Author Guidelines for 8

Dynamic Controlling of Data Streaming Applications for Cloud Computing

Junwei Cao1,2* and Wen Zhang3

1Research Institute of Information Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

2Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology, Beijing 100084, China

3Chongqing Military Delegate Bureau, General Armament Department of PLA, Chongqing 400060, China

*Corresponding email: jcao@tsinghua.


Performance of data streaming applications is co-determined by both networking and computing resources, which should be allocated in an integrated and cooperative way. Dynamic controlling of resource allocation is required since unilateral redundancy in networking or computing resources may result in underutilization but not necessarily high performance since insufficiency of either resource may become a bottleneck. In this paper, a virtualized cloud platform is utilized to implement data streaming: fuzzy logic controllers are designed to allocate required CPU resources; iterative bandwidth allocation is applied which is processing- and storage-aware to guarantee on-demand data provision. Experimental results show that our approach leads to high performance of applications as well as high utilization of resources, which is also justified by comparison with other resource allocation methods.


Data streaming applications are special in that (1) they are continuous and long running in nature; (2) they require efficient transmission of data from/to distributed sources in an end-user-pulling way; (3) it is often not feasible to store all the data in entirety for subsequent processing because of limited storage and high volumes of data to be processed; (4) they need to make efficient use of computational resources to carry out processing in a timely manner. New computing paradigm, e.g. Cloud Computing ‎[1], provides better support for data streaming since virtualized resources can be allocated in a more fine-grained and on-demand way. For example, LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) ‎[2], is aimed at direct detection of gravitational waves emitted from space sources. LIGO data analysis streams terabytes of data per day from observatories for real-time processing using scientific workflows ‎[3]. This is a typical scenario in many scientific applications where data processing is continuously executed over remote streams as if data were always available from local storage.

Great challenges have to be addressed to provide sufficient but not redundant resources, mainly computing resources and networking bandwidth, so that application requirements can be met, while maintaining high resource utilization. Virtualization technology has been applied for resource management ‎[4]. Owe to the progress of virtualization technology, such as the open source solution Xen ‎[5], it is possible to allocate fine-grained computational resources for applications. Virtual machines (VMs) are able to instantiate multiple independently configured guest environments on a host resource at the same time, to provide performance isolation. With the ability of dynamic configuration, VMs make it possible to allocate computing resources for applications on demand with finer granularity. In this work, VMs are setup for data streaming applications for resource isolation and performance guarantee.

As shown in our previous work ‎[6], CPU and bandwidth must be allocated in a cooperative and integrated way. In such scenarios, unilateral redundancy of CPU or bandwidth will not necessarily lead to high data throughput; on the other hand, insufficiency of either will become a bottleneck of the ultimate throughput. It is required to allocate computing and networking resources to reach a balance between obtaining high data throughput while maintaining high resource utilization. Actually, data throughput and resource utilization conflict with each other in nature. Due to stochastic dynamics of computational systems and time-variant workloads, an automatic allocation mechanism that can react to a dynamic environment quickly is required. In this work, closed-loop feedback control is applied.

Feedback control has been applied to computational systems ‎[7] and some promising results obtained. A closed-loop controller observes the error between the set-point (called reference in control theory terminology) and the output of the target system (called plant) to activate its control algorithm (such as proportional, integral and derivate, PID in short) and produce the control variable of the plant, so as to adjust the output of the plant, until the system reaches to the targeting state, even in the presence of unexpected disturbance. It is indispensable to establish mathematical models in which control systems are described using one or more differential equations that define the system response to inputs in traditional feedback control. This is rather challenging in some cases, especially for data streaming applications due to variable coupling and heavily nonlinear property of the system. Fortunately, fuzzy control offers an alternative, which provides formal techniques to represent, manipulate and implement human experts’ heuristic knowledge for controlling a plant via IF-THEN rules. Fuzzy control does not rely on mathematical modeling of the plant but establishes a direct nonlinear mapping between their inputs and outputs, which significantly reduces the difficulty of control system design.

