Classroom Requirements – 8th grade

“The only dreams impossible to reach are the ones you never pursue."

-Michael Deckman

8th grade - Classroom Requirements

Mrs. Garcia, Mrs. Fields, Ms. Robinson, & Mrs. Sutch

Email or eSchool View or lgarcia.aspx or msutch.aspx or cfields.aspx

I. Expectations:

To be a successful student, you must have a positive attitude towards learning and the classroom, take responsibility for your learning and actions, and arrive to class on time with the proper materials.

Your assignments must have the proper heading (see below). You should always take pride in your work and turn in assignments completed to the best of your ability. You hold the key to your own success.

II. Homework:

• You can expect homework approximately 3-4 times per week, sometimes including weekends.

• You may receive partial or half credit if your homework is turned in a day late with a note from a parent.

• There are some assignments (quiz reviews, peer editing, etc.) where partial credit is simply not possible.

• If you fail to turn in an assignment, you will receive a zero.

• The homework will be posted on the blackboard every day. You must copy the homework into your agenda at the beginning of every class. Make this a part of your daily routine.

• Check our eSchool View on a regular basis to keep yourself updated on assignments, receive important information, and to access handouts that are posted there.

• eSchool View website =

*NOTE: The eSchool View is not to be used as a substitute for your agenda. There are days when it may not be updated. You are expected to write down all homework assignments on your own.

III. Projects and Long-Term Assignments:

For each school day a project or long-term assignment is late, you will lose 10% of your overall project grade. (English Department Policy)

IV. Reading Workshop:

You are expected to read 1 book of your choice (as long as it is appropriate for your reading level) outside of class every quarter. You will need to budget your time wisely in order to complete the reading in the allotted time. Journal responses, small group discussions, and oral presentations may be conducted to assess that you have read and comprehended the material.

V. Supplies:

Be sure to have the following materials for class:

• Three-ring binder with 2 labeled dividers:

(1- Reading, 2- Writing/Grammar & Spelling/ Vocab)

• Loose-leaf paper (a constant supply)

• One pocket folder (3-hole punched)

• Three-ring pencil case (2 blue or black pens, pencils, highlighters, and a mini hole puncher that snaps into your binder)

• Two color pens or markers (red, green…) for editing and annotating

• A portable flash drive on which to back up and save your work

• One manila writing folder (to save work in the classroom crates)

• One box of tissues for the classroom (optional, but appreciated)

VI. Computer issues:

All major projects and assignments should be typed unless otherwise noted by your teacher. Therefore, you are expected to plan ahead and arrange to meet this requirement. All CMS students have access to computers each day in the library or in the classroom on extra-help days (Garcia: Tuesdays PM and by appointment; Fields: Wednesday PM and by appointment; Sutch: Thursdays PM and by appointment).

You are also expected to save all written assignments in two places, on the computer and on a back-up drive, to prevent any loss of work. No excuses for lost or missing work will be accepted without a parent’s note of explanation.

VII. Attendance:

All school policies apply. You are responsible for finding time to make up all missed work due to absence in a timely manner. This includes notes, assignments, announcements, etc. Tests and quizzes that are not made up within three days from your return will be recorded as a zero. You must find two classmates that you trust as “homework buddies” and record his or her number in your student planner. When you are absent, you must call your “homework buddy” and obtain the missed materials, notes, and assignments. CHECK OUR eSchool View!

If the student is aware in advance that he or she will be absent on a specific date, please inform the teacher.

VIII. Emergencies:

Email or eSchool View or lgarcia.aspx or msutch.aspx or cfields.aspx

As determined on an individual basis, exceptions to any of the rules above may be made for students when absolutely necessary.

________________________ _________________________

Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature



EXAMPLE - School Heading Format:

Student’s Name Date

Assignment Mrs. Garcia/Fields/Sutch – Per. # ____


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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