|1. |Salary |Rs. 4,000/- per month |Rs. 4,000/- per month |

|2. |Daily Allowance |Rs.400/- the MP have to sign the register except on holidays. |Zero. Given in lieu of expenditure on |

| | | |being out of their place of residence.|

| | | |Similar DA given to all government |

| | | |servants. |

|3. |Other Allowance |Constituency Allowance @ Rs. 8000/- per month and Office Expense |Zero. MPs are expected to incur |

| | |Allowance @ Rs.8,500/- per month, Out of which Rs.2,500/- should |miscellaneous expenses for their |

| | |be for expenses on stationery etc. and Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha |constitutency. In fact they probably |

| | |Secretariat may pay upto Rs. 6000/- per month to the person (s) |spend more than this per month. The |

| | |engaged by the MP for obtaining secretarial assistance. |others are in lieu of actual expenses |

| | | |on PA/ stationary. |

|4 |Telephone |1,00,000 free local calls per annum on both the telephones Delhi |Zero. A necessity for MPs, just like |

| | |and Constituency residence pooled together. Trunk call bills |similar entitlements to senior |

| | |adjusted within the monetary equivalent of the ceiling of |government functionaries. |

| | |1,00,000 local calls per annum. Excess calls made over and above | |

| | |the quota allowed to be adjusted in the next years quota. | |

|5. |Housing |Rent free flats only (including hostel accommodation). If a |Zero. MP has to maintain his original |

| | |Member is allotted bungalow at his request, he shall pay (a) Full|establishment elsewhere. This is more |

| | |normal rent if he is entitled to such accommodation; and (b) Full|like free hostel accommodation and you|

| | |normal rent and a non-entitlement charge of Rs.500/- per month, |do not get to take it in cash, home. |

| | |if he is not so entitled. | |

| | | | |

| | |Rent free furniture upto the monetary celling of Rs.24,000/- for | |

| | |durable furniture | |

| | |and Rs.5,000/- for non-durable furniture. | |

| | | | |

| | |Free Washing of sofa covers and curtains every 3 months. | |

| | | | |

| | |Tiles in bathroom, kitchen wherever demanded by MP. | |

|6. |Water & |25,000 units of electricity per annum 12500 units each on |Zero. Addition to above accommodation.|

| |Electricity |Light/Power meters or pooled together Members who have no power | |

| | |meters installed are allowed 25000 units per annum on light meter| |

| | |and 2,000 kl. of water per annum beginning January every year. | |

|7 |Medical |As available to Grade-I Officers of the Central Government under |Zero. Govt. servants get similar |

| | |CGHS. |facilities. |

|8. |Conveyance Advance|Rs.1,00,000/- on interest as applicable to the Central Government|Zero. Govt. servants get better |

| | |Employees recoverable within a maximum period of 5 years not |facilities. |

| | |extending beyond the tenure of MP. | |

|9. |Pension to ex-MPs |(i) Minimum pension of Rs.2,500/- per month for membership of 4 |This has a positive Net Present Value |

| | |years and Rs.500/- per month for every year in excess of five |to be determined separately in each |

| | |without any maximum celling. |case. |

| | | | |

| | |(ii) Pension to Members with two terms of Lok Sabha and to all | |

| | |the Members of Provisional Parliament (Constituent Assembly). | |

| | |Minimum Rs.2,500/- per month. | |

| | | | |

| | |(iii) (a) In case where the elections are not held due to | |

| | |unforseen circumstances like weather conditions etc., such as in| |

| | |Ladakh in J&K and Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, such period should | |

| | |be counted towards their eligibility period for grant of pension.| |

| | | | |

| | |(b) Where in any General Elections held for the purpose of | |

| | |constituting of a new Lok Sabha, polls were delayed in any | |

| | |Parliamentary Constituency of any part thereof on account of | |

| | |terrorism, Insurgency or public order problem, the delayed period| |

| | |will count for pension purpose at the rate admissible under the | |

| | |law for the time being in force and from the date on whcih the | |

| | |dissolution of such House took place. | |

| | | | |

| | |(iv) Ex-MPs pension allowed irrespective of any other pension | |

| | |without any upper limit on the aggregate. | |

|10. |Pension to the |Rs. 1000/- per month for a period of 5 years from the date of |Very small, almost like that given to |

| |spouse/ dependent |death of MP, to the spouse, if any, or dependent. |Jawans. Best ignored. |

| |of an MP dying in | | |

| |harness. | | |

|11. |Travelling |RAIL One 1st Class + One II Class fare |Zero. No take home cash component. |

| |Allowance | |Govt. officers get similar facilities |

| | |AIR One and one fourth air fare. Also air fare for one |for official duty. |

| | |companion in case of a blind/physically incapacitated MP. | |

| | | | |

| | |STEAMER One and 3/5th of the fare for highest class (without | |

| | |diet). | |

| | | | |

| | |ROAD (i) Rs 6/- per km (ii) Minimum Rs.120/- to/fro from Delhi | |

| | |airport and residence at Delhi. (iii) TA by rail or by road | |

| | |during session/committee meetings for to and fro journeys between| |

| | |usual place of residence/place of duty to the nearest airport | |

| | |even when the places are connected by rail. (iv) TA for air | |

| | |journey (s) during the short interval between two sittings of a | |

| | |Departmental related standing Committee during budget session | |

| | |recess, limited to one air fare + DA for the days of absence. (v)| |

| | |Also admissible for the journey by road by the spouse of a Member| |

| | |when not accompanying the Member. | |

|12. |Travelling |(1) Railway pass for MP for travel in AC 1st Class or Executive |This has some value (only as far as |

| |Facility |Class of any Indian Railway. Spouse can also travel with MP in |spouse is concerned. MP is supposed to|

| | |the same Class. If such journey or part thereof is undertaken by |be doing official duties) depending on|

| | |air from place other than usual place of residence of the Member |how much the spouse uses this. If |

| | |to Delhi and back, to an amount equal to the fare by air for such|spouse flies 10 times at an average of|

| | |journey or part thereof or the amount equal to the Journey |Rs. 5,000 each, it is worth Rs. 50,000|

| | |performed by air from usual place of residence of the Member to |per year. |

| | |Delhi and back whichever is less.(ii) Companion can also travel | |

| | |with MP in AC II tier. (iii) To and fro air travel for the MP | |

| | |from Ladakh for Member and Spouse/companion. (iv) To and fro air | |

| | |travel facility for Member and spouse/companion between the | |

| | |Island and the main land. (v) Thirty-two single air journeys in a| |

| | |year from any place to any other place in India either alone or | |

| | |alongwith spouse or any number of companions or relatives within | |

| | |this ceiling. (vi) Steamer passes for highest class of steamer | |

| | |for MPs and spouse/companion (without diet). (vii) To and fro | |

| | |air travel when the usual place of residence is inaccessible by | |

| | |rail, road or steamer, between the nearest place in his | |

| | |constituency where there is air service and the nearest place | |

| | |having rail service. | |

|13. |Travelling |Ex-MPs alongwith a companion are entitled to free AC two tier |Part of pension benefit. Has “take |

| |facility to ex-MPs|rail travel facility from any place to any other place in India, |home” value in some cases. Should be |

| | |on the basis of an authorisation issued for this purpose by |added to pension and included in NPV |

| | |either Secretariat of Parliament as the case may be. |of pension. |


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