In this work, an integrated approach is implemented for fine-grained and on-demand resource allocation for data streaming applications in a virtualization based cloud platform: fuzzy logic control is applied for CPU allocation by configuring VMs dynamically according to resource utilization; an iterative algorithm is adopted for bandwidth allocation, which is processing-, congestion- and storage-aware. Actually, allocation of CPU and bandwidth is tightly coupled, and experimental results included in this work show good performance of our approach.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 formulates the problem in details, and the following two sections illustrate fuzzy allocation of CPU resources and iterative bandwidth allocation, respectively. Experimental results are illustrated in Section 5 to show performance evaluation of our approach using an example of gravitational wave data analysis. Section 6 discusses related work and Section 7 concludes the paper.

2. Problem Formulation

In this work, virtualization technology makes it possible to provide a predictable and controllable run-time environment for each application; fuzzy control is applied for on-demand allocation of resources for each VM. Both performance metrics, data throughput and resource utilization, are defined, co-determined by CPU and bandwidth allocation.

At any time t, for a data streaming application i, if the amount of data in local storage, denoted as Qi(t), is higher than a certain level (e.g., a block as explained later), the processing will be running otherwise it will just be idle. Qi(t) is co-determined by both data provision and data processing since new data will be streamed to local storage while processed data will be cleaned up afterwards.

The amount of data in storage varies over time and can be described using the following differential equation:

[pic] (1)


, where [pic], transpeedi(t) and di(t) stand for the derivative of Qi(t), assigned transferring bandwidth and processing speed for data stream i.

As demonstrated in ‎[8], data sets to be processed are composed with lots of small files (LOSF). Data are processed block by block, where a block consists of a certain number of small files. If there are blocks available in the local storage, an indicator, denoted as Readyi for the application i, is set to be 1, otherwise Readyi is 0. So di(t) can be described as:


Some definitions must be provided here for a clearer problem statement.

Realistic Processing Speed (RPS): the processing speed given a data streaming scheme di(t) here.

Theoretic Processing Speed (TPS): the processing speed the allocated CPU resources can generate if there were always enough data locally, denoted as procspeedi(t,Ci(t)), where Ci(t) stands for the allocated CPU resource for application i at time t. Relationship between procspeedi(t,Ci(t)) and Ci(t) must be determined with system identification and it is safe to say that procspeedi(t,Ci(t)) is a non-decreasing function of Ci(t), where Ci(t) mainly refers to a proportion of CPU cycles as explained later.

Realistic Throughput (RTP): given a data supply scheme, the amount of data processed in a given period of time.

Theoretic Throughput (TTP): the amount of data processed in a given period of time if there were always enough data locally with allocated CPU resources.

Scheduling of CPU and bandwidth and resources is carried out periodically to cope with the dynamic status of resources and applications. Suppose the length of a scheduling period is M, and for the hth scheduling period, the following formulas are explicit:




From (1):


Define utilization of compute resource (UC in short) as

[pic] (2)


[pic] (3)

, denoting to what extent the allocated compute resource is utilized.

RTPi,h can be defined in another form as:

[pic] (4)

where Ωi,h stands for the time fragment when processing is going on and then utilization can be redefined in another way as:

[pic] (5)

Note that (5) implies that TPSi,h will keep constant in a scheduling period with given CPU resources.

UC can be defined also as the ratio of RPS to TPS. The problem is to allocate proper amount of CPU resource to generate RPS approaching TPS as much as possible given the data supply scheme. It is obvious that redundant CPU resource will make a TPS much larger than RPS, which implies underutilization of computing resources. If available bandwidth is limit, RPS will be zero at most time with redundant CPU cycles for lack of data to process. This dependency between data provision and processing make it necessary to allocate compute resources on demand so as to make RPS equal with TPS.

Our goal is to get high throughput while maintaining high utilization of resources even when system characteristics are vague as discussed before. A low utilization implies that at most time CPUs are idle for lack of data to be processed. On the other hand, an extremely high utilization indicates that CPU resources are over-loaded and more resources are required. In both cases, data throughput will be hampered. In intuition, applications with extremely high utilization should be allocated more resources to increase throughput, and resources of those applications with low utilization should be decreased to increase the utilization and avoid waste of resources. Actually, this intuition is nearly sufficient to design a fuzzy controller, dynamically configuring the clock speed of VMs for each data streaming application and implementing fine-grained allocation of CPU resources.

