THE ADULTS - Microsoft

“The School of Rock” – Richard Linklater★★★★★(5)I expected a lot from this film, and it delivered well. I expected for that during the film ‘Mr S’ (Dewey or Jack Black) found talent from these pristine children and open a new genre of music to them rather than just classical music. I also expected for the children to have their trials and errors or ups and downs during the movie and then for ‘Mr S’ to teach them on how to deal with that and how to have fun during the process and not to be ashamed of the talent in you!This film is a comedy set in America and is based around rock music. I think what this movie is trying to tell you is to get what you want you have to be creative about it.Dewey is a wannabe rock star with big dreams, Dewey finds himself in urgent need of some cash after getting kicked out of his band. He impersonates a teacher to land a job at the prestigious Horace Green prep school, where he turns his class of straight-A students into a rock group and enters them in the Battle of the Bands. The movie starts of with him doing an “Impressive” what looked to be a 10-minuit solo with his ‘band’ he then stage dives and nobody seems to catch him letting him plant face first into the floor. The camera then zooms out to find him flat-out tired on his bed. Next his ‘best friend’ Ned Scheebly appears and is an old friend of Dewey’s, and the two currently share a flat with Ned’s girlfriend Patti. He used to play in Dewey’s band, but is now a substitute teacher – who Dewey impersonates to get the job at Horace Green. Ned is still passionate about his music, but tends to let his bossy girlfriend Patti tell him what to do. Obviously with Dewey having no stable job he cannot afford the rent that Ned asks him for, his girlfriend Patti complains how he pushes him around the whole time and that if he doesn’t have the rent by the end of the week he will be kicked out! Ned leaves for work and Dewey goes to the band practice hungover and the tell him that he’s been kicked out of the band as they want to try harder to win the battle of the bands. He obviously doesn’t take this in a good way, so he complains and then leaves. At the apartment he receives a phone call for Ned saying that they needed a sub for a few weeks at Horace green prep and he improvises Neds voice on the phone and takes the Job. He quickly runs out the door and drives his beaten-up van and is met with the principle (Rosalie Mullens) is a proper and a bit uptight, Rosalie is the principal of Horace Green School. She has a secret love of rock music, and yearns to recapture the carefree spirit of her youth from the help of Dewey later through the movie. He then is shown to his class and is made right his friends name but is unable to, so he just lets the class call him ‘MR S’. When the principal leaves, he just sits on the chair hungover and asks for food which he gets and doesn’t teach the kids. Summer (Confident and outspoken, Summer is the ideal manager for the band. Ambitious and very clever, she hopes that winning Battle of the Bands will look good on her college application.) a main actor tells him to teach us, but he obliges to that and tells them to have break time. You can then see ‘MR S’ walk around the corridor and hears people playing in a orchestra and see’s that it is his class and it comes to him that he can make a band out of his class, when they arrive back in they come in to see keyboards guitars and much more and asking people if they can play. People begin to play but not like they feel it, so he then over the next few days sets up the band and lets the children loose and not restricted on how they want to play/ what they want to do for the band, they break free from their helicopter parents. Over the movie they become freer in their music and have a good time doing so, in one scene Dewey takes Ms Mullins out for a drink in a rundown bar and he then loosens her and she becomes a bit tipsy. He does this because he wants to take the kids on a ‘educational school trip’ but Ms Mullins knows that is not allowed. When the day comes that they audition for the ‘Battle of the bands’ they missed their time and have to improvise by saying that the children are very sick and want to have this last joy in their life and the judges buy it and let them preform. Their parents then want to know where their children went and bombard Ms Mullins with questions and when they arrive back the children go to their parents and they all find out that his name is Dewey as Ned and his girlfriend arrive, he runs and hides and goes to bed thinking he is a failure. Next day at the Battle of the bands the kids secretly take the bus and get Dewey for the competition, he is impressed that the kids did this, they then get there and the get ready to perform. All the parents rush in scared and so does Ms Mullins but when they see their children preform they are impressed on how well they are, Dewey’s x-band ‘win the concert’ but the audience disagree and they perform a last song that wows the crowd and end up winning. I liked this twist as it added extra momentum to the movie and gave it a very nice finishing, Dewey then sets up a school of rock and the students arrive to learn, and their parents are ok with this idea now and support it! THE ADULTSDEWEY FINNA wannabe