WereGarurumon’s Stomach Virus

WereGarurumon’s Stomach Virus

Somehow, Isle the wolf got stuck down the same dark creepy forest that he did the last time he was wandering down the rim of Furtopia. This time, he had a map with him, but it had been damaged during the heavy rains that poured down early in the morning so all the sketches he drew were now smudged and blurry, illegible.

“GAAH!! I know I had to take a turn down this road somewhere…”

Isle unsuccessfully tried to read the map in front of his eyes, but every turn he made only landed him in the same area.

“This is impossible. How do I get lost in a place I’m supposed to get lost in?!”

Isle scratched his head. “Wait…that didn’t come out right…”

The black wolf tripped over a log and landed right into a puddle of mud, ruining the map completely and deleting any chances of finding the town he was desperately searching for. Isle sighed heavily and muttered, “Great.” He stood back up and shook his fur like crazy until all of the mud was gone.

“Okay, I was supposed to make a turn past the creek and cross the log over the chasm full of rabid Cyclonemons…or was it the cavern full of DemiDevimons? Hmm…”

Isle yelped when he felt something hot land on his back and heard someone shout out “BADDA-BOOM!” before hearing raucous laughter. He looked up into a tree and saw a small purple imp laughing wildly on his back while lying on a large branch in the tree.

“What the hell was that?! You could’ve burned my ass cheeks off Impmon!”

“That’s what makes it funny!! Hey, you want a chili dog?” asked Impmon, offering Isle a hot dog smothered in chili and melted cheese.

“Sure, why not—WAIT A MINUTE!!!! You put a stick of dynamite in there didn’t you?!”

Impmon chuckled under his breath. “Maybe…”

“You know what, I’m not even hungry. Can you tell me where the Digimon city is? I’m kinda lost here.”

Impmon took a bite of his hot dog and started talking to Isle with his mouth full.

“Easy! Just go through that cave over there and on the other side is Maytek City. You can’t miss is!”


Impmon sat on the branch still eating his hot dog and watched the wolf enter the dark cave without even considering trying to find out what was inside. As the imp took bite after bite of his meaty hot dog with chili and cheese, he suddenly smiled widely when he heard loud shrieking from inside and ravenous growls and tears. Impmon laughed heartily with food pouring out of his mouth and started rolling around on the branch, at least until he started coughing violently when the food got logged inside his esophagus. He sat back up and started punching his stomach in order to cough out the large hot dog stuck inside his throat. When he finally spat out the hot dog, he started laughing and coughing simultaneously again. In the midst of the chaos, Isle came running out of the cave with a huge tear in his pants and several scratches on his head, panting relentlessly.

“Are you trying to kill me Impmon?!!?” shouted Isle.

“HA HA HA!! Of course not! I could never kill someone who makes me laugh this much!”

“Then why did you lead me into a cave full of…what was in there anyway?”

“Bloodthirsty Armageddemons.” smiled Impmon.

“How’s about you show me the way to Maytek City, or whatever this Digimon town is called?”

“Okay, okay. I guess I’ve had enough fun for one day. Here, have a chili dog!”

Impmon chucked a chili dog at Isle and he took a bite out of it, amazed that it wasn’t a large stick of dynamite or gunpowder.

“You didn’t do anything to this, did you?”

“Um…don’t be surprised if you get a rash later on…”

Isle gulped hard and looked at the hot dog.

“What rash?”

“You’ll see.”

Isle felt a slight burning sensation in his back and started scratching, only to be amazed that the burning began to intensify.

“Impmon, what did you do?”

“Do you really want to know?”

Eventually, Impmon led an itchy Isle to the Digimon city Maytek, where he was once again greeted by a flapping Biyomon.

“Hey Biyomon, what’s up?”

“There’s a big problem with WereGarurumon!”


“No, something worse. We think he’s got some dark virus lying inside his viscera!”


“Apparently the Big Bad Wolf got a case of the flu. He hasn’t been outta bed for the past two days.” Impmon added.

“It’s not even September yet! How do you get the flu in August?” asked Isle.

“He was frozen solid by an IceDevimon and it took us over an hour to thaw him out.” said Biyomon.

“So how’d he get a stomach virus?”

“We’re not sure; we think some worms or some bad germs infiltrated his system when he was frozen. All we know is that WereGarurumon has been sick for a while.”

“Maybe I know what the problem is. You mind guiding me towards his resting area?”

“Of course not. Just—”

“Yeah, I know about the Greymon poop. You don’t have to tell me twice.”

“Actually, it’s MetalGreymon poop.”

“What’s the difference?”

Isle took a step forward and yelped at the top of his lungs, hopping on one foot after planting his foot into hazardous excrement. Impmon was snickering to himself and Biyomon was sighing heavily.


“Glass.” said Biyomon.