The iterative bandwidth allocation algorithm must be processing- and storage-aware. That is to say, data are streamed according to processing capacity, since insufficient CPU resource may lead to waste of available bandwidth. Also a relatively higher speed for data streaming than processing will lead to data accumulation, requiring more available local storage, which is unnecessary and should be avoid. On the other hand, redundant CPU resources may make full use of bandwidth and result in a high throughput, at cost of CPU underutilization. It is required to achieve a balance between CPU and bandwidth resources for each data streaming application. The coupling between data provision and processing leads to the system with heavily nonlinear properties and system modeling is not a trivial task. This is why fuzzy logic control is applied instead.

Allocation of CPUs and bandwidth is carried out in an integrated and cooperative way. A resource container which holds appropriate CPU and bandwidth resources calculated with our proposed algorithm is implemented for each data streaming application, similar with that demonstrated in ‎[9].

3. Fine-grained CPU Allocation

As mentioned above, fine-grained CPU resource allocation is implemented with combination of virtualization technology and fuzzy control, where the former provides an isolated run-time environment and the latter is responsible for appropriate resource configuration.

3.1. Virtualization with Xen

Recent progress on virtualization technology makes it possible for resource isolation and performance guarantee for each data streaming application. Virtualization provides a powerful new layer of abstraction in distributed computing environments, which separates physical hardware and operating system, so as to improve resource utilization and flexibility. Virtualization allows multiple VMs with different operating systems and software configuration to run on a single physical machine. Each VM holds its own virtual hardware, such as CPU and memory, on which operating system and applications can be loaded.

Xen is a virtualization technology that offers negligible performance penalties with a technique called paravirtualization, which exposes a set of clean and simple device abstractions to allow most instructions to run at their native speed and the overall capacity is very close to raw physical performance. Xen conducts a VM management mechanism called hypervisor, or in other words, virtual machine monitor (VMM), to share and access hardware at lower level.

With Xen, configuration of VMs can be dynamically adjusted to optimize performance. The amount of memory of each VM can be changed easily. The CPU of a VM is called virtual CPU, often abbreviated as VCPU. The quota of physical CPU cycle a VCPU will get is determined by two parameters, i.e., weight and cap, where the former is a relative value and the latter is an absolute one. A VCPU with a weight of 128 can obtain twice as many CPU cycles as one whose weight is 64, while 50 as a cap value indicates that the VCPU will obtain 50% of a physical CPU’s cycles. What’s more, binding a VCPU with a physical CPU will provide better performance.

Each data streaming application will be provided with a VM which will be occupied exclusively by it. Xen is applied to create a VM with configurable clock speed for each application. Cap, one of Xen’s interfaces regarding CPU allocation, is adjusted dynamically according to the measured utilization and pre-defined fuzzy rules as described below.

3.2. Fuzzy Control Overview

A fuzzy control system is based on fuzzy logic related with fuzzy concepts that cannot be expressed as true or false but rather as partially true. Inputs of a fuzzy control system are values in terms of logical variables that take on continuous values between 0 and 1 which indicates degree of truth, rather than classical or digital logic operating on discrete values of either 0 and 1 (true and false). As an obvious advantage, fuzzy logic can express the solution to problems in terms that human operators can understand, so as to make use of their experience in designing of the controller. This makes it easier to mechanize tasks that are already successfully performed by humans but hard to establish mathematical models. So, fuzzy control has its special merit when it is difficult, if not possible, to apply traditional control method.

The input variables in a fuzzy control system are in general mapped into fuzzy sets, where an input variable may be mapped into several fuzzy sets with corresponding truth values determined by the membership functions. This process is called fuzzification. All the rules that apply are invoked, using the membership functions and truth values obtained from the inputs, to determine the result of the rule. This result in turn will be mapped into a membership function and truth value controlling the output variable. These results are combined to give a specific answer by a procedure known as defuzzification.

A fuzzy logic controller (FLC) can be depicted as the diagram in Figure 1, consisting of an input stage, a processing stage, and an output stage.

