permission to access it. After all of this I will go onto an internet browser, such as google chrome, and search for something to quickly find out whether the network is connected to the internet. I must also turn on all of the machines so I know for sure that they and their peripherals work perfectly. Lastly I need to send something to the server to check whether it works properly.

17 Alternative Solutions

A cheaper and easier alternative solution would have been to use the same component but make it into a ring network rather than a star, the ease of set-up almost made me choose this topology but the fact that if one component goes down the whole network will go down was the deciding factor. Just because it is cheaper and easier doesn't mean it is better for a company whose network needs to be running consistently.

18 Cost

|Name |Picture |Cost |

|3x Computers |[pic] |£246.00 each |

|3x Monitors |[pic] |£59.99 each |

|1x Server |[pic] |£1,320.00 |

|3x Keyboard and Mouse |[pic] |£9.99 |

|1x Printer |[pic] |£49.99 |

|Ethernet cable (CAT6) x6 |[pic] |£1.06 each |

19 Justification

I have decided to use a bus network with 3 computers, a server and a printer because FirtMusic is a small business and at this point does not need anything more complex than that. When the company expands they will be able to add more computers to make the server more substantial. I have chosen to use a bus network topology because it is cheap and easy to set up; I have also had to choose this as I have been constrained by the budget.

Task 3

|The user accounts |Description |

|[pic] |Ron Phillip has been given his own user account and password. As |

| |the administrator this account will give him complete access to all|

| |folders and files so he can correctly administrate the network. |

|[pic] |I have made Rebecca Smith her own personal account which will have |

| |her personal password to keep it secure, at the moment the account |

| |has a generic password which she will have to change when she first|

| |logs in. Rebecca’s account has to be very secure because she has |

| |access to every file and folder, including the financial data which|

| |even the administrator cannot access. |

|[pic] |William Sharpe has been given his own personal account and |

| |password. William has access to all of the files relevant to |

| |dealing with customers such as the stock records. |

|[pic] |The customer account will be accessible by all of the customers; |

| |they will only have access to the files that will let them make |

| |purchases so they will have access to the software such as iTunes |

| |and the stock record so they know what they can buy. This account |

| |will have a very generic password so it can be easily accessed by |

| |anyone who wants to make purchases. |

1 Folders and Files

|Screenshots |What they are |

|[pic] |I have made a separate folder for each user to make it easier to |

| |locate necessary files and to make it easier to understand which |

| |files and folders are accessible to each user. |

|[pic][pic] |This is the Customers folder which holds a list of all the music |

| |purchasable by customers. |

|[pic][pic] |This is the Pay Roll which is inside the Managers folder; this |

| |document is only accessible by the manager herself. |

|[pic] |These are the files within the Stock folder. These files are only |

| |accessible by the employees of FirstMusic. |

|[pic][pic] |These are the folders which are accessible by the Administrator. |

| |From here the Administrator should be able to see all of the users|

| |and restrict their accounts. |

|[pic] |This printer is being shared so anyone who needs to use it can. |

2 User permissions

|Screenshots |Descriptions |

|[pic] |Ron Phillip has been given full control of all files and folders, |

| |this is so he can maintain the server and check whether there is |

| |anything there shouldn’t be on the server. The only file he has not|

| |got permissions for is the Payroll |

|[pic] |Rebecca Smith has been given Full Control so she can oversee the |

| |whole business and understand whether it is running smoothly. |

| |Rebecca has access to the payroll file because she is the one who |

| |sorts out who gets paid how much and when. |

|[pic] |William Sharpe is allowed to Read & Execute, List folder contents, |

| |Read and Write. This is because these are the only permissions he |

| |needs to deal with the customers. |

|[pic] |The Customer account is only able to Read, Write and List Folder |

| |Contents. This is because the Customer only needs to be able to see|

| |what is in stock so they can make an order for the music that they |

| |want. |

3 Test

|Screenshots |How I will test |Result |

| |I will test that my |All of the 4 packets were |

| |network is connected by |sent and received so the |

| |pinging on of the |network is officially |

| |computers from another |connected properly |

| |computer. This works by | |

| |sending packets to a | |

| |computer and receiving | |

| |packets from the same | |

| |computer, if the packets | |

| |are sent and received then| |

| |the network is connected | |

| |properly. | |

|[pic] |I will check whether the |The document was printed |

| |printer works by sending |successfully |

| |something to the printer | |

| |to be printed. | |

|[pic] |I am going to test whether|The Mini LAN Tester told me|

| |my Ethernet cables are |that my Ethernet cable |

| |working properly by using |worked properly |

| |a mini LAN tester | |

|[pic] |I will test whether the |The search was successful |

| |Internet works for my | |

| |network by searching for | |

| |something on the internet.| |

4 Feedback

• Operating system needs to upgrade to newer version

• Check the performance, functionality and reliability for the network

• The total cost for all the hardware and software needs to be realistic

5 Refining the network

I have upgraded the operating system that the network uses to Windows 8.1 to make sure the network performs better and more reliably. I have also checked my costs and realized that my costs are realistic and affordable within First Music’s budget.

6 Review

My network reached the entire client requirement because it has three high specification computers which can be used for sales and stock control, downloading music and the managers’ computer. Between the computers there are 5 folder and 7 files some of which can only be accessed by select people due to their permissions or lack thereof, there is also a printer which can be used by all of the users to print all necessary files. These users are as follows: Administrator who has full control, Manager who also has Full Control, The Customer who can only read and write and finally the employee who can read, write and execute. The network I have set-up also has antivirus and a firewall.

My network completely meets all of the client requirements and has been made even better after considering feedback from my peers. One of my peers told me that I should update my operating system so I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1, apart from this my final is the same as my initial design. I think the computer network could be improved by changing it to a different topology and adding more computers, using some better cable should also make the network run faster.


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