Signature Assignment:Classroom Management Plan Barbara GonzalezITL 530 Professor Becky Goldfinch February 3, 2019AbstractClassroom management was examined, and resources were analyzed to generate and create an effective classroom management plan. To be an effective teacher it is important that a classroom management plan is developed and then implemented in the classroom all year long. A well-developed management plan, describes classroom procedures, techniques, strategies, and solutions. A well-managed class begins with preparation and a good management plan. In this paper we will discuss my classroom management plan that has been created for my future classroom. By the end of this paper, we will have a better understanding of classroom management and I will have a clear vision of the plan that I have for my future classroom and it fits my goals as a teacher. IntroductionClassroom management is the foundation to a successful and effective learning environment where students and the teacher can have an environment that will allow them to learn and accomplish their goals (Wang & Wang, 2018). A classroom management plan brings together the teacher’s expectations, strategies, procedures, routines, and goals to create a safe environment where learning can take place; it is the main component of an educational setting (Wang &Wang, 27, 2018). Without classroom management the teacher will not be prepared to deal with difficult situations that may arise in the classroom. It helps teachers develop a plan where they can utilize engaging curriculum, differentiation of instructions, equal opportunity of participation, and interesting subjects to prevent behavior problems that may create an unsafe environment for the teacher and the students. Having the right learning environment for all students, is a mayor part of teaching and my main goal as a future teacher. This can only be achieved by implementing good classroom management plan where students and teachers are prepared and free of distractions. A classroom management plan is important to me because it will help me accomplish my goals as a teacher. I want to offer my students a safe and engaging environment where they can feel comfortable enough to share their ideas, interact with one another and with me; but most importantly I want to be able to offer an environment where my students know that they can trust me and where each of them can have an equal opportunity to learn. I want to encourage my students to respect themselves and others and to be fair and I want them to understand that in my classroom they can grow, not only as student but as a person. I want to encourage collaboration and challenge them academically. In my classroom, I want to be a role model for my students and be as fair as possible so that I can become a person that they can trust. The main purpose of my classroom management plan will be to create stability for my students, routines, consistency, and a culture where they can gain success and academic excellence. Classroom management is not the same thing as discipline, instead discipline is a response to lack of classroom management (Wang & Wang, 2018) I think that when students don’t understand the expectations that the teacher has for them as students and where there is a lack an understanding of classroom procedures then that is when behavioral problems arise. I believe that discipline has a greater focus on how students behave and how we can control that behavior; while classroom management is focused on making sure that students do their work and developing a plan so that we as teachers can make sure that students remain productive and engaged in their academics so that they can achieve success. I want my classroom to be a place where students can feel comfortable and I want to be able to work with them in all situations, where none of them feel pressured or forced to do anything. I want my students to take part in their educations and that each of them feels motivated, remains involved, interested and engaged in the lesson. To do this I pledge to have a positive attitude and to remain patient during difficult times and try to always remember that an effective teacher begins with an effective plan. Rules and ProceduresRules and procedures will be implemented and discussed since the very first day of school. I will make sure that my students understand the classroom rules, procedures, and classroom expectation and that they become familiar with them the first week of school so that they can be ready to learn. I will use visual aids, modeling, and verbal instruction when introducing and discussing the rules and procedures with my students and also provide them with a hard copy of the most important rules and procedures; this will ensure that different learning styles are targeted and ensure that all my students can understand classroom guidelines. I want my students to really get to know the classroom rules and procedures so that they can have a good day and be ready to learn; so to do this I will go over each of the procedures and rules each day of the first week, again and again, so that by the end of the week most of the students will know what to do, when to do it, and how each procedure should look like (Wong &Wong, p. 31, 2018). I will have outlines set for entering the classroom, getting the teacher’s attention, pencil procedure, moving in the class, dismissal, a cleaning procedure, an emergency procedure, and a procedure for turning in assignments. To motivate my students to participate in class and to help them learn to remain accountable to follow the classroom rules and expectations, I will have students come up and model some of the procedures for the rest of the class. I think this will give them an opportunity to practice the procedures and also to become more familiar as to what they need to