Organization - Microsoft

Product Detail TemplateThis document outlines the Content Sections of the Product Detail Template and describes how to use Spider Edit to edit the content of the anizationThis page is the association of a Category, a Product and multiple Pages. 2522855165735To create a page using this template you will first need to create a category and set its Template Id to “Product Detail”.You can then go to the organizer under “Product To Category”, click on your category and add your product to it.It the same pattern for the pages. Once you have created them, you can go to the organizer under “Page To Category”, click on your category and add your pages to it.Product Info TabEditing the content of this tab:-1657353079753533140405130You can refer yourself to the color used on the previous template.19050-88900To have the Spotlight feature appear on your page, you will have to set 2 different properties: Spotlight-image, which will be the url of the image you want to display, and Spotlight-link which will be a link of a page or document.To get the url of an image, you can hover it an a popover will show with it url.Technical Specs TabThe fields displayed on this page are the ones listed on the document called ProductInformationSheetTemplate. If any of those fields are not filled in for the product they won’t show on the page.Editing the content of this tab:16192553975Clicking on the “More Information” link will expand the edit product page and you will find all the fields you need.190500Here is an example of some information showing on the page.-43815024130To add a Caption to the image you need to edit the image. Hover the image on the Images widget on the product page. A popover will show up. Click on edit to edit the image.-50482576835This will bring you to the edit page of the image where you can edit the caption.FAQ TabCreating this hierarchy in the CMS:One way to edit this page is to find it in the organizer inside the category. The name of the page will be the blue title that is displayed on the FAQ tab.190500To categorize the FAQs, you will need to create sub pages using the Sub Pages widget on the page. The name of each sub page will be the red title that is displayed on the FAQ tab.-18554701235710-18757904572635To add faqs to these pages, you’ll need to edit them by clicking on its id and then add Related Pages. Literature References TabEditing the content of this tab:One way to edit this page is to find it in the organizer inside the category. The name of the page will be the name of the tab and the blue title that is displayed on the tab.-2222528575If you don’t want a field to show on the tab, you just need to leave it empty.-97155-252730The name of each sub page will appear on the tab to categorize the assets.-97155142875Related Info TabEditing the content of this tab:On the product page, add documents or link using the assets widget. ................

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