Drawing Graphs Using Excel - Chcam's Blog

Drawing Graphs Using Excel

2. Drawing a Curved Graph

Worksheet 3 – Drawing the graph of y = x2 + 4x – 5, (-7 ≤ x ≤ 0).

1. Change the column width to size 5 (optional).

2. In A3 type x.

3. In B3 type -7.

4. In C3 type =B3+0.5 and press ‘Enter’.

5. Copy and drag (or paste) to P3.

6. Highlight A3 to P3. Click on ‘Formulas’ – Go to ‘Defined Names’ and select ‘Create from Selection’ – Click ‘Left column’ and select ‘OK’.

7. In A4 type y = x2 + 4x – 5. (Note: To change 2 into 2 – Highlight 2 and Right click ‘Format Cells’ – Select ‘Superscript’ and click ‘OK’).

8. In B4 type =x^2+4*x-5 and press ‘Enter’.

9. Copy and drag (or paste) to P4.

10. Highlight A3 to P4 and click on ‘Borders’. Choose the desired border.

11. With cells A3 to P4 highlighted, click on ‘Insert’ – Go to ‘Charts’ and select ‘Scatter’ choosing ‘Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers’ (2nd icon from top right). You are supposed to obtain the graph of y = x2 + 4x – 5. To remove ‘Legend’, right click on it and select ‘Delete’.

12. To write the Chart Title, click on the Chart Area and select ‘Layout’. Go to ‘Labels’ in order to select ‘Chart Title’ and choose the desired layout (Eg. ‘Above Chart’). Type in the equation of the graph.

13. To label the x-axis and y-axis, click on the Chart Area and select ‘Layout’. Go to ‘Labels’ in order to select ‘Axis Titles’ and choose:

(a) ‘Primary Horizontal Axis Title’ for labelling the x-axis. (Select ‘Title Below Axis’).

(b) ‘Primary Vertical Axis Title’ for labelling the y-axis. (Select either ‘Horizontal or Vertical Title’).

14. To change 2 into 2 in the Chart Title, click on y = x2 + 4x – 5. Highlight 2 and right click to choose ‘Font’ in order to select ‘Superscript’.

15. To add Major or Minor Gridlines, right click on the values found on the respective axes (either x-axis or y-axis) and select the desired Gridlines (whether Major or Minor: Eg. Select ‘Add Major Gridlines’).

Homework: Using Excel, draw the graph of y = x2 – 3x + 12, (-1 ≤ x ≤ 5) at half – unit intervals of x.

Drawing Graphs Using Excel

3. Drawing Intersecting Graphs

Worksheet 4 – Drawing the graphs of y = 5 + 3x - x2 and y = 1/3 x – 1, (-2 ≤ x ≤ 5).

1. Change the column width to size 5 (optional).

2. From B2 set up a table for y = 5 + 3x - x2 for -2 ≤ x ≤ 5 at unit intervals of x.

3. From B4 set up a table for y = 1/3 x – 1, using the same x values.

4. Apply borders.

5. Highlight B2 to J5.

6. With cells B2 to J5 highlighted, click on ‘Insert’ – Go to ‘Charts’ and select ‘Scatter’ choosing ‘Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers’ (2nd icon from top right). You are supposed to obtain the graphs of y = 5 + 3x - x2 and y = 1/3 x – 1. To remove ‘Legend’, right click on it and select ‘Delete’.

7. To write the Chart Title, click on the Chart Area and select ‘Layout’. Go to ‘Labels’ in order to select ‘Chart Title’ and choose the desired layout (Eg. ‘Above Chart’). Type in the equations of the graphs.

8. To change 2 into 2 in the Chart Title, click on y = 5 + 3x - x2. Highlight 2 and right click to choose ‘Font’ in order to select ‘Superscript’. The same procedure is carried out for y = 1/3 x – 1 in order present the fraction (i.e. the gradient) 1/3 as 1/3.

9. To label the x-axis and y-axis, click on the Chart Area and select ‘Layout’. Go to ‘Labels’ in order to select ‘Axis Titles’ and choose:

(a) ‘Primary Horizontal Axis Title’ for labelling the x-axis. (Select ‘Title Below Axis’).

(b) ‘Primary Vertical Axis Title’ for labelling the y-axis. (Select either ‘Horizontal or Vertical Title’).

10. To add Major or Minor Gridlines, right click on the values found on the respective axes (either x-axis or y-axis) and select the desired Gridlines (whether Major or Minor: Eg. Select ‘Add Major Gridlines’).

11. Discuss and comment about the point(s) of the intersection of the two graphs.

Homework: Using Excel, draw the graph of y = x2 – 3x – 2 and y = 1 + 4x, (-2 ≤ x ≤ 5) at unit intervals of x. Do the graphs intersect? If yes, where?

Drawing Graphs Using Excel

4. Drawing a Cubic Graph

Worksheet 5 – Drawing the graphs of y = 4(x3 - x2 – 6x) and y = 5(4 – x), (-3 ≤ x ≤ 4).

1. Change the column width to size 5 (optional).

2. From B2 set up a table for y = 4(x3 - x2 – 6x) for -3 ≤ x ≤ 4 at half - unit intervals of x.

3. From B4 set up a table for y = 5(4 – x), using the same x values.

4. Complete the graphs as in the previous worksheets.

5. Discuss and comment about the point(s) of the intersection of the two graphs.

6. Use your graph to find the range of value(s) of x for which 4(x3 - x2 – 6x) < 5(4 – x).

Homework: Using Excel, draw the graph of y = (x + 1)(x – 1)(x – 3), using -2 ≤ x ≤ 4 at half - unit intervals of x.

Drawing Graphs Using Excel

5. Drawing a Graph of a/x

Worksheet 6 – Drawing the graph of y = a/x where a = 8.

|A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N | |1 |x |-6 |-5 |-4 |-3 |-2 |-1 | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 | |2 |y = 8/x |1.3 |-1.6 |-2 |-2.7 |-4 |-8 | |8 |4 |2.7 |2 |1.6 |1.3 | |

1. If I type x in cell A1 and -6 in cell B1, what should be typed in cell C1?

2. If I type 1 in cell I1, what should be typed in cell C1?

3. Note that cell H is left blank in order to avoid the joining of the co-ordinates when the x value comes close to zero (Remember that any number divided by a zero value is infinite or infinity).

4. Using Excel, draw the graph of y = 8/x for the given range of values of x found in the table above.

5. How many lines of symmetry does this graph have?

Homework: Using Excel, draw the graph of y = – 8/x using the same range of values of x.


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