do. I want my students to be familiar with the classroom procedures and make sure that they are always reminded of them; I will always have the procedures as well as the daily agenda in the board, so that they always remain visible. To make sure that students know where to find the classroom rules, I will have them tape the most important rules and procedures to their desk. This way they can each have a copy and there is no excuse as to why the rules are not being followed (Wang & Wang, 2018). I will also let students participate in the establishment of procedures by letting them help me create posters that we can put up around the class. I think this is a good strategy because as they create the posters, they will get the chance to become more familiar with the procedures. My morning routine would be to greet every student with a smile and with a hug. Each week, aside from me, I will also have a student greeter that will wait in the door with me and welcome the students to class. I think that this is a greet routine to help my students develop a good and respectful relationship with each other. As they come in, students will be expected to take out everything they need for the day and then place their backpacks in the back of the room; students will not be allowed to go back into their backpack until their break time. A really good strategy that I learned during my observation and that I will be utilizing in my class when it comes to establishing rules and procedures is to provide my students with their own agendas where each day they can write down their classroom expectations and what we will have scheduled each day; this way they can always go back to make sure that their daily goals are being met. I will also provide them with a notebook or a journal where each morning, as they come in, they can free write and ensure that they enter the classroom quietly and remain working as I take attendance. After taking attendance, the students and I will take time to correct the homework. Students will only be allowed to utilize a correcting utensil (red marker, pencil, or crayon). No pencil should be out at this. When we are done correcting the assignment, students will then place their assignment into one of two baskets; one basket will be labeled “complete” and the other one will say “incomplete”. By taking the time to correct the homework in the beginning of the day, it will save me as the teacher a lot of time and it will also help me and my students see what needs to be reviewed for better understanding. Those students who complete their assignment will be rewarded with a star which they will place in their star books. If they collect 5 stars for turning in their assignments every day then they will have the opportunity to earn some star bucks (money) that they can spend at the end of the semester in the “treasure box”, where they can select something to purchase with their star bucks. When it comes to getting the students attention, I think it is a good idea to come up with a hand signal or a command where students know that it means I want their attention and for them to settle down. I think a great one is the give me “5” strategy, where I say, “give me 5”, raise my hand and then count down to 1. The kids will learn that by the number “1”, I will need them to be quiet and with their eyes on me. I don’t believe in yelling or raising my voice because I believe that it leads to further confrontation and a negative environment, so setting up a hand signal will be very helpful to accomplish goals in a organize way. To have a good functioning classroom, I don’t think it is really about having rules but rather it should be about having procedures; so instead of calling them “rules”, I will have expectations. My most important expectation is that the classroom should remain a learning environment where everyone is safe and where everyone is respected. I want to keep my classroom a safe zone for everyone, so there will be zero tolerance on name calling, put downs, or any behavior that is disrespectful. I will be respectful to my students and I will expect the same from them; if a respectful relationship exists between all of us then I think it will be create a better and safer environment for all where learning can take place. I was given an advice from a fellow teacher; they said I should never spend too much time making up rules on eating and drinking in class, so in my classroom I will allow my student to eat and drink as long as the classroom remains clean. I understand that kids are growing up and that they need to fuel their bodies, especially between their morning meal and their first break. If students abuse this privilege and they don’t clean after themselves, as expected, then it will be taken away. When developing what classroom rules or a classroom management plan, I think it is a great idea to include the students in making their own rules and negotiating with each other on what rules to incorporate. So, to make sure students can feel included and more inclined to follow the rules I will have then sit in groups and then have each group come up with a couple of rules that the whole class will later vote about to decide which rules will become part of our classroom. Each student will be responsible for signing a pledge to obey the rules that will become part of the classroom contract and that will remain in the student’s file. The student’s file will be used to store any student accomplish as well as any issues that the student come across and will be reviewed with the parents during conference. Doing this will help keep the students accountable for their actions. Rewards and ConsequencesIt is important that students learn their expectation, but it is even more important that students understand that their actions come with a response. That is why I think that it is