[pic]Figure 1. A fuzzy logic controller

The input stage maps inputs including UC and △UC to the appropriate membership functions (as shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively) and truth values, known as fuzzification. These mappings are then fed into the rules in the processing stage, which based on inference mechanism, invokes each relevant rule in the rule base and generates a result for each, then combines the results of the rules. Here the rule specifies an AND relationship between the mappings of the two input variables so the minimum of the two is used as the combined truth value. Finally, in the output stage, the appropriate output state is selected and assigned a membership value at the truth level of the premise. The truth values are then defuzzified through centroid defuzzification. In our scenario, the output is a proportional factor, PF in short, which will be used to calculate the allocated CPU quota of each VM, in terms of cap.

Some basic concepts are given below to help construct an elementary understanding of fuzzy logic controllers and their mechanism.

Universe of discourse is the domain of an input (output) to (from) the FLC. Inputs and outputs must be mapped to the universe of discourse by quantization factors (Ke and Kec in Figure 1) and scaling factor (Ku in Figure 1) respectively, which helps to migrate the fuzzy control logic to different problems without any modification.

Linguistic variables describe the inputs and output(s) of a fuzzy controller. These linguistic variables are a natural way resembling human thoughts to handle uncertainties created by stochastics present in most computer systems. Linguistic variables involved in this work include UC, △UC and PF.

Linguistic values are used to describe characteristics of the linguistic variables. Very low, low, medium, high and very high are the linguistic values for UC, while those for △UC and PF are NB, NM, NS, ZE, PS, PM and PB, where N, P, B, M, S and ZE are abbreviations of negative, positive, big, medium, small and zero, respectively, and the combination of them just takes on a degree of truth. Different from classical mathematics, in fuzzy world, this is represented as a continuous value between 0 to 1, and 0.5 indicates we are halfway certain. The mapping from a numeric value to a degree of truth for a linguistic value is done by the membership function.

Linguistic rules form a set of IF premise THEN consequent rules to map the inputs to output(s) of a fuzzy controller, i.e., to guide the fuzzy controller’s actions. These rules are defined in terms of linguistic variables, different from the numerical input-or-output of the classical controller. A linguistic rule for example is: IF UC is high AND △UC is NB THEN PF is NB.

Rule-base holds a set of IF-THEN rules as a part of the controller, dictating how to achieve PF according to the fuzzified linguistic values of UC and △UC.

Membership functions quantify the certainty an UC and △UC value to be associated with a certain linguistic value. Except for the membership of linguistic value very low for UC, we use symmetric triangles of an equal base and 50% overlap with adjacent MFs. Unlike traditional set theory, in fuzzy set theory underlying fuzzy control theory, set membership is not binary but continuous to deal with uncertainties. Thus, a fuzzy input or output may belong to more than one set—maximum two adjacent sets in our MFs—with different certainty values.

Inference mechanisms in Figure 1 determines which rules will be applied at the kth sampling point, based on the fuzzified UC and △UC. To compute the certainty value of the premise in the corresponding IF premise THEN consequent rule(s), we take the minimum between the certainty values of UC and △UC, since the consequent cannot be more certain than the premise.

Fuzzification is to transform precise values of inputs into fuzzy sets with corresponding membership functions, which is indispensable for fuzzy inference. Outputs of fuzzy inference are fuzzy sets, which are not suitable to drive the controlled system, and they must be transformed into a clear value by defuzzification. Centriod method is applied to compute the control signal.

3.3. Linguistic Variables and Fuzzy Rules

As for the FLC proposed in this paper, the inputs are the observed resource utilization UC as defined in (2) or (5) and the derivative of it, △UC, unlike most existing FLCs whose inputs are usually the observed error between the settled point and the actually measured value and the derivative of the error. Although it has two inputs, essentially it is a single input controller for △UC can be derived from UC as:


Output of the fuzzy controller for application i in the hth scheduling period, called the control signal in control terminology, is a proportional factor, denoted as PFi,h. At the hth scheduling period, given inputs UC and △UC, suppose the relevant fuzzy sets of output form a set denoted as Mi,h with membership denoted as Mi,h(u), where u∈Ui,h and Ui,h is the universe of discourse, then the output can be calculated as

[pic] (6)

Suppose the initial caps of each application are Ci,0, in the hth scheduling period, the cap will be

[pic] (7)