After walking down the city road and traveling to a barren hotel, Isle, Biyomon and Impmon went inside and found WereGarurumon lying inside a bed, sweating and breathing heavily while groaning. Isle could easily identify his werewolf-like appearance and his clothing. Unlike his original Garurumon form, WereGarurumon was bipedal and could walk on his two giant feet. He was also huge; his feet extended over the front railing and were hanging in the air.

“Aww…poor WereGarurumon.” said Isle.

“Hmph! Don’t look all that sick to me.” scoffed Impmon.

WereGarurumon sniffled twice before sneezing loudly all over Impmon, blasting a huge trail of snot onto his body.

“…That’s disgusting…”

“I told you I was sick.” said WereGarurumon in a nasally voice before sniffling again.

“Biyomon said you only had a stomach virus.” said Isle.

“It must be spreading throughout his body. He’s getting worse and worse every minute!” said Biyomon.

“Would it really be a bad thing if he perished? At least we won’t have to worry about him stinkin’ up the place after he gets rained on!” joked Impmon.

WereGarurumon responded by sneezing all over Impmon again, coating his body with slimy, snotty muck.

“…I’m goin’ outside.”

“So when did you start feeling your stomach pain?” asked Isle.

“One of those…IceDevimons froze me solid and this black entity crawled into my body in the process.”

“Where did the entity come from?”


WereGarurumon stopped again to cough violently and sniffled before he resumed talking to the black wolf.

“I saw something rise from the ground and seep into my stomach.”

“What part of your stomach?”


“Which part of your stomach did the entity seep into In other words, which part of your torso began to hurt after you were unfrozen?”

“Ergh…my lower intestines.”

Isle smiled widely as he already knew of an easy method of getting rid of the Lycan’s virus and satisfying himself at the same time.

“Perhaps your virus needs a more anal approach?”

“Huh?” asked Biyomon.

“The stomach pain you’re feeling is nothing more than flatus!”

“I’m not flat!”

“No, I mean, it’s flatulence—intestinal gas which is expelled through the rectum.”

“We’re Digimon, not retards. We know what flatulence is.” said Biyomon.

“Maybe the virus is trapped in your colon and has been entangled in some gas bubbles.”

“Then why do I still feel sick?”

“The virus must be activating the strains of data within your body that makes you sick.”

“…There’s a nerve in my gut that makes me sick?”

“Does it matter?! Just fart the damn virus out!”


WereGarurumon sneezed again and gave the wall a nice yellow shade of slimy mucus.

“But I don’t feel anything down there yet!”

“Trust me, you will.” said Isle, smiling.

WereGarurumon rolled over on his side and held his rumbling torso, groaning and panting like his heart was about to explode. Sweat was pouring down his forehead and wetting his nose and maw and more mucus and slime did not cease to stop flowing down his nose and drip onto the floor. The digital Lycan felt massive pain in his bowels that grew more and more each second until the bad feeling went away and zoomed to the rectum. He inhaled sharply before a loud, stinky burst of flatus was expelled from his anus with a loud, trumpeting noise. The wolf passed gas for a full five seconds before he stopped and sighed with relief, sitting back up and breathing at a regular pace.

“Sorry about that Biyomon.”

The flying Digimon caught full wind of WereGarurumon’s smelly backblast and was instantly slammed into the wall, unable to maintain her flapping in the hot wind. Isle on the other hand was taking a massive whiff of the odor with his nostrils wide open, making sure the gassy smell was absorbed and locked into his brain. Isle exhaled and chuckled.

“Nice one. You feelin’ any better?”

“Not really. The sweating seems to have stopped but my nose is still runny.”

WereGarurumon groaned again and grabbed his stomach as it growled again. He proceeded to rip a deep, large fart into the bed he was sitting on while he leaned over, fanning the smell away in Biyomon’s direction.

“Hey, don’t fan it my way!” complained the bird, clutching her beak.

WereGarurumon responded by grunting very hard again until he let out another disgusting malodorous fart that lasted for three seconds. The werewolf sighed and relaxed on the bed while Isle leaned forward and sniffed the air, which was now contaminated with WereGarurumon’s fetid gas.

“Hey, my nose isn’t runny anymore!” he said with a smile on his face.

“Right…well I’m gonna leave you to your…farting. Wanna come with me Isle?”

“No thanks.” said Isle, taking another whiff of the gas.

“I’m perfectly fine right where I am.”

Biyomon quickly opened up the window and flew outside into the clean uncontaminated air, happy to be free of WereGarurumon’s flatulence. Meanwhile, Isle was still busy sniffing the Lycan’s horrible gas.

“This smell doesn’t bother you even a little bit?”

“Of course not!”

“Not…not even a tad bit?”

“Dude, you’re talking to a furry who’s a fan of Digimon and has a fart fetish; I seriously doubt any of your gas could put a dent in my olfactory meter.”

“I hope you’re right, because I’m not gonna stop until I feel better!”

