Washington University in St. Louis

Using the Encumb ID Hyperlink

Clicking on the encumbrance hyperlink in AP Vendor Document search grid opens a new window that allows the user to review encumbrance information for a specific Purchase Order. This window consists of four (4) pages, AP Encumbrance Detail, AP Encumbrance Documents, AP Encumbrance Summary and AP Encumbrance Date. Be sure to close this window when you are finished viewing encumbrance information or detail.

The user has the ability to down load the detailed displayed on each page by clicking on Excel grid that is located on the head bar.

AP Encumbrance Detail page

This page displays encumbrance detail by each item number on the Purchase Order. The system will list quantity ordered, received and invoiced by item number along with the account(s) that were charged. The system will display the document type, number, dates and document status for each item number for any Accounts Payable document that is entered again this encumbrance. The system will also display how that document has affected the existing encumbrance. The following document types will be listed with the appropriate item numbers:

• PO = Purchase Order

• LI = Line Item Invoice

• IB = Blanket Order Invoice

• RE = Receiving Report

• CO = Change Order

These document types will always display at the end of the item list and will have an item number of 999:

• CA = Computer Assisted Invoice

• CM = Credit Memo

• EM = Encumbrance Maintenance

At the end of the detail for each item, the system will display a bolded line identified as ITEM TOTAL that summarizes the quantity and account encumbrance changes. Once all Purchase Order detail has been displayed, the system will total a summarize item quantity, encumbrance change and invoiced amount and display that total as a final bolded line.

The table below defines the fields displayed on this page.

|Field | |Description |

|Item | |Item number: Note: If 999 displays as the item number, the document type is either an Encumbrance |

| | |Maintenance or an Accounts Payable Adjustment. |

|Type | |Type of document being applied against the item. Valid values are: |

| | | |

| | |PO - Purchase Order |

| | |LI - Line Item Invoice |

| | |IB - Blanket Order Invoice |

| | |IF - Free Balance Invoice |

| | |RE - Receiving Report |

| | |CM - Credit Memo |

| | |EM - Encumbrance Maintenance |

| | |CO - Change Order |

|Doc- no | |System assigned FIS document number. |

|Quan | |The values change depending on the value in the Type column. Valid values are: |

| | | |

| | |PO = Quantity ordered |

| | |IN – Quantity invoiced |

| | |RE – Quantity received |

| | | |

|Unit | |This is the unit in which the items were ordered. Note: This line will be populated if the Type |

| | |column is a PO. |

|Description/ | |The value changes depending on the document code in the Type column. Valid values are: |

|Inv no | | |

| | |PO – This will be the item description. |

| | |IN – This will be the vendor’s invoice number. |

|Inv Date | |Date of the invoice. |

|Unit Price | |Unit price of the item on the Purchase Order or the invoice. |

|LC | |Ledger Class being charged. |

|Dept | |Six-digit department number being charged. |

|FC | |Three-character fund code that is populated by the system if a valid fund number is entered in the Fund|

| | |field. |

|Fund | |Fund being charged. |

|SC | |Sub class being charged. |

|Obj | |Object code being charged. |

|SR | |Special Reporting code being charged. |

|Zero Fund | |Zero Fund being charged. |

|Encumb-Cha | |The effect of the document on the existing encumbrance. |

|Inv-Amt | |The amount of the invoice for the specific item. Displays on the far-right-hand side of the page and |

| | |is not displayed in above print. |

|Date-in | |The date that the document was entered into the Accounts Payable system. Displays on the far |

| | |right-hand side of the page and is not displayed in above print. |

|Doc Status | |Status of the document. Displays on the far right-hand side of the page and is not displayed in above |

| | |print. Valid values are: |

| | | |

| | |C = Complete – The invoice has received all required approvals. |

| | |I = Incomplete – The ‘Save As Is’ button was used. Invoice will need to be changed and saved. |

| | |O = Open – The invoice is still in need of additional approvals. |

| | |S = Sent – The invoice has been routed to the department and no action has been taken. |

|APENCDAT Button | |Advances the user to the AP Encumbrance Date page. |

|Return to Search Button| |Returns the user to the Encumbrance Inquiry page. |

AP Encumbrance Documents

This page displays the encumbrances and all of the documents that have/will affect the encumbrance total. In order to view the effect of the document on each account(s) encumbrance, the system will display each account separately and list the documents that will/have affected the encumbrance for that account. Additionally, the system will display the account totals and the available encumbrances.

In the example below, the department charged items to only one account. If they had used multiple accounts the same information would display for each account.