, and initially


where CapScale is the varying scale of the allocated cap. PFi,h is adjusted every scheduling period, so it is adaptive to the varying situations. Relationship between allocated cap and procspeed can be obtained with system identification ‎[7] as described later in Section 5.2 and a linear model (an approximately proportional model in certain scope) is adopted as


Linguistic values of UC include very-low, low, medium, high and very-high, indicating utilization status of CPU resources. Triangular membership functions are adopted, as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2. Triangular membership functions of UC

Our goal is to keep the utilization at a high level (80% in this scenario), and a low or extremely high utilization is not required. Xen allow most instructions to run at their native speed, but due to I/O intensive characteristics of data streaming applications, there is indeed some overhead, i.e., performance loss. In order to guarantee high processing efficiency, we set the target utilization to be 80% rather than 100%, which means that the allocated CPU quotas are more than actually needed to compensate the overhead, as inferred from (2) or (5).

Both input △UC and output PF adopt triangular membership functions with linguistic variables of NB, NM, NS, ZE, PS, PM and PB, as shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. It can be seen that the universe of discourse of △UC falls to the scope of -0.4 to 0.4, which is just based on our empirical observation. It is also the case for PF where the universe of scope is set to 0.6 to 1.4.


Figure 3. Triangular membership functions of △UC


Figure 4. Triangular membership functions of PF

Table 1. Fuzzy rules

|PF |UC |

| |very low |low |medium |high |very high |

|△UC |NB |NB |

|Case 1 |iterative |dynamic |

|Case 2 |iterative |fixed |

|Case 3 |even |dynamic |

|Case 4 |even |fixed |

Some results are provided in Table 3, where performance metrics from top to bottom are final throughput (the sum of data processed during the evaluation), CPU usage and bandwidth (BD in short) usage in percentage. Characters of H and L are abbreviations of heavy and light, indicating the type of applications.

Table 3. Performance comparison

|Index |Case |Total Bandwidth |

| | |5 |10 |15 |

|Final |H |1 |49951 |97080 |117140 |

|TP | | | | | |

| | |2 |46542 |77107 |77269 |

| | |3 |46745 |87495 |104660 |

| | |4 |48566 |80004 |82296 |

| |L |1 |49999 |99994 |134980 |

| | |2 |46569 |94019 |123458 |

| | |3 |47576 |95018 |124990 |

| | |4 |48967 |94948 |104458 |

|CPU |H |1 |40.17 |77.76 |98.81 |

|Usage | | | | | |

|(%) | | | | | |

| | |2 |50 |50 |50 |

| | |3 |39.16 |66.09 |91.88 |

| | |4 |50 |50 |50 |

| |L |1 |9.79 |20.74 |31.93 |

| | |2 |50 |50 |50 |

| | |3 |9.76 |19.90 |28.93 |

| | |4 |50 |50 |50 |

|BD |H |1 |93.49 |91.50 |81.77 |

|Usage | | | | | |

|(%) | | | | | |

| | |2 |93.08 |77.11 |51.51 |

| | |3 |92.90 |87.08 |80.10 |

| | |4 |90.13 |80.00 |54.86 |

| |L |1 |92.14 |92.02 |89.99 |

| | |2 |93.14 |93.14 |90 |

| | |3 |91.41 |90.50 |83.33 |

| | |4 |93.24 |91.99 |80.33 |

Our algorithm prevails in all the scenarios included in Table 3. For example, with fewer resources, our algorithm obtains a higher throughput. On the contrary, in some case, for instance Case 4, where the bandwidth is evenly allocated irrespective of the requirements of applications and CPU resources are fixed constantly, the situation is deteriorated, though they occupy so big a quota of resources. Cases 2 and 3 improve a little, but their performance is not as ideal as our approach. It reflects that unilateral adjustment of bandwidth or CPU resources is not powerful enough to reach the goals of high throughput and high utilization of resources simultaneously, which from another aspect justifies our assertion that bandwidth and CPU resources should be allocated in an integrated and cooperative way.

6. Related Work

Stream processing ‎[10] has become one of major focuses of database research in recent years, and some tools and techniques have been developed to cope with efficient handling of continuous queries on data streams, e.g. Aurora ‎[11] and TelegraphCQ ‎[12]. Our work focuses on scheduling data streaming applications on virtualized cloud resources.

