Suffolk Public Schools Blog

Percent of Change Practice1. In 1992, there were 87 cable television networks. In 1996, there were 162. Find the percent of change in the number of cable networks. Is this a percent of increase or a percent of decrease?2. In 1994, the circulation of Boys’ Life was 1,242,722. In 1995, its circulation was 1,229,052. Find the percent of change in the circulation of Boys’ Life. Is this a percent of increase or a percent of decrease?3. A math class had 25 students. If 2 more students enrolled in the class, what is the percent of change?4. In a 1997 television commercial, Rally’s claimed that their Big Buford was 75% larger than the Big Mac. The Big Buford contains 1/3 pound of ground beef, while the Big Mac contains ? pound of ground beef. Does the Big Buford contain 75% more beef by weight than the Big Mac? Explain.5. Between the 1980 census and the 1990 census, the population of the United States increased from 226,172,174 to 248,337,047. What was the percent of change?YearTroop ATroop B20101421201116246. The table shows the membership of two Scout troops. a. What is the percent of change in membership from 2010 to 2011 for Troop A? Round to the nearest tenth of a percent, if necessary. b. What is the percent of change in membership from 2010 to 2011 for Troop B? Round to the nearest tenth of a percent, if necessary. 7. Last week 1200 burgers were served at the Burger Barn. This week 1176 burgers were served. What is the percent of change?8. Last month you swam the 50-meter freestyle in 28.38 seconds. Today you swam it in 27.33 seconds. What is your percent of change? Round to the nearest tenth of a percent, if necessary. 9. On June 7th, 270 concert tickets were sold. On June 5th, 216 tickets were sold. Find the percent of change in the number of tickets sold from yesterday to today. 10. The cost to a store for a box of cereal is $2.50. The store is selling the box of cereal for $3.50. What is the percent of markup? ................

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