Volunteer Opportunities “Many hands make light …


Find Your Niche…Volunteer

Volunteers are vital to Wachusett Greenways' success. Come join us for opportunities for fun and service. From trail work, to events planning, to grant writing, newsletter production and other initiatives, Greenways provides a host of rewarding volunteer opportunities. So read on. We’re confident you’ll find your niche, make new friends, and do great things for your Wachusett neighbors– and yourself!

Trail Clearing and Maintenance Help clear and maintain the Mass Central Rail Trail. Work with handsaws and loppers, clear brush, or clean drainage ditches. Lumberjacks also wanted. Contact Colleen Abrams at colleen.abrams@ or 508-479-2123 to join us for trail clearing.

Trail Patroller Select your favorite trail section and help keep it in great shape by picking up branches and litter and keeping drainage clear. Contact Paul Hennessey at peh01543@ or 508-886-6317 or Colleen Abrams 508-479-2123 or colleen.abrams@ to sign up.

Springdale Mill Historic Site Committee Cleared to preserve an example of the industrial history of the Wachusett watershed, the Mill has become a popular destination along the MCRT. The Mill Committee also holds an annual celebration in September. You can help others to learn and have fun at this remarkable interpretive site. Contact Ruth Spaulding at 508-829-4869 or rspaulding6@.

Mass Central Rail Trail (MCRT) Task Force Help design and manage development of the MCRT. This popular task force welcomes the volunteer services of engineers, surveyors, and bridge and road builders, trail inspectors, display and sign builders, and much more. Both skilled professionals and those with a pair of willing hands are wanted. Contact Colleen Abrams at 508-829-3954 or colleen.abrams@

Bulletin Board Keeper. Make a nice welcome for a trailhead by placing maps, photos and news on a bulletin board and keeping it fresh. Volunteers needed to replace deteriorated bulletin boards too. Contact Colleen Abrams colleen.abrams@

Hospitality Put your energy and dedication to work as a Greenways ambassador. Welcome visitors to the Mass Central Rail Trail and community events. Help complete a count of trail users. Greeters at the new Welcome Center in Rutland at 21 Miles Road will be wanted to serve according to your available schedule. Contact colleen.abrams@.

Mailing parties are a great way to use two hands. This hearty band enjoys coffee and good company. Contact S. Jane Arntz 508-829-7396 or sjaj12@.

Community Garden Greenways is growing! A community vegetable garden is now being planted at our future welcome center in Rutland. Contact Jeff Keay jkeay23@ 508-886-6222.

Trailhead Plantings This is an ongoing campaign to brighten the MCRT. Contact Christy Barnes bertinbarnes@, 508-755-6321

Welcome Center Stewards. Help care for the new welcome center. Contact Christy Barnes bertinbarnes@ or 508-755-6321 to offer your help.

Grant Writing Constructing and maintaining 30 miles of rail trail and other projects requires significant ongoing funding, much of it generated through government, foundation and corporate grants. Apply your writing skills to a good cause. To get involved, contact Colleen Abrams 508-829-3954 or colleen.abrams@.

Greenways Connector – Our Newsletter Handy with a camera? Have a knack for interviewing interesting people or reporting on special events? Then the Connector is your creative outlet. Contact manager Viv Ouellette 508-829-5341 or vivoue30@. Or contact Ken McDonnell klcdonn@

to offer your help with Constant Contact messages and our website.

Four Seasons Exhibit. For several years, Greenways held an annual exhibit. Dozens of artists have shared their works. Would you like help rekindle the exhibit or to participate in the exhibit? Contact Christy Barnes bertinbarnes@, 508-755-6321

Greenways Guide The Wachusett Greenway Guide and Map shows trails, landmarks and lands you can access. Next we’ll be developing other trail guides. Contact Colleen 508-479-2123 or colleen.abrams@

Event Leaders. Lead a walk or bike ride to your favorite spots on the trail. Share your love of wildflowers, birds, trees or history. Canoeing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and bicycling leaders are also prized. Contact Christy Barnes at 508-755-6321 or bertinbarnes@.

Other needs:Youth leader….Volunteer coordinator Special events--bike tours, walk/run events--team with other nonprofits Sign installers….Carpenters…Other Ways to Help? Great fund raising ideas? Suggestions for Wachusett Greenways? Please contact Colleen Abrams at 508-479-2123 or colleen.abrams@.709) with questions.


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