STUDY GUIDE Human Anatomy Chapter 10

CLASSWORK STUDY GUIDE: Chapter 10: Blood Name: Period:

1. Red blood cells (RBCs) are called:

2. The fluid matrix of the blood, composed of water, ions, hormones, etc., is called the:

3. The percentage of erythrocytes to the total blood volume is the:

4. The term used when oxygen level in the blood is low is:

5. The function of RBCs is to:

6. The protein in red blood cells that binds to oxygen for transportation through the bloodstream is:

7. Rupture of RBCs is called:

8. Which type of anemia is caused by rupture of RBCs:

9. What type of anemia results from inadequate iron in the diet, leading to inability to form hemoglobin:

10. White blood cells (WBCs) are called:

11. The function of WBCs is:

12. The ability of white blood cells to freely move in and out of blood vessels is:

13. The ability of WBCs to locate chemicals associated with tissue damage and infection is called:

14. The type of leukocyte that becomes a macrophage after moving into the tissues is the:

15. The phagocytic WBCs that rapidly increase in number during acute infections are:

16. Which WBC stains red and increases during allergy attacks:

17. Which WBC formed in lymphoid tissue and produces antibodies as part of the immune response:

18. The least numerous WBC that has granules that stain blue:

19. The WBCs that has granules that stain purple are:

20. Platelets are called:

21. Platelets are fragments of large multinucleate cells called:

22. The production of red blood cells is:

23. The hormone that targets bone marrow to regulates RBC production is called:

24. Stoppage of blood flow is called:

25. The term for the formation of an insoluble clot during hemostasis is:

26. What is the proper sequence (3 phases in correct order) of hemostasis:

27. What is the insoluble network of fibrin molecules that traps RBCs during coagulation:

28. Cell fragments that cling to the torn edges of a broken blood vessel during hemostasis are:

29. The organ largely responsible for producing clotting factors is the:

30. A clot that attached to the wall of a blood vessel is called a:

31. A clot that breaks away from a vessel wall and floats freely in the bloodstream is called an:

32. The hereditary blood clotting disorder caused by a lack of clotting factors is called:

33. ABO blood groups are based on the presence of what two antigens:

34. A substance that the body recognizes as foreign is a(n):

35. The process whereby the binding of antibodies to antigens causes RBCs clump is called:

36. Blood with both A and B antigens is type:

37. (a) Type AB has which antibodies in the plasma: (b) Which blood types can this type receive?

38. The blood type with no antigens is:

39. (a) Type O has which antibodies in the plasma: (b) Which blood types can this type receive?

40. Blood type B would have which antigen on the RBC:

41. (a) Type B has which antibodies in the plasma: (b) Which blood types can this type receive?

42. Blood type A would have which antigens:

43. (a) Type A has which antibodies in the plasma: (b) Which blood types can this type receive?

44. The universal recipient has blood type:

45. The universal donor is blood type:

46. The immune serum given to an Rh negative mother after birth of an Rh positive baby to prevent formation of Rh antibodies in the mother is:

47. Testing for agglutination of donor RBCs by the recipients' serum is called:

48. In ABO blood typing tests, a person's blood that was type A would clump with which anti serum:

49. In ABO blood typing tests, a person's blood that was type B would clump with which anti serum:

50. In ABO blood typing tests, a person's blood that was type AB would clump with which anti serum:

51. In ABO blood typing tests, a person's blood that was type O would clump with which anti serum:

52. What are the possible blood types for children with a father with blood type AB and mother with blood type O: (Do the Punnett square!)

53. In this cross, a father with AB blood could possibly produce a child with which blood types:


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