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Try to answer these 6 questions - They will help you identify your passion and

purpose in life!

Question 1

What one subject do you enjoy talking about for hours together?

We like to talk about things that we love and know we are good at. We feel energized and excited and our talk soon turns animated. Think back; have you had a chat like that recently? Try to recall the topics you spoke about and note them down.

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Question 2

What stirs you and makes you feel alive?

We all feel it, something building up inside us when we see or experience a situation; an urge to do something about it. I am sure there have been occasions in life when something has evoked strong feelings from you. Often, these are tied to your passion. Take time to look back and pen down what caused it. I know these answers won't come to you in a single day, but after much introspection, you will be able to recollect it all.

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Question 3

What activity makes you lose track of time?

Think about those activities that you really enjoy doing and long to keep doing. Activities where you get so immersed that time simply fly by ? jot them down.

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Question 4

What does God want you to do?

Building up your relationship with God should be your first priority. God will speak to you personally (yes!!), through the Bible, various situations and even other people. What is God is asking you to do NOW? God will never ask you to do something unless it is that for which you were created.

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