5 Compliments That Will

 5 Compliments That Will Get Him Addicted To You

Ever wonder what makes some women have men eating out of the palm of their hand?

Ever notice in relationships how some women seem lucky enough to have men who always want to shower them with love and affection?

Why does this happen? Why do some women seem to know how to get inside a man's head in such a way that makes him want to always be the best possible version of himself around her?

The secret is COMPLIMENTS.

I know what you're thinking. "Ugh. Another male dating coach telling us how to mindlessly stroke a man's ego because men just always need women to be their cheerleader."

So let me clear this up: I'm not telling you to mindlessly stroke a guy's ego. As you'll see below, these compliments aren't just about empty flattery. Each compliment has a reason and purpose behind it beyond simply puffing up his self-image.

What's more, these compliments are so effective that rather than just stroke his ego, they are going to make him want to be a better man whenever he's in your presence.

Why Do Guys Get So Seduced By Compliments?

The truth is, everyone loves being complimented.

But when a woman gives a man a genuine, thoughtful compliment, the effect of this praise is essentially doubled.

The reason?

Men live to serve women on a level that men will never admit, and that most women wouldn't believe. When men wear cologne, spend money on a new suit, start a business, run that extra mile to get in shape, work harder than their peers, go out to parties and socialise ? on some level it's all because of a little voice in their heads that says: "Wait till women get a load of me after this!"

On some level, every man has that element of being a little boy and wanting to show off to the girl he likes. What's more, men aren't used to getting compliments half as much as women (which makes it so much more powerful when they hear a unique one). Men will learn to do triple back-flips if they think a woman somewhere will tell him it's sexy afterwards.

Women who don't master the art of great compliments are at a disadvantage. In relationships, the women who keep guys hooked for the long-term are able to make them feel like the best they've ever been. They know how to make a guy feel impressive. Every guy needs to feel impressive. He wants to feel like there's a special reason he's the man you chose.

When you learn how to compliment a guy in the right way, and understand the purpose behind each compliment, you'll begin to understand men on a deeper level than most women ever do. This enables you to use male psychology to your advantage and literally flip his attraction switches whenever you feel like it.

Sounds too good to be true? It's not!

So without further ado, I present to you the FIVE BEST COMPLIMENTS that will make any guy crave your attention and become addicted to you.

*WARNING* Any use of the following material will dramatically increase the amount of available men interested in being around you. Use them wisely!

1. "You're Such A Guy"

Who to use it on? ? Any guy, anywhere.

This one sounds odd at first: Why does telling a guy he's `such a guy' count as a compliment? Isn't it just a fact?

Well, here's the thing: A guy loves the idea of being associated with being a man.

And if you tell him that something he does it "just like a guy", as long as it's in a playful and jocular kind of way, he'll be more attracted to you for knowing that you see him as a man. It also has the benefit of making you seem more feminine, and guys are attracted to femininity.

A good example of how to use this would be if you're ordering food and he orders the meatiest, outrageously big meal on the menu. You can jokingly roll your eyes and be like, "You're such a guy".

You can also do it at the movies when he sees the trailer for a superhero movie and starts geeking out about it. Just have fun with it and make sure you don't pose it as a hard criticism (combine it with a playful tap on his arm for extra points).

2. "I Feel Really Safe Around You"

Who to use it on? A guy with whom you're intimate or currently dating. Staying on the theme of masculinity, guys like to be protective. He's probably been watching Kung Fu and superhero movies all his life, and in his wildest fantasies, he imagines himself single-handedly dispatching of an onslaught of fifty ninjas just to save the woman he loves and have her swooning in his arms. Don't worry, this doesn't mean you need to act like a helpless damsel in distress, or walk around clung to him as though his enormous manly frame is the only thing holding you on two feet. Just say it sweetly when he hugs you, or when your head is on his chest. The beauty of saying this line to a guy is that it's going to make him want to be more of the kind of man who keeps you safe, so the compliment will only make him strive to take care of you better!

3. "I Feel Bad For The Other Women Here Because I Got You"

Who to use it on? ? The man you love This is a POWERFUL compliment, only to be used on someone special and a guy who you know really cares about you. Most people think just because they're in a relationship with someone that they don't need to tell them how special they are. The naivety of people who think this way makes my jaw drop. Once you're in a relationship, this is the best, most important time to build up his self-esteem (after all, he's not getting compliments from other women now). So if you tell him: "I feel bad for the other women here", it's like you're telling him he's the king of the venue, and that's going to make

him feel like a king around you. And guess what? Guys fall in love with women who see them as THAT unique and special.

4. "That Jacket Is Too Sexy On You. Take It Off"

Who to use it on? ? That guy you have sexual chemistry with. This one will sound very direct, especially if you're not used to a lot of flirting, but it's actually pure gold. Here's why: You're not telling him he is sexy. You are telling him the jacket is. You can try variations on this, like: "Oh my god..." then pause, and when he asks "what?" you respond, "...that scarf you have on is so hot" and flash a smile (since this compliment is direct it's good to have a playful vibe when you deliver it). Or you get close to him and say, "That cologne is my favourite on a guy. Well played sir". Notice how with this compliment you are always telling him that something he is wearing or something he owns is sexy. So what he hears is: She thinks it's sexy when I wear this. This will have him hovering around you all night hoping that you'll give him another compliment. Of course, that's for you to decide...

5. "I Love It When You Do (Insert Behaviour/Action)"

One of the best things you can do with a compliment is link it to a specific behaviour a guy has, some small mannerism or way he acts that you especially admire in him. For example, you might say "I love it when you talk about your passion for learning. I love guys who are curious". Or: "I love that you're so direct and always know what you want. It's so sexy when a guy is decisive."


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