Pre-AP Biology Lab – Blood Typing and Transfusions

BIOL 2402: Blood Typing and Transfusions

Lab Procedure Information


• Blood samples:

o W

o X

o Y

o Z

• Anti-A serum

• Anti-B serum

• Anti-Rh serum

• 4 plastic blood typing slides

• Wax pencil


1. Use the wax pencil to label the blood typing slides with the letters W-Z. It is EXTREMELY important for ID purposes that the samples NOT get mixed up.


2. On slide #1:

a. In well A, place 2 drops of W’s blood and 1 drop of Anti-A serum

b. In well B, place 2 drops of W’s blood and 1 drop of Anti-B serum

c. In well Rh, place 2 drops of W’s blood and 1 drop of Anti-Rh serum

d. Mix the drops by gently but quickly sliding (wiggle it!) the plate back and forth.

e. Let the slides sit for about 30 seconds-1 minute so your reactions will be visible. The reactions may take some time to occur so do not interpret your results at until all of the blood samples have been prepared.

3. Complete step #2 on a separate slide for each of the remaining patients’ blood samples.

4. When all 4 slides have been prepared – interpret & record your results. HINT: You should have all 4 blood types used once and only once.

a. Observe your slide for the agglutination reactions:

i. If the liquid stays transparent = no reaction

ii. If the liquid gets cloudy/clumpy = reaction

iii. Try placing the slide on top of the text of this paper if you are not sure – If you cannot read clearly through the liquid, then you have a reaction.

b. Identify the positive reactions and fill in the first 3 columns on Data Table #1.

5. Read Part I of your Background Information and complete the last column on Data Table #1. Then verify your results with me.

6. Do NOT rinse off the slides until you have verified your Data Table #1 results with me.

7. When you have verified your results with me, then CAREFULLY rinse off the slides and dry them with a paper towel. Clean out any residue that is left.

Part I - Background Information: Blood Typing & Transfusion Reactions

1. ANTIGENS (A & B & Rh) are the cellular ID cards on the red blood cells that identify what type the blood is.

2. ANTIBODIES (ANTI-A & ANTI-B & ANTI-Rh) are the security forces in the blood plasma produced by the B-cells. They will recognize and attack any ANTIGEN (A & B & Rh) that is not present on the red blood cells that belong to that particular blood type.

3. ANTIBODIES will attack foreign ANTIGENS and cause the foreign blood to clump up (aka. AGGLUTINATE). This is what can cause a TRANSFUSION REACTION if you receive the wrong blood type.

a. Your ANTIBODIES will attack the foreign ANTIGENS and cause the donated blood to AGGLUTINATE which causes you major problems.

b. The combination of ANTIGENS and ANTIBODIES present determine the ability to donate to or receive from other blood types.

4. In order to type a person’s blood, we are creating a FAKE transfusion reaction.

a. The ANTI-A SERA is composed of the ANTI-A antibodies. It will attack any RBC that has an A-ANTIGEN on it and cause agglutination to happen.

b. If we see agglutination happening with ANTI-A sera, that tells us that an A-antigen is present on those RBCs.

c. Same concept for ANTI-B sera and ANTI-Rh sera.

Complete Data Table 1 and check results with me.

Review your SS and complete Data Table 2. Then answer lab questions #1-6.

Part II - Background Information: ABO system Blood Types & Inheritance

1. We have a gene for our ABO blood type with two forms called alleles. The A allele and the B allele are codominant with each other. The O allele (which represents the absence of A or B form) is recessive to both A and B alleles.

2. Remember that you receive one allele from each parent.






3. The additional Rh factor is inherited on a separate gene. It is also located on the red blood cells.

4. Rh + means that you have the antigen (cellular ID card) while Rh – means that you do not have the antigen. Rh + is dominant over Rh -.

5. The combination of the ABO and Rh factors allow us to discuss blood types such as Type A+ or Type A-.


|Rh+ |++ or + - |

|Rh- |- - |

Pre Lab – Blood Groups and Transfusions

Name: _________________________________________

Section 1: Go to the link on my webpage: Virtual Blood Typing Lab

1. Follow the instructions to complete the lab.

2. Print out your lab notebook & staple to the back of your Lab Sheet.

Section 2:

Use your notes to answer the following questions. You will need this information to complete your lab questions and study for your quiz & test. You will be asked questions directly from this info as well as application questions such as you will have in lab.

1. Blood Groups section: On the surface of erythrocytes are the __________________ - glycoproteins necessary for cellular recognition. The combination of these cellular ID cards determines your blood type.

2. The “recognizers” of these cellular ID cards are called __________________. They are located in the blood ________________ and will act against any foreign antigens not located on your own blood cells.

3. Complete the chart

|Blood type |RBC antigens present |Plasma antibodies (agglutinin)|

| |(agglutinogens) |present |

|A | | |

|B | | |

|AB | | |

|O | | |

IMPORTANT NOTE: Antigens are referred to a simply A-antigen or B-antigen while antibodies are referred to as Anti-A or Anti-B.

4. Rh factor section. Complete the chart.

|Blood Type |Antigens on RBC |Antibodies in Plasma |Can receive from |Can donate to |

|Rh + | | | | |

|Rh - | | | | |

5. There is a less severe transfusion reaction for just an Rh factor mismatch but _____________________ of the donor RBCs can happen although usually not until the _________ transfusion due to the body’s reaction time to produce extra antibodies.

