
Supervisor: Rev. Jill Rasmussen-Baker, ACPE Associate Supervisor

Unit Dates: November 7, 2011 – April 16, 2012

Type of Unit: Extended

NOTE TO STUDENT: You will be evaluating yourself on your progress in two focus areas: 1) Your own learning goals; 2) The nine outcomes of Level I CPE. Be specific in your writing. For example, don't simply say, "I learned a lot about myself this unit." Be specific about what you learned; give examples, illustrations, etc. to support your descriptions and evaluations. Likewise, if you have improved in your ability to assess your strengths and weaknesses in ministry, don't just say that; describe your strength and weaknesses.

1. INTRODUCTION - Include here personal information about yourself, such as your reason for taking CPE, faith group/denomination, seminary, etc. Include your ministry context (e.g., hospital unit(s), congregation) and preceptor. Include any other information you think would be helpful.

2. LEARNING GOALS - What were they? Why did you choose each? Describe your learning process and progress for each goal.

3. OUTCOMES FOR LEVEL I CPE - For each outcome below, describe your learning process and progress, describing any particular issues that arose for you.

Pastoral Formation

311.1 Articulate the central themes of their religious heritage and the theological understanding that informs their ministry. (What theological themes are most important for you in ministry? How have your religious heritage and denominational affiliation influenced your formation as a minister? How might these help you in ministry? How might they sometimes hinder your ministry? Give examples from your ministry practice during this CPE unit.)

311.2 Identify and discuss major life events, relationships and cultural contexts that influence personal identity as expressed in pastoral functioning. (Describe briefly what you have learned about those people, events, and intra- and inter-personal dynamics which have most influenced and shaped you as a person. What are the significant personal issues/dynamics which affect/enhance/limit your pastoral functioning? Tell about a time when such self-awareness has impacted your ministry.)

311.3 Initiate peer group and supervisory consultation and receive critique about one’s ministry practice. (Describe your relationships with each of your peers. Give examples of how you invited your peers’ and your supervisor’s critique about your ministry practice. How easy or difficult was this to do? Reflect on the significance, both positive and negative, of these relationships for your learning.)

Pastoral Competence

311.4 Risk offering appropriate and timely critique. (Describe your ability to risk offering appropriate and timely critique to your peers. How did you grow and improve in offering open and honest feedback over the course of the program?)

311.5 Recognize relational dynamics within group contexts. (Describe what you found to be the most helpful learnings regarding group dynamics and relationships within groups. How has the group evolved over the course of the unit? How have you changed as a member of the group? What did you learn about your strengths and weaknesses as a group member? Give examples.)

311.6 Demonstrate integration of conceptual understandings presented in the curriculum into pastoral practice. (Give examples of concepts that you learned about in CPE, and describe how you have begun to integrate them into your pastoral practice. Give examples from your ministry.)

311.7 Initiate helping relationships within and across diverse populations. (Describe the ways in which you initiated helping relationships during CPE. How hard or easy was this for you to do? What were the situations in which such initiation was difficult?)

Pastoral Reflection

311.8 Use the clinical methods of learning to achieve their educational goals. (What is your understanding of the clinical method of learning? How did you utilize it? How easy or challenging was utilizing this method of learning for you? How did you use it to achieve your educational goals?)

311.9 Formulate clear and specific goals for continuing pastoral formation with reference to personal strengths and weaknesses. (Describe your personal strengths and weaknesses you learned about in this CPE unit. Given those, what are your specific goals for continuing your growth in ministry in the future?)

4. Discuss your relationship with your supervisor.

5. Additional comments, if any.

I have read and discussed this evaluation with my supervisor.

Student ______________________________________________ Date ____________________

Primary supervisor _____________________________________ Date ____________________

Final self-eval CPE Level I - revised 12/2011




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