Distributed computing techniques evolve from cluster, grid to cloud computing ‎[13]. Resource management and allocation has been a key issue in these areas ‎[14]. For cloud computing with virtualization technology as kernel, virtual machines ‎[15] or virtual clusters ‎[16] are basic elements for management, scheduling and optimization ‎[17]. Some existing management tools include Eucalyptus ‎[18], VMPlants ‎[19], Usher ‎[20], etc. Some schedulers are developed to support data streaming applications, e.g. GATES ‎[21] and Streamline ‎[22], but they mainly concern on computing resource allocation. Several existing projects, EnLIGHTened ‎[23], G-lambda ‎[24] and PHOSPHORUS ‎[25] put emphases on networking resources. They hold the whole control over an optical network so that a deterministic lightpath can be obtained with advance reservation or on demand, while our network is public Internet based on “best effort” TCP/IP protocols to approach the required bandwidth as much as possible.

Control theory has been successfully applied to control performance or quality of service (QoS) for various computing systems. An extensive summary of related work can be found in the first chapter of ‎[7]. Some control types, such as proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) control ‎[26]‎[27], pole placement ‎[28], linear quadratic regulator (LQR) ‎[28] and adaptive control ‎[29]‎[30] are proposed. Most of them require precise models of controlled objects.

The first application of fuzzy control was introduced into industry ‎[31]. Fuzzy control ‎[32]‎[33] is also a topic of research in computing system, but it is mainly focused on admission control to get a better quality of service. Adaptive fuzzy control is applied for utilization management of periodic tasks ‎[34], where the utilization is defined as the ratio of the estimated execution time to the task period. Fuzzy inference is carried out on fuzzy rules to decide the threshold, a point over which the quality of service (QoS) of tasks should be degraded or even an admission control must be performed to reject more tasks. In this work, execution time estimation must be provided, which may be not feasible for some applications.

The latest relevant work ‎[35] is focused on providing predictable execution so as to meet the deadlines of tasks. Virtualization technology is applied to implement the so-called performance container and compute throttling framework, to realize the “controlled time-sharing” of high performance compute resources, i.e., fine-grained CPU allocation. System identification is carried out to establish the model of controlled object and a proportional and integral (PI) controller is applied. This work has similar motivation with our work, but for the data streaming scenario, it is hard to generate a precise model from allocated bandwidth and CPU resources to corresponding utilization or throughput generation as explained before. So we adopt the model-free fuzzy control approach.

7. Conclusions and Future Work

In this work we provide a new approach for resource allocation of virtualized cloud resources for data streaming applications. From experimental results included in Section 5, some detailed conclusions can be inferred as follows:

• Speeds of data streaming and processing reach a balance at a high level to guarantee running of applications to obtain high throughput while consuming just reasonable amount of resources on demand, especially usage of CPU resources is fairly economic;

• High CPU utilization can be achieved, e.g., 80% in Figure 9, and there is no stable state error, so as to make efficient use of resources while avoiding overloading;

• Heavy applications consume more compute resources than light ones. Higher total available bandwidth leads to a higher CPU resource usage, while lighter tasks will result in a higher bandwidth usage, which reflects the interrelation between bandwidth and CPU resources, as also shown in Table 3;

• Data throughput is co-determined by total available bandwidth and CPU resources. Unilateral redundancy in either resource will not necessarily lead to a higher throughput but may result in under-utilization, so integrated resource allocation is required.

Fuzzy logic control of CPU resources and iterative bandwidth allocation are implemented for resource scheduling for grid data streaming applications. Virtualization technology is applied to enable fine-grained and on-demand resource allocation. Experimental results show the good performance in resource utilization, data throughput and robustness of the approach, in comparison with several other methods with less adaptability to dynamic environments.

In further work, virtualization of network and storage will be implemented. More complex scenarios will be considered, e.g. for workflows or pipelines, where VMs can be established for each stage and controlled to achieve balance among different stages in one pipeline so as to avoid performance bottleneck and achieve overall high performance.


This work is supported by National Science Foundation of China (grant No. 60803017) and Ministry of Science and Technology of China under National 973 Basic Research Program (grants No. 2011CB302505 and No. 2011CB302805).


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