important for there to be rewards and consequence established into classroom procedures and routines and that we remain consistent when applying the consequences or when rewarding the students. This will help students learn accountability and it will also motivate them to do as they are expected and to follow the classroom procedures. A great reward strategy that I learned from a public-school teacher and that I think works great is that of “star bucks”. This reward strategy is where students have the opportunity to earn and get paid with fake money for accomplishing their goals, following expectations, or for performing their daily “jobs”; for example, if I have a student whose job is to be line leader then that student will get a salary and every Friday that student will receive a “pay check” of a certain amount. The money or “star” bucks can be saved by the students and by the end of the semester they can will be able to “buy” something out of the “treasure box”, which will be filled surprises. I think that using the “star” bucks as a reward system will not only keep students motivated to follow procedures, rules, or expectation; it will also teach them about using money and to be responsible. Like I mentioned earlier as a reward system, I will also utilize the “star” reward system, where students will have the potential of earning stars for every assignment that they turn in, on time and complete. At the end of the week the stars will be added up and the student will earn some “star buck”, which they can safe up for the end of the semester. A student will also be able to use their star bucks to buy restroom or water breaks. Every time a student’s needs to use the restroom or needs a water break during class, they will need to “buy” time using their money; for example, a bathroom break will cost the student 25 cents. Doing this will help students use their time wisely during breaks and that students do not abuse their bathroom privileges. This reward system can also be used to teach math; count money, adding; subtracting, and even fractions. Just like there will be rewards for positive behavior, I also believe that it is important that students know that their actions also have consequences. I don’t believe that raising my voice to students will do any good but rather just create a negative environment; that is why I will make sure to have consequences each time students break rules or are non-complaint. In my classroom I will implement a four-level series of consequence, where students will receive one tally mark. I will use a four-level series to give students time to change their attitude and behavior, before going to the principal’s office. The first step will be a verbal warning; where I will take the students aside and talk to them individually and warn the student that their behavior is interrupting our learning environment. The student will then receive their first tally. If the student earns 5 tallies, then I will move on to the next step; which will be a call home. If the student continues to be non-compliant and disrupting the learning environment, then I will call home to notify the parent or guardian that the student is being disruptive in class. This will ensure the parent is informed on the child’s behavior so that we can work together and help the student correct their attitude. If the student continues their disruptive behavior after the call home, then the next step will be detention. The student will have to stay after school on a discipline detention where they will have to make up for the lost time in the classroom. If the student decides that they still don’t care about following school procedures, despite getting assigned detention or the call home, then the final step will be a referral or a visit to the principal’s office. I believe that every new day is also a new opportunity to change their behavior and to start fresh, for this reason, the points that a student earns for discipline issues will start fresh every day. I don’t believe in writing referrals, unless it is necessary for it and the visit to the principal’s office will only happen when the student’s behavior is seriously out of control. I have seen little to no change on a student’s behavior when they are immediately sent to the principal’s office and only come back to class with a negative attitude about the teacher. For this reason, I will always try to deal with a noncompliant student in class, if I want my student to have a better attitude in class then I believe that as the teacher it is my responsibility to show that I care and that I will be there to help them become a better students and lead them to success. Intervention and Support StrategiesI will always try to keep my classroom a positive environment and to do this I will incorporate the Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (PBIS) strategy and make sure to only focus on positive behavior in my classroom. This strategy focuses on desired behavior and encouraging others to participate in that behavior by reinforcing the appropriate behavior (Sandomierski, 2007). The PBIS strategy will help me address the difficult groups of students without forgetting about my better performing students, which many times occurs in the classroom. To make sure that I address possible behavioral problems I will become familiar with the acting out cycle, so that I can develop a plan and be prepared to intervene before the issue gets out of control. If I notice that my students are becoming agitated, I will allow them to step out of the classroom to take a breather or I will send them out to run an errand so that they have time to cool off and come back ready to learn (IRIS, 2019). I will also take time out my day and try to set up meetings where we can address any issue that they have, with school or at home. If I can learn what