
Mr. Goto

Senior Government


Presidential Trading Cards #1 (Tu. 2/17/04)

State Standard:

2SS-P5. Analyze the structure, powers, and roles of the executive branch of the United States.

Objectives and Expectations for Learning:

Students will learn about eight Presidents of the United States.

Anticipatory Set:

Grade the tests from Chapter 2.

Introduce project using old sports cards…

Who in class collects sports cards?

What is usually on the back of the cards? Which cards are worth the most, of who?

Share the qualifications of a sports person

How do the people on those cards relate to those who are important in society?

How about those who run our country?

Why did we have school off yesterday?

Compare the qualifications of a president to those of sports figures.

Direct Instruction:

Information for the day will be researched by the students on ten presidents of their choice for the Presidential Trading Cards project. Students will research the presidents using resources available in class (Textbooks pg. 318, other readings, World History books).

Guided Practice:

Teacher will walk around the class monitoring progress as well as keeping class on task.


Students will present two of the cards at the end of the next class period.

Reminder: Chapter 2 Test makeup's TODAY 3:00

Summative Assessment:

Student's cards will be collected for points.


INTRODUCE ASSIGNMENT – use old basketball cards

Who in class collects sports cards?

What is usually on the back of the cards?

Which cards are worth the most, of who?

-Compare a bad player vs. a good one

What does it take to become one of these people?


NBA- high school (Kevin Garnet, LeBron James, Jermaine O'Neil)

NFL- three years out of High School

Marice Clarrett appealed and won, two years

What were his reasons?

MLB- high school (Chipper Jones)

-Just have to be worth the risk, ex. Nelly

How important are these people to society?

How about those who run our country?

Why did we have school off yesterday?

Who does it take to become a president?

President- Article II

Natural born US citizen

35 years old

Must have spent 14 years of their life in the United States

Who has a bigger responsibility to the public?

Who has the larger salary?

Honor presidents like sports stars by creating our own PRESIDENTIAL TRADING CARDS

Students will create trading cards for Eight US presidents

Must include:

What kind of information do you find on the back of a sports card?

What kind of information would you expect to find on the back of a President's card?

Year of Birth

State of Birth

Years in office / How many terms

Political Party

Wife / Family / Pets

Previous Jobs

Famous for anything

US events during their term

Picture of the President


-Use Index for other information, pictures, and events they were involved in


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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