Manuscript Format - So, You Want To Write

Workbook Cover

(Same as book cover – insert a copy of your book cover.

Be sure to add “Workbook” to the cover).


Author Name

Credentials / Title / Initials


• These are templates, a starting point to create an exercise or worksheet.

• You are welcome to use these for your own work.

• Add some borders, graphics, photos to enhance the pages.

• Be sure to read all the text and fill in the blanks so the generic text does not appear.

• The footer is optional. Update with your own info if you decide to use it.

Good luck!

Ann McIndoo, the Author’s Coach

(760) 771-8940

Book Title and

Workbook Title are all trademarks of [Author Name].

Book Title Copyright YEAR by [Author Name].

Workbook Title Copyright YEAR by [Author Name].

All rights reserved. No part of this workbook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from [Author Name], except as provided by the United States of America copyright law or in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law.

Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is sincerely appreciated.

Printed in the United States of America.



[Workbook Title]

This Workbook belongs to:

Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

Telephone: _________________________________________________

Cell: _________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Support Information

[YOUR email address]

[YOUR website address]

An Inspirational Quote can be Inserted Here

-- Name of Person

Table of Contents

Introduction X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X

Name of Exercise X


[Insert welcome/introduction content]

Wishing you the best success as you begin the journey of

[YOUR Name]

Get Started Today!

Instructions for . . .

Your information here . . .

Step 1: Your Words Here

1. Your information here

2. Your information here

3. Your information here

4. Your information here

5. Your information here

a. Your information here

b. Your information here

c. Your information here

d. Your information here

Your information here . . .

Step 2: Your Words Here

Your Information here . . .

Step 3: Your Words Here

Your information here . . .

Additional Instructions or Information . . .

Two Single Row Tables

Title of Your Exercise


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Action Items Format

Your Words Here ( Your Words Here ( Your Words Here ( Your Words Here




















Check List

Your words here

(Your words here)

← Your Words

Your instructions . . .

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

← Your Words

Your instructions . . .

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

← Your Words

Your instructions . . .

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

← Your Words

Your instructions . . .

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

← Your Words

Your instructions . . .

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________

□ ____________________________________________________________________________


Your Words Here ( Your Words Here ( Your Words Here

Your Instructions

Your Words

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

Your Words

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

Your Words

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

□ Your Instructions

Content & Questions

With Instructions

Insert Your Instructions here . . .

1. Your Words / Questions

Any additional guidance or information here . . .






2. Your Words / Questions

Any additional guidance or information here . . .






Coupon or Special Commitment

Form with Instructions

Your words here

Instructions: Insert your content here.

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List Format

Your Information here: ____________________________________________

Your Information here: ____________________________________________

1. Your words here



2. Your words here




3. Your words here




4. Your words here



5. Your words here:

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________________________________

Exercise Title

[Insert content here]

Questions / Exercises:

[Insert question/exercise here]


[Insert question/exercise here]



[Insert Testimonials]


Insert your words or instructions:

I will spend ___________ minutes a day,

___________ days a week, on my ___________________________


until I complete the _______________________________________





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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