is causing problems for my students, then it will be easier to intervene to make sure that no bigger problems arise. The specific consequences that I will use for sustained inappropriate behavior is that I will first approach the troubled student and set them aside and talk to them in private. I will not confront the students aloud or in front of other students, to prevent them from getting embarrassed. If talking to the students does not work, then the next step will be to call home; this way I can also get the parent or guardian involved and together we may come up with ways to settle the discipline issues. My plan is to always try and keep a good relationship with the parents, so that when problems arise, we are in the same page on how to handle the situation. If the student continues to be disruptive, then I will give the student detention. This way I will have some extra time at the end of the day to hopefully talk to them and address the situation in a more private manner; it will also help the student make up the time that they lost I class. The final consequence for inappropriate behavior will be a referral or a visit to the principal’s office. This will always be my last option; I believe in handling the situation in class because it is where the problem is happening and it is the place where the student will eventually come back, so for me it is important to make sure that the situation is taken care of in class. If I want my student to treat me with dignity and respect, then I must show them the same level of respect. This will help me develop a good relationship with my students and it will make them more open to following directions or to talking to me about any issues. I will incorporate lessons where I teach my students about social and behavioral expectations, so that they know what I expect from them. I will also try to praise my students when they are behaving a positive manner; this will give students the right kind of attention and will help support good behavior (IRIS, 2019). Many times, misbehavior happens in response to boredom, so I will try to keep my lesson engaging and interesting as well as develop activities that will keep my students moving and interacting with each other. This can eliminate boredom or frustration and can prevent problems from happening (2019). If for some reason, any major classroom disruption occurs I will make sure to remain calm make sure that everyone remains safe. I will give the disrupting student time to calm down, before I address the situation. Once I notice the student is no longer agitated then I will pull them aside and talk to them so that they can have a chance to talk and address their concern. A lot of times students just need to talk and they use disruptive behavior to get the attention they so desperately need. Although, I will try to address the situation myself, incase of an emergency I will call for support.Engagement and MotivationStudent engagement and motivation is a very important component of a good classroom management plan. Students who remain motivate and engaged in their learning and not only less likely to engage in disruptive behavior but also tend to perform higher in their education. Students’ energy and drive to engage, learn, work effectively, to achieve success at school begins with motivation and engagement (Stephens, 2015). To make sure that my lIn my classroom I will make sure to include not only extrinsic motivators; like good grades, extra credit points, or stars; but I will also make sure to help develop intrinsic motivators; for example, setting up small successes and teaching them to love reading or writing. There are many times that students don’t receive praise or acknowledgement for their accomplishments at home and this can cause them to lose their motivation; so in my class I will make sure that they extrinsically motivated through acknowledgement; they receive acknowledge every time they set up a goal and accomplish that goal or when they follow classroom procedures and expectations. This will help promote good behavior and it will also motivate students to feel motivated and engage in class. I will also provide them with extra credit points or the opportunities to earn daily stars which can be used to get more “star” bucks that can be used for purchases in the treasure box. I will also help students feel motivated by giving It is very important to get student motivated to learn by helping them learn to love education. “Students who are intrinsically motivated may enjoy challenging, and may think in greater depth about ideas,” (Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation with Examples of Each Type of Motivation, n.d). If students can feel intrinsically motivated to learn by developing a love for learning, then they will be more likely to be engaged in their learning. To help students develop intrinsic motivation I will try to create a fun learning environment by encouraging creativity, allowing them to have more choices on how to work and how to complete their assignments; for example, having more hands-on assignments, group projects, or giving more independence (Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation with Examples of Each Type of Motivation, n.d). I will develop lesson where students can work on projects where students can develop a connection between the information and their lives; for examples including lessons about student’s cultural background.To enhance student engagement and motivation it is also important that the teacher demonstrates positive attitude, engagement, and confidence (Stephens, 2015). When students can see that the teacher enjoys what they are doing and demonstrate confidence then the student will also feel motivated in class. It is important to understand that many times teachers are the adult figure that students