The table below defines the fields on the above page.

|Field | |Description |

|LC | |Ledger Class being charged. |

|Dept | |Six-digit department number beginning charged. |

|Fund | |Fund being charged. |

|SC | |Sub class being charged. |

|Obj | |Object code being charged. |

|SR | |Special Reporting code being charged. |

|Zero Fund | |Zero fund being charged. |

|Type | |Document Type. Valid values are: |

| | | |

| | |PO - Purchase Order |

| | |IN - Invoice |

| | |CK - Check |

| | |CM - Credit memo |

| | |EM - Encumbrance Maintenance |

| | |CO - Change Order |

|Doc ID | |The system generated FIS document number. |

|Inv/Ck NO | |Works in conjunction with the document code entered in the Type field. Valid values are: |

| | | |

| | |Invoice rows – The invoice number is displayed. |

| | |Check rows – The check number is displayed. |

|Inv/CK Date | |Date on the invoice or the date of the check. |

|Purchase Amt | |The values in this field change depending on the document type: If the document type |

| | |is/the value will be: |

| | | |

| | |PO - The purchase amount of the item. |

| | |IN (Line Item) doc type - The price difference between the PO and the invoice. |

| | |IN (Blanket Order) doc type - This field is blank. |

|Payable Amt | |Amount that will pay from the account for the invoice. |

|Paid Amt | |Amount that has paid from the account for the invoice. |

|Encumbrance | |Displays how the document is affecting the encumbrance. |

|APENCDAT Button | |Advances the user to the AP Encumbrance Date page. |

|Trailing Documents Button | |Allows the user to add a trailing document to the Purchase Order. |

|Return to Search Button | |Returns the user to the Encumbrance Inquiry page. |

AP Encumbrance Summary

This page summarizes the totals on the previous page. It displays the accounts, the purchase amount requested (Purchase Order and Change Orders combined), invoice amounts (paid and unpaid) and the remaining encumbrance.

The table below defines the fields displayed on the above page.

|Field | |Description |

|LC | |Ledger Class being charged. |

|Dept | |Six-digit department number beginning charged. |

|Fund | |Fund being charged. |

|SC | |Sub class being charged. |

|Obj | |Object code being charged. |

|SR | |Special Reporting code being charged. |

|Zero Fund | |Zero Fund that was charged. |

|Purchase Amt | |Total purchase amount for this account. |

|Payable Amt | |Total amounts of all invoices that have been applied to the encumbrance but have not yet paid |

| | |out. |

|Paid Amt | |Total amount of all paid invoices that have been applied to this encumbrance. |

|Encumbrance | |The remaining encumbrance for the account. |

|Avail Enc | |This is a subtotal line that appears below each account and summarizes the available |

| | |encumbrance for that account. Note: In the print above, there is only one account so the |

| | |system does not populate this field. |

|Total PO | |The system totals the open encumbrance for all accounts on the Purchase Order and display the |

| | |total here. |

|Total Avail Enc | |Purchase Order less (Payable Amt + Paid Amt) = Encumbrance |

| | | |

| | |Payable Amt – Invoices are approved, but a check has not been cut. |

| | |Paid Amt – invoices that have paid out. |

|Unappl Invoice Amt | |This totals all invoices that have been entered in the system against the Purchase Order, but |

| | |the department has not taken the appropriate action and processed the invoice for payment. |

|APENCDAT Button | |Advances the user to the AP Encumbrance Date page. |

|Return to Search Button | |Returns the user to the Encumbrance Inquiry page. |

AP Encumbrance DAT

This page allows the user to review each account on the Purchase Order and verify the account expiration date. It also gives the user an overview of the items that the costs are distributed to on that account but have not been paid.

The table below defines the fields that display on the above page.

|Field | |Description |

|Exp | |Denotes how many months the fund has been expired. Valid values are: |

| | |Blank – No fund(s) has reached an expiration date. |

| | |0 - A fund will expire in the current month. |

| | |1-9 = The number of months the fund has been expired. |

| | |* = A fund has been expired for 10 months or more. |

|End Date | |Date the fund expires. Note: This is never populated for a LC 12 account. |

|LC | |Ledger Class on the encumbrance. |

|Dept | |Six-digit department for the encumbrance. |

|Fund | |Fund number being charged to the encumbrance. |

|SC | |Sub Class being charged to the encumbrance. |

|Obj | |Object Code being charged to the encumbrance. |

|SR | |Special Reporting code being charged to the encumbrance. |

|Zero Fund | |Zero fund being charged to the encumbrance. |

|Open Items | |Displays the item numbers that the total quantity ordered has not been paid. There is still an open|

| | |encumbrance on this account for the item. |

|Return Button | |Returns the user to the AP Encumbrance Summary page. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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