React native wifi manager


React native wifi manager

In this guide, you will learn how to manage changes to the network connection status in a reactional app in native using NetInfo for network connection information and Axios to create network requests to a public APPI. For those of us who are involved in the mobile app building, it has quickly become a priority to consider users who may not have access to the Internet or have a scarce network connection ? ? ?,? |, but you want Still access your application. Making your app resilient in front of unknown connectivity can greatly improve the user experience and consequently, user conservation. To start before we immerse in our demo, we must first create a native project reacted by executing the following command: npx react-native init myoffline app in my example, the project name is "MyOfflineApp, ? ? ?,? but you can change it to Your preferences. So go to the project folder and install the required NPM packages: CD MyOffLineApp NPM I - Save @ React-Coative-Community / Netinfo Axios React-Native-Modal, then run the following command for iOS to connect the Libraries using the CAAPPODI: NPX POD-INSTALL In the following sections, we will discuss how to prepare your app and users for changes to network connectivity. Communicate the Edit status to the user Most mobile apps require users to have a connection Internet to recover data from an API. However, as a developer, it is not possible to expect that the user has a stable Internet connection all the time. This means that if you want yours yours User is able to use your mobile app at any time, regardless of connectivity, you need a plan to manage cases where the user's Internet connection is lowered while the app is retrieving data from the server. The first step of this plan should let the user know that their device is not connected to the Internet; It is also wise to configure a Fallback user interface until the connection is raised. TheNetinfo package The NetInfo package provides information on the user's active network connection and the connectivity status of your mobile device. Also identifies the user's current network type (wifi, mobile, ethernet and so on). If the connection is cellular, Netinfo will also return the type of generation (2G, 3G, 4G), as well as expensive the connection in terms of battery consumption and monetary value. Click here to see the complete demo with network requests How to use NetInfo You can import the NetInfo package into the component file as shown below: Import Netinfo from "@ REACT-NATIVE-COMMUNITY / NETINFO"; You can sign up for changes to the network status using the AddenentListener () method: NetInfo.AddeventListener (NetworkState => {Console.log ("Connection Type -", NetworkState.Type); console.log ("is connected? - ", Networkstate. It is connected);}); The AddVentListener () method will return the reference to the registration method of the registration, which you can use to remove the listener when the component has not deactivated. If you require the active network status only once, you can use the Fetch () method instead of listening to the changes: NetInfo.fetch (). Then (networkstate => {console.log ("connection type -", networkstate.type); console.log ("is connected? -", NetworkState.isconnected);}); The network state object has the following form: {Type: "wifi", iSconneck: true, isinnetreaable: true, iswifiened: true, details: {...}} The type button (type of network) can be one of the The following values. None Unknown WiFi Mobile Bluetooth Ethernet VPN Wimax Other Note that the property property is different for each value of the property of the type. You can find more details Netinfo in the documentation. Demo Setup: Using Netinfo and Axios To manage the connectivity For this example, we will create an example app with a list of users who will be recovered from the random user API. First, import the packages requested at the top of the file of your component: Import React, {USEffect, UsedTate} from "react"; Import Axios from 'Axios'; Import {View, stylesheet, flatlist, image, text, size, size, } from "reacting-native"; Then create a user component that will display data for a single user in the list. This should not be terribly complex; Add an image component to view the user's avatar and a pair of text components to view the user name and e-mail: Const User = ({name, e-mail, avatar}) => ( {name} {e-mail} ); Within the user component, it retrieves data from the API and make the list of users using the FlatList component. To make network request, use the Axios.get () method and pass the API endpoint. For reference, Axios is used to create network requests to a public API. The React-Native-Modal package will be used to view the connection error notice at the bottom of the screen. Finally, recovers users inside the Callback of the UsEaffect hook and stores the results in the user status variable. You will also store the loading status in an enlargement variable to indicate that the data is retrieved. Users Const = () => {CONST [iSloading, Setlighting] = UsedState (false); Cost [Users, Seconder] = UsedTate ([]); Usepaffect (() => {fetchuser ();}, []); CONST FETCHUSERS = () => {SetPlaying (TRUE); Axios .get (' .Then (({data}) => {CONST {results} = data; seconder (results);}) .Finally ((( ) => {SetPlaying (false);}); } ;; Return ( ()} keyextractor = {((user) => user.login. UUID} /> ); } ;; Export predefined users; You can find the styles object for the components below: Styles Const = Stylesheet.create ({container: {... stylesheet.absolutefillobject,}, User: {width: dimense.get ('screen'). Width - 32, Align yourself: 'Centro', Marginvertical: 8, Padding: 12, Borderwidth: 1, Bordercolor: '#Eeee', BorderRadius: 6, FlexDirection: 'Row', Alinesems: 'Center',}, info: {marginleft: 10, }, Avatar: {Width: 60, Height: 60, BorderRadius: 100,}, Name: {Color: '# 424242', Fontsize: 16, Fontweight: '600',}, Email: {Margintop: 6, Color: '# 888',},}); At this point, you should be able to recover user data from the API and view it on the screen, as shown in the graph below. NOTICE Users with Netinfo.AddeventListener forward, we will examine how to manage the UI when the user's Internet connection is interrupted. First of all, create a isoffline status variable that will remain a boolean value to represent if the user is offline or not. Add Netinfo.Addeventlanner in the USEAffetto hook to listen to the changes to the network and update the value of the status of ISOffline. See below: COST Users = () => {// ... Cost [ISOffline, SeturLineStatus] = UsedTate (False); UsEapeffect (() => {CONST RemovenTinFosubScription = Netinfo.Addeventlanner ((status) => {CONST OFFLINE =! (Status.isconnected && state.isinternaEachable); setofflinestatus (offline);}); fetchusers (); return () = > removenetinfosubscription ();}, []); // ...} With this configuration, whenever the status of the isoffline is false, a small modal will open with the error message and a reproof button. When the button is pressed, call the Fetchuser () function and set the status of the ISOFOFLINE to false if the request has been successful. CONST BUTTON = ({Children, ... props}) => (

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