
The ideas in this book are the authors observations and opinions and should not be taken as professional or financial advice. Please consult a professional for actual financial, real estate, and other advice. For legal purposes this book is for informational and entertainment purposes only.

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You will find links throughout this book that will take you to third party websites where you can learn more. In some cases you will be using what's known as an affiliate link to get there. I may earn commissions for sales to some of these affiliate links, but not all. This book also contains other creative ideas on how to finance your own tiny house project. If you'd like to write me a note my email is alex@. Thank you!

Self Published on February 18, 2015

2015 ? Tiny House Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Cover Image ? Julos bigstockphoto #71398993



Introduction Why loans for tiny houses Is a loan right for you? How this book will help

Tiny House Loans Traditional Banks RV Loans Credit Cards Mortgages

Peer to Peer Lending Prosper LendingClub

Fundraising Kickstarter Indiegogo GoFundMe

Traditional Work & Save Cash

Conclusion Thank you Free updates


How This Book Will Help You

This book was put together so that you can figure out if a tiny house loan is right for you. And if so, show you the options on where and how you can get one. When you're done reading you'll know your options in the tiny house loans world as well as whether or not a loan is actually a good option for you or not. Why a tiny house loan? Tiny house loans are useful if you don't have enough money to pay for your tiny house up front. Whether this means paying for your building materials or paying to buy a tiny house that's built for you. If you have a good recent credit history and a pretty decent credit score it's likely that you'll have options in regards to getting a loan for your tiny house project. If that's not the case, and you have bad credit at the moment, one way is to save up the cash to buy materials and build as you go, unless a tiny house builder will finance you which is a possibility in some cases. Another way is to use creative fundraising systems and strategies to raise money for your project if you're willing and open to go that route. The resources you need to get started are in this book. Whatever situation you might be in right now, I encourage you to take a look at the tiny house loan and fundraising resources within these pages and help us spread the word about the tiny house movement by sharing this book with someone you know who might also appreciate it. Thank you,

Alex Pino

What You Learn In This Book About Tiny House Loans

? How to find peer-to-peer tiny house lending and investing opportunities

? How to get approved for a traditional RV loan for your tiny house

? How you can use credit cards to fund your tiny house project with low interest rates

? How to use new credit cards with 0% interest rates to pay for some of your major tiny house materials

? Creative fundraising strategies to get money for your tiny house project even if your credit isn't good

? Traditional methods to finance without loans, build your tiny house yourself, and pay little by little as you do it completely debt-free

Traditional Tiny House Loans

Getting a Traditional RV Loan for Your Tiny House from a Traditional Bank

Yes! You can get traditional banks to finance your tiny house on wheels by applying for a normal RV loan at your local credit union or other banking institution. Just make sure you are buying an RVIA certified tiny house on wheels to make the process as easy as possible. This also makes it really easy to get insurance for your tiny house, too, because it's really just a travel trailer. Tumbleweed Houses and Tennessee Tiny Homes both offer and build RVIA certified tiny homes.

Using Credit Cards to Finance Your Tiny House with Zero Interest?

I normally don't recommend this to anybody. But if you're credit card savvy and have a good credit score (and relatively high income and/or cash), this might be a great option for you!

The strategy is to apply for new credit cards that will give you 0% interest rates for the first several months (up to 18 months!) that you have your card. So as you make minimum monthly payments and pay off the balance before this period is over, you can borrow money using your credit card for free. In some cases, you might even be able to make money doing it because of reward points.

Did you know you can actually use credit cards to your advantage like that? That's why I don't always recommend for people to cut their credit cards because there are ways you can use them to your advantage.

Even if you have a credit card already and it offers reward points you can use it for as many purchases that you normally make already, pay off the full balance every month, and they normally won't charge you any interest. And you can earn reward points. Pretty cool, right?

Zero Interest Credit Cards ? ?


Getting a Normal Mortgage for Your Small House

If you're building a small home on a foundation then you might be able to qualify for a traditional mortgage with your bank. You'll just have to make sure that your house meets local code and zoning requirements.

Another way to get a traditional loan for a small house is to build a guest house on an existing property that already has a home. Guest houses can be built smaller than normal homes in many neighborhoods with city and county approval.

So essentially you can buy a normal home, build a small guest house, and rent out the larger home for income while you live simply in your new small home. Just make sure to do your due diligence and make sure that this is possible in your prospective neighborhood and lot. Do your local research.

Another idea is to have an architect draw you up plans for the lot you want that includes a guest house and a `normal' house and then propose that you will be building the guest house first. Just double check with your local real estate and zoning lawyer to make sure you can do it without issues. I've seen a few cases where this has been done. But yes, eventually you do have to build the normal house which you can later rent or use yourself.

Finally, when getting a mortgage, I recommend using a local credit union so you can get the lowest interest rates and fees on your mortgage.

Next we'll cover un-traditional financing options.

Peer to Peer Tiny House Loans

Using Peer to Peer Loans for Your Tiny House

I love peer-to-peer lending because it allows every day people like you and me to be the bank. Isn't that a cool concept?

It means you can apply for a loan using a peer-to-peer lending service as long as you are in a participating state. And what happens is everyday people can lend you money.

That means your loan comes from up to hundreds of different people. And the interest you pay goes to them. Not a giant, corporate bank. Pretty awesome, isn't it?

It's definitely something that's still relatively new but it's growing! So give it a shot if you want to earn interest by lending to tiny house people or if you want to borrow money from others (instead of from banks) to build your own tiny house.

There are two third party services that I know of that you might be able to use (depending on where you live). I recommend . Find out using the third party affiliate links below.

? Prosper ? LendingClub


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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