rock star with big dreams, Dewey finds himself in urgent need of some cash after getting kicked out of his band. He impersonates a teacher to land a job at the prestigious Horace Green prep school, where he turns his class of straight-A students into a rock group and enters them in the Battle of the Bands.ROSALIE MULLINSProper and a bit uptight, Rosalie is the principal of Horace Green School. She has a secret love of rock music and yearns to recapture the carefree spirit of her youth.NED SCHNEEBLYNed is an old friend of Dewey’s, and the two currently share a flat with Ned’s girlfriend Patti. He used to play in Dewey’s band, but is now a substitute teacher – who Dewey impersonates to get the job at Horace Green. Ned is still passionate about his music but tends to let his bossy girlfriend Patti tell him what to do.PATTI DI MARCONed’s domineering girlfriend, who lives with Ned and Dewey. She calls the shots in their relationship and isn’t too happy about Dewey’s presence in their flat – or his influence on Ned.THE STUDENTSSUMMERConfident and outspoken, Summer is the ideal manager for the band. Ambitious and very clever, she hopes that winning Battle of the Bands will look good on her college application. ZACKZack is the band’s lead guitarist and a talented songwriter. He desperately wants to impress his father, who’s usually too busy with work to take an interest in his family.TOMIKANew girl Tomika is struggling to fit in at Horace Green. She conquers her shyness to reveal her phenomenal singing ability and becomes a lead vocalist alongside Dewey in the band.LAWRENCEAwkward and lacking in confidence, Lawrence is hesitant to attempt something “cool”, like joining a band, but he soon turns out to be a fantastic keyboardist.KATIEQuiet and serious, Katie already played the cello, but switched to bass at Dewey’s suggestion to fill out the band.FREDDIEFreddie loves a bit of rowdiness and noise, making him a great drummer. His own father doesn’t see his ability, constantly belittling his son.MARCY AND SHONELLEQuiet girls with angelic voices, Marcy and Shonelle are the band’s backup singers and dancers.MASONMason is a total whiz with technology, and creates special effects and fantastic lighting designs for the band’s performances using his laptopBILLYFlamboyant and artistic, Billy has a passionate interest in fashion, even though his father wants him to be a footballer like the other men in his family. He designs the band’s costumes.JAMESJames is tough and reliable, making him a good security guard for the band. Mostly, he keeps an out for anyone coming while the band are secretly rehearsing!SOPHIESophie is technically the band’s roadie, but also serves as a backup dancer during performancesSTAGE I think the camera work is really well done in this film as it shows the panoramic effect they use and Shots: Frequently switches to close-ups of teacher to students, putting the focus on whoever is speaking at that moment; pans the room to show entire class reactions. Camera Angles: Eye level; puts teacher on the same level as the students to show they are equal and convey the immaturity of the teacher.Lighting: soft, natural lighting to suggest a clean, orderly, enriching environment for learning in contrast to Black's disrupting character.Sound: natural sounds (no music); students shifting in their desks, creaking of seats, shuffling of teacher's feet and shoes squeaking when walking, sound of teacher chewing, student's whispering. All these sounds enforce this idea of a normal, everyday classroom atmosphere.Shots: Close-ups of teacher and students; more shots from the point of the view of a student looking at the teacher to suggest a figure of authority is present, may also suggest that the focus is no longer just on him and his needs but his students.Camera Angles: Eye level; puts teacher on the same level as the students to show they are equal and convey the immaturity of the teacher.Lighting: soft, natural lighting to suggest a clean, orderly, enriching environment as before.Sound: natural sounds; shuffling of feet, holding the guitar.I liked this film a lot as it showed how Jack came in as a nobody, got into trouble but in the end he came out with a great result and how the kids changed the way he thinks of his talents when he teaches the kids the art of rock and roll, what I disliked about was that something else should’ve happened to the story line like something interesting but overall great movie 10/10 would watch again!My most preferred scene in this movie is when Dewey is handing out ‘Homework’ or rock CDs and is met with Tamika, she says she doesn’t want to be the role she is now but she wants to sing, Dewey asks her to sing so she does and has a really nice voice and Dewey is impressed about this and makes her a lead singer of the band with her talented voice. This scene is rememberable as Tamika looked shy but once she got to know Dewey, she became less shy and really put hers self out there which she should’ve as it gave a great result.I’d recommend this movie to people who like a good easy to follow movie, I say this as the story line of this movie isn’t really descriptive and makes sense throughout. The story line is very simple but very effective on making a point ................

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