spent most of their days with, so our positive attitude can increase social engagement and motivation. To increase engagement and motivation I will also include student in changes that take place in class; for example, I will survey students on what they like or dislike and then make changes that create the environment that they are looking for. Teaching is not about dictating what happen inside the classroom; it is about supporting students in their education and helping them develop a love for learning that will lead them to success. Social Skills and Self-Regulation StrategiesTo help students do good in school and to prepare them to do in life after school, it is important for them to be able to learn good social and self-regulation skill. In public school classroom it is very common for there to be a wide variety of students, with unique social and emotional needs; for this reason, it is important for a teacher to be prepared to address these issues and to include ideas on their classroom management plan. To help students develop and earn good social behavior and self-regulation skills I will make that in my classroom they can not only learn good communication, listening, or behavior skills; I will also provide opportunities for students to practice these skills by doing role plays, modeling, or engaging in these activities in different environments; for example if I want my students to learn how to behave in the playground I will take them to play ground and help them practice good social or self-regulations skills; taking turns, talking to friends, or sharing equipment. I will have a space in my classroom where they can have role plays and where they can play dress up so that they learn to interact with each other. To help students develop self-regulation skills I will keep them accountable by utilizing checklists where students will be able to place a star every time, they follow directions, behave on tasks, or participate in good social conversations. At the end of the week if they have all stars next to their list, which will be formulated depending on the student’s needs; they will be given the opportunity to take part in an activity of their choice; reading independently, drawing, or playing outside. This will help students learn to monitor their own behavior as well as teach them to be in control of their decisions. Culturally ResponsiveCulturally Responsive Classroom management or CRCM has the main goal of providing all students with an equal opportunity to learn and eliminating the social stigmas that exists about certain cultures and minimizing discriminatory school discipline practices that occur based on these beliefs that may rise to misinterpreted behaviors (Finley, 2014). To make sure that all my students are have an equal opportunity for learning, the first that I would do is take the opportunity to know my students. I will take the time each day of the class to ask my students about their life outside of the classroom and take some time to just check on them to see how they are doing. This will allow me to not only build a rapport with them, but it will also allow me to identify if they are facing any issues that may interfere with their learning and it can help me develop better lesson plans that will address each of their needs. Culturally Responsive classroom management is also about creating a classroom where all my students can feel comfortable and safe to learn. To help create this environment I need to take the time to understand how my students’ culture may influence their interactions with others as well as how they will response to authority behaviors (IRIS, 2019). I will make sure to take some time to research different cultures, so that I can be prepared when I develop my lesson plans and to be prepared to address my students’ family when needed. Since, California classroom are very diverse to be culturally responsive I will have teaching strategies where students will have the options to work individually, in pairs, or in groups. Not every student is comfortable working with another person, so I need to make that I include differentiation of instruction where every students’ learning needs are meet. I will make sure to include visual, audio, verbal, and hands-on activities in my lesson, this way all students will be able to participate in classroom activities. I will include curriculum from different cultures and countries so that all students can feel included and to help them identify to what is being taught; this will ensure that the student will feel motivated to participate in the lesson. To help my students develop tolerance for cultural differences, I will have “show and tell” twice a month and students will have the opportunity to bring an artifact to share with the class that represents their culture. Students will not only get the possibility to get to know each other better, but they will also be able to learn from each other. I want to teach my students to embrace their identity and to be proud of their unique personally. Summary/ ReflectionClassroom management is the key to an environment where learning can take place and where students can feel safe and motivated to participate in their learning. I want to create a classroom environment where every student can feel comfortable, trusted, respected and encouraged to learn and succeed. I want to have a classroom where every student has an equal opportunity to learn and be involved. The most important thing for is to not only create a good classroom management plan but that the classroom management plan will allow me to develop a good relationship with my students so that I can encourage them to succeed and motivate them to reach their goals. ReferencesAs a new teacher, what do you need to know about managing student behavior? 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