Lisa Bongean’s Web Blog

Summer Block of the Week 2021This is a strange summer for us at Primitive Gathering. We are in the midst of moving our warehouse as you read this, which means everything is in disarray! For those of you wondering, our Shop will not be moving until Mid-End July. We are going to get our Warehouse set and working before we move the Shop. We want to me Closed for as few days as possible and feel that this is the way to make it work. With that being said, that means our Summer Blocks of the Week are going to be working a little differently this year, they are going to be staggered. What does this mean? This means that the Pieced Cotton Summer Block of the Week is going to be shipping first, it is going to start shipping the week prior to the 4th of July. While the Wool Summer Block of the Week is not going to start to ship until the end of July/beginning of August. One of the reasons we are starting the SBOW Wool so late is because we have to wait on our fabric to come in from Moda. We are told it will be here Mid July, this also give us time to get the Wool Subscription Boxes and the Christmas in July Box out to you before we start to ship the SBOW Wool. This also means that you will have just about 4-6 weeks between the two SBOWs shipping that if you would like to do both SBOWs it will be more feasible to do, because you will have a little more time. We will NOT be having an EPP this year as the quilt that we have chosen requires a lot more time than one could devote weekly. It is an AMAZING quilt and will be getting information to you soon as we are going to be doing it as a Block of the Month. Please read all of the following information carefully and if you have any questions please let us know.General Information on how the SBOWs work:Most of you have done one of our Summer Blocks of the Week with us in the past, we ask all of you to read over the information carefully in case it has changed from the last time that you did this program with us.? Like most of our SBOWS this will be a?12-week commitment from all of you. ?When you sign up for your SBOW, you will need to ask yourself if you would like to pay monthly or pay in full.If you are paying monthly, we will be charging you as soon as you sign up for your first set of blocks for the SBOW Pieced version. If you are signing up for the Wool SBOW, your first charge will come in July. After that your card will be charged on the 10th of each of the following months for the duration of the program.? If you would like to pay in full, you will be charged at the time of purchase, for both SBOWS and this will be for all of the blocks and shipping. If you are paying in full, you will receive a?FREE week as our “Thank You” for only having to run your credit card one time! We have a Pricing section for each project for you to see what each week’s price is so that you can fully understand our pricing of the SBOW.?Weekly paying is ONLY for those that are picking up their blocks in our Shop.?All pricing is without tax.? If you live in Wisconsin, there will be tax added on to your SBOW and items purchased to go along with the SBOW.FRONT PORCH SWING QUIT-PIECED SBOW 90” x 90”Just like last year we have 2 versions of our Pieced SBOW. This year we have the Contemporary (which will be our Neutral tones) and our Scrappy Quilt, both quilts are absolutely stunning so maybe you will want to do both of them as they will have completely different looks. The quilt above is the inspiration for the SBOW this year. This quilt will finish 90”x 90”, each week for 12 weeks you will receive 19 fabrics, for a total of 228 different fabrics. From each of the fabric you will create 3 blocks, there is a total of 675 blocks in the quilt and you will make 57 blocks each week. Don’t let that scare you, they are fun and easy to do and you will have them done in no time each week. The quilt does have an “Essentials” package which is 5 yards of a solid that you will need to purchase, that will be the fabric for the “setting” squares that you see in your blocks. You need to click on the Essentials to put it into your cart, click on all questions and then add to cart. You will not be able to add to cart if you do not answer all of the questions. Front Porch Swing will charge the day that you submit your order, regardless if you are purchasing it monthly or paying in full. If you are paying monthly you will be charged at the time that you make your purchase, and on July 10th and August 10th. We are going to start shipping the last week of June. Contemporary Front Porch Swing Scrappy Front Porch SwingPricing: Shipping includedEssentials: $45 (this is separate from the weekly amount, this is for your “setting” squares)Per