Using Open Calc to Calculate Statistics

Using Open Calc to Calculate Statistics

Step 1: Enter the following list of number (vertically) into Open Calc.

3, 5, 86,19, 64, 93, 34, 92, 81, 15, 28, 39, 43, 2, 95, 39, 54, 32, 98, 99, 67,87, 88, 92, 12, 98, 76, 77, 71, 65, 73, 81

Step 2: Calculate the mean, mode, median, quartiles, and standard deviation for the data. (See the instructions below)

Step 3: Find what percentile the number 67 falls into.

Step 4: Find the number that is in the 70% percentile.


To Find the Mean


Returns the mean of the data


AVERAGE(Number1; Number2; ...Number30)

Number1; Number2;...Number 0 are numerical values or ranges.



To Find the Mode


Returns the most common value in a data set. If there are several values with the same frequency, it returns the smallest value. An error occurs when a value doesn't appear twice.


MODE(Number1; Number2; ...Number30)

Number1; Number2;...Number30 are numerical values or ranges.

To Find the Median


Returns the median of a set of numbers. In a set containing an uneven number of values, the median will be the number in the middle of the set and in a set containing an even number of values, it will be the mean of the two values in the middle of the set.


MEDIAN(Number1; Number2; ...Number30)

Number1; Number2;...Number30 are values or ranges, which represent a sample. Each number can also be replaced by a reference.


for an odd number: =MEDIAN(1;5;9;20;21) returns 9 as the median value.

for an even number: =MEDIAN(1;5;9;20) returns the average of the two middle values 5 and 9, thus 7.

To Find the Quartiles


Returns the quartiles of a data set.


QUARTILE(Data; Type)

Data represents the array of data in the sample.

Type represents the type of quartile. (0 = MIN, 1 = 25%, 2 = 50% (MEDIAN), 3 = 75% and 4 = MAX.)


=QUARTILE(A1:A50;1) returns Q1

=QUARTILE(A1:A50;2) returns Q2

=QUARTILE(A1:A50;3) returns Q3

To Find the Standard Deviation


Estimates the standard deviation based on a sample.


STDEV(Number1; Number2; ...Number30)

Number1, Number2, ... Number30 are numerical values or ranges representing a sample based on an entire population.


=STDEV(A1:A50) returns the estimated standard deviation based on the data referenced.

To Find the Percentile


Returns the percentile of a value in a sample.



Data represents the array of data in the sample.

Value represents the value whose percentile rank must be determined.


=PERCENTRANK(A1:A50;50) returns the percentage rank of the value 50 from the total range of all values found in A1:A50. If 50 falls outside the total range, an error message will appear.

To Find the NUMBER that Goes with a Given Percentile


Returns the number in the data set that goes with a given percentile. Eg. =Percentile(A1:A50; 0.30) gives the number in the list from A1 to A50 that fall in the 30th percentile.



Data represents the array of data.

Alpha represents the percentage of the scale between 0 and 1.


=PERCENTILE(A1:A50;0.1) represents the value in the data set, which equals 10% of the total data scale in A1:A50.


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