6. SPECIAL CASE OF TRANSFUSION REACTION: Erythroblastosis fetalis (hemolytic disease of the newborn) only occurs if the following conditions apply to the pregnancy:

a. An Rh ___ woman is carrying an Rh ___ baby. If you are an Rh positive woman this will never be a possibility in your life.

b. There has been maternal blood contact with fetal blood due to: _________________ ____________________________________________________________

c. Usually the first pregnancy is okay but the next time her maternal __________________ will cross through the placenta and destroy the baby’s RBCs.

d. This hemolysis of the baby’s RBCs causes oxygen deprivation to the baby typically resulting in death.

e. The prevention for this is a _________________ shot which tricks the mom’s blood into thinking it is positive so it won’t become sensitized to the baby’s blood and produce antibodies that may harm either this baby or the next one.

7. Transfusion section:

a. What must be done before a whole blood transfusion can be given?

b. Why must this be done?

8. Agglutination of the foreign (donated) RBCs happen when mismatched antigens on the donor blood cells are attacked by the __________________ in the recipient’s plasma

9. Discuss a transfusion reaction.

a. Agglutination of foreign RBCs can cause clots that __________________________ which can reduce blood flow which cuts off oxygen to surrounding tissue causing tissue ischemia and death.

b. The RBCs in these clots can lyse which releases ______________________ into blood increasing blood viscosity while reducing ___________________ capacity.

c. Clots can also block _______________________________ which will cause organ failure.

d. Symptoms of a transfusion reaction may occur during or right after a mismatched transfusion. What are some of the symptoms of a reaction?

e. List two of the main treatments.

10. Complete the chart.

|Blood Type |Antigens on RBC |Antibodies in Plasma |Can receive from |Can donate to |

|Type A | | | | |

|Type B | | | | |

|Type AB | | | | |

|Type O | | | | |

11. Which blood type is the universal recipient? __________________ . Explain in terms of antigens & antibodies why this blood type can receive from any other blood type.

12. Which blood type is the universal donor? ___________________. Explain in terms of antigens & antibodies why this blood type can donate to any other blood type.

Labsheet: Simulated Blood Typing

Name: ______________________________

Part I: Blood Typing

Data Table 1: place a check for each positive reaction, leave blank if no reaction

|Sample |Anti-A serum |Anti-B serum |Anti-Rh serum |BLOOD TYPE incl. Rh factor |

|W | | | | |

|X | | | | |

|Y | | | | |

|Z | | | | |

Part II: Transfusions & Reactions

Data Table 2: review the info from your SS and complete the chart: List each blood type individually.


|A | | |

|B | | |

|AB | | |

|O | | |

|Rh+ | | |

|Rh- | | |

Read Part I of Background Information

Lab Questions: Use both ABO blood groups and Rh blood groups for #1-6

1. Regarding Sample W:

a. What antigens are present on the red blood cells? _____________________

b. What antibodies are present in the plasma? ____________________________

c. Which of your other patients could W receive a blood transfusion from? _______________________________________________________

d. Which of your other patients could W donate blood to? _______________________________________________________

2. Regarding Sample X:

a. What antigens are present on the red blood cells? _____________________

b. What antibodies are present in the plasma? ____________________________

c. Which of your other patients could X receive a blood transfusion from? _______________________________________________________

d. Which of your other patients could X donate blood to? _______________________________________________________

3. Regarding Sample Y:

a. What antigens are present on the red blood cells? _____________________

b. What antibodies are present in the plasma? ____________________________

c. Which of your other patients could Y receive a blood transfusion from? _______________________________________________________

d. Which of your other patients could Y donate blood to? _______________________________________________________

4. Regarding Sample Z:

a. What antigens are present on the red blood cells? _______________

b. What antibodies are present in the plasma? ____________________________

c. Which of your other patients could Z receive a blood transfusion from? _______________________________________________________

d. Which of your other patients could Z donate blood to? _______________________________________________________

Transfusion Questions

5. What would happen if Patient W received a transfusion from Patient Y? Explain in specific terms of antigens & antibodies.

6. What would happen if Patient Y received a transfusion from Patient W? Explain in specific terms of antigens & antibodies.

Read Part II of Background information and answer the following Inheritance questions

7. Could a type O child who has a type A mother also have a type A father? State yes or no AND then prove your answer with a Punnett Square using only the ABO system (not Rh factors)


8. Using only the Rh factors: if Patient X married Patient W, what would be ALL the possible blood types of their children? This will require 2 Punnett Squares. List out the possibilities and their % for each square.

[pic] [pic]

The Case of the Baby Mix-up

Problem: Four newborn babies in the delivery of the local hospital at the same time were mixed up by the person who typed the identification wristbands. Your job is to find out which baby belongs to which set of parents.

The hospital has determined the blood types of the 4 babies.

Baby #1 = Type AB

Baby #2 = Type A

Baby #3 = Type O

Baby #4 = Type B

The blood types of the parents were also determined. Complete the Punnett Squares to determine all possible genotypes of babies that each pair of parents could have had.

Parents #5 = blood types O and AB


Parents #6 = blood types AB and B



Parents #7 = blood types O and O


Parents #8 = blood types O and A



Use the process of elimination to determine which baby belongs to which set of parents.

Baby #1 belongs to parents _____

Baby #2 belongs to parents _____

Baby #3 belongs to parents _____

Baby #4 belongs to parents _____


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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