Week: $18 ($14.00 (Pick up only)+ $4.00 Shipping)?Paying Monthly: $72.00 (For 3 months)Pay In Full: $198.00 (one week FREE) (this does not include the Essentials)8 yards Backing Fabric: $82.00Wildflower Garden 60” x70”Guess what? We have 2 versions of this SBOW as well! We have a Contemporary and a “controlled” Scrappy version. Both of these versions will be on a white flannel background F1040-74, Lisa is going to be using a Homespun on the back of her quilt so we are going to be offering that as an option if you would like to purchase backing with us. There will be 12 weeks total for Wildflower Garden, weeks 1-10 you will receive the wools to make 2-10” finished blocks to stitch. Weeks 11 and 12 you will be receiving the 2 borders each, meaning that there will be NO finishing kit! We do have thread kits available, however, right now we only know the first few blocks of the scrappy version done. So all we are offering for the Scrappy Version is the green thread that will be used for the stems and the leaves. We will release the rest of the threads as soon as we know what they are. The Contemporary version we have all of the threads available for you to order at once. This does not mean that Lisa might throw one or two out there that she is using, the quilt is not done so you know she might add one or two more that she believes is needed. Wildflower Garden will not be shipping until the end of July. We are waiting on the fabric to come in from Moda, and we are also in the midst of moving. This gives us a little time to get everything set before we have to start shipping. When you place your order if you are paying monthly you will not be charged until the 10 of each of the following months July, August and September. You will be charged right away if you are paying in full or if you are purchasing any threads or backing. You will also be charged for the Essential Package and any extras that you add on to your SBOW. Wildflower Garden Contemporary Wildflower Garden ScrappyPricing: Shipping includedEssentials: $60.00 (this is separate from the weekly amount, this is for your background)Per Week: $24 ($20.00 (Pick up only)+ $4.00 Shipping)?Paying Monthly: $96.00 (For 3 months)Pay In Full: $264.00 (one week FREE) (this does not include the Essentials)4 yards Backing Fabric: $43.00Thread Kit: Contemporary: $33.00#12811 or 053231 or 031 or 891 or JP128123178 or 1391#81Scrappy: $16.50 (threads for leaves and stems only)#128930560 or H202 0575International and Canadian OrdersIn order to keep your shipping costs down when doing the SBOW, we have to do your shipping a little differently. We will ship your first block out the first week of the program. After that we will hold your blocks for a 4-week time period and ship on that fourth week. This allows us to have just enough money in postage to cover our shipping cost to you. If you would like to receive your weekly, please call the Shop and we would be happy to help you, but please know that it will costs us about $10.00 to ship to you weekly. Which means we will need an additional $36.00 from you for shipping it weekly.Will there be a Freebie this Year?We always have Freebie! This year if you are participation in one of our SBOWs, you will automatically be getting one of our Freebies with your Blocks. Even though the SBOWs are being shipped at different time, the Freebie will be the SAME in both of the SBOWs.If you are not participation in our SBOW this year but still would like to receive the Freebie, you will need to make a purchase of $30.00 or more, each week that the SBOW is running. If you miss one they can be purchased for $5.00 a piece.Facebook GroupWe will be having a Facebook Group again this year. This group is absolutely amazing to keep you motivated, to learn new tricks and to see exclusive teachings from Lisa. This year we are planning a few Facebook Live posts for everyone to learn, which will be a lot of fun! PLEASE make sure that you request to join the Group. If you are trying to join and your name is different than what is on your account, please message us to let us know. I can’t let you into the group if you are not signed up. And if you go by Susie Smith on Facebook but you name is Margaret Miller on your account, I am not going to know that it is you….so help me out a little please! Please remember we are moving and in the process of a lot of changes here at Primitive, so if you are not allowed in right away, have no fear we will get you in before the program begins. Please look for these groups on Facebook:SBOW Wool Facebook Name: Wildflower Garden SBOW 2021SBOW Cotton Facebook Name: Front Porch Swing SBOW 2021 ................

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