WereGarurumon leaned over and emptied more gas from his rectum. The sound of the bed muffled the noise of it but it didn’t stop the smell from entering the occupants’ noses. WereGarurumon plugged his nose while Isle laughed heartily and basked in the odor.

“Hmm…is there a way to speed this up or loosen my bowels by any chance?”

“Uh, try lying on your stomach or thinking of eating beans until it all just comes out.”


WereGarurumon lied on the bed face down and felt tons and tons of movement in his bowels. The Lycan groaned loudly again until his bowels became live like and earthquake and more gas rushed to his butt hole. WereGarurumon lifted his tail and passed a rough stream of gas that filled the air with the stench of sewage waste and eggs. WereGarurumon let out two more tiny poots before groaning and holding the bed. He started sweating again, but not because he was sick. The werewolf grunted again and rolled over to let out a monstrous blast of foul air that heated the room very quickly.

“Oh, this is good; this is VERY good!”

WereGarurumon laughed heartily and stood on the bed.

“Hey, you wanna see a cool trick I used to do when I was younger?”

WereGarurumon turned around and lifted his tail while making fist. The next thing Isle knew, WereGarurumon launched a deep, but extremely loud gust of sputtering gas right into Isle’s face, chuckling to himself as Isle was knocked over. The Lycan plugged his nose again and fanned the smell away so Isle got another whiff.

“Keep ‘em comin’ big guy!” pleaded Isle.

WereGarurumon leaned over once more with his legs spread wide and his hands formed into fists and grunted with intense effort. Fart after fart started pouring out of his butt, ranging of all smells and sounds. The first two were squeaky and long, but the ones that came afterwards were rambunctious and strong enough to shatter the mirror. The loud ones smelled like burnt cabbage and dog hair, but the squeaky silent ones were thriving of the odor of rotten meat and dirty toilets that had just been used by a camel. Isle could do nothing but laugh hysterically as he inhaled the orange, funky fumes.

“HEY!! Whatcha doin’ in there?!” asked Impmon, knocking on the door.

“SSH! I got a nice prank we can play on Impmon…” whispered Isle.

Isle chucked a bucket to WereGarurumon and gestured him to plant his anus on the bucket and sit on it like a toilet seat. WereGarurumon chuckled and did so, before releasing a tremendous fart and sighing contently, making sure it was wet and odorous. Isle quickly sealed the bucket with the top and opened the door for Impmon.

“Damn, it stinks in here! What was you guys doin’, barking spiders?!”


“I see you’re all better hairball. Whoop-dee-friggin’-doo.” said Impmon, unenthusiastically.

“Hey, if it wasn’t for you, I never would’ve gotten better! Why don’t you accept this as a gift?” said WereGarurumon, handing the imp the bucket.

“What’s in it?”

“Why don’t you sniff it and find out?”

“You guys made me cookies or somethin’?”

Impmon opened the bucket and stuck his head inside, taking a huge whiff. He gagged loudly with his mouth shut as his face turned green and looked at WereGarurumon and Isle as though he were about to throw up. The tiny purple imp fell backwards and passed out, losing consciousness from WereGarurumon’s noxious backblast.

“That’s the last time you feed me a chili dog that gives me a rash!!”

WereGarurumon and Isle were walking through the edges of Maytek City reminiscing on their past events.

“Thanks Isle. Because of you I’m healthier than a horse and now I know what to do whenever I get sick again!”

“No problem. Honestly, I thought it wouldn’t work…”

“And now, I know the best way to get revenge on the viral Digimon that plague our land.”

“Is that why you brought a can of gasoline and matches with you?”


“Well, I hope you have fun doin’ whatever you’re about to do. I’m gonna go head back to Furtopia. …It’s that way right?”

“Yeah, to the left past that log. Come back soon!”

“I will!!” vowed Isle.

WereGarurumon started whistling nonchalantly as he poured a can of gasoline down into a frozen, icy cave. He then lit a match and turned around, placing the fiery stick of wood near his butt.


WereGarurumon lifted his leg and farted onto the match. The amount of methane and hydrogen-sulfide contained in the fart was enough to blast a stream of fire onto the trail of gasoline, igniting the cave on fire. The Lycan turned around and smiled deviously, waiting to hear the icy, blood-curdling screams. It turns out the cave was the base of operations for a team of evil IceDevimons, all of whom were plotting on encasing Maytek City in a cold prison of ice and snow. WereGarurumon couldn’t help but veer his head back and laugh till his sides began to hurt.

“Help…someone…Digimon down!” moaned an IceDevimon.

The werewolf bent over to grab the wounded IceDevimon’s hand as he crawled out of the cave, but at the last second, he turned around and farted in his chilled face. The IceDevimon was so appalled by the stench, he ran back inside the burning cave just so he wouldn’t smell it.

WereGarurumon sighed with victory and walked away, feeling happy as a clam.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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