Consent for Hormone Supplementation Therapy

Omnitrope Instructions

Reconstitution: Keep the vial refrigerated at all times. To reconstitute it into liquid form, a 3ml syringe with a 21 to 25 gauge needle is ideal. First, pop the plastic caps off both vials. For the 5.8mg Omnitrope vial, you will pull the plunger back to the 1.5ml mark and stick the needle into the sterile water bottle. Push the air into the bottle and then withdraw all the fluid from the vial. Withdraw the needle and then plunge it into the center of the rubber cap of the Omnitrope vial and gently inject the fluid. Withdraw the needle and gently swirl the vial until all of the powder is dissolved. It is good for one month if refrigerated.

Drawing up the injection: Uncap an insulin syringe and pull the plunger back to 0.04ml (4 insulin units) for a 0.2mg dose, or the prescribed amount. Clean the rubber stopper of the vial with an alcohol swab. Push the needle into the vial and inject the air. Then holding the vial upside down so that the tip of the needle is in the fluid, pull back on the plunger and withdraw fluid until you reach the mark. Withdraw the needle and put the vial back into the refrigerator.

Injecting: The body normally produces growth hormone during sleep, so it’s best to inject before bedtime each evening. The best injection sites are the skin around the hips, thighs or upper arms. Rotate your injection site. If you have very little subcutaneous fat, you may want to use your other hand to gently grasp a large area of skin and push it up and away from the underlying muscle as you inject. Poke the needle perpendicularly into the skin. Once you are through the skin and have buried the entire needle, push the plunger down all the way to inject the solution. Withdraw the needle and apply pressure for 30 seconds to the injection site with a tissue. This will prevent the leakage of blood that could give you a bruise. If you are on anti-coagulant medication (Coumadin, aspirin, Plavix), you should apply pressure for a full minute. After you’ve taken the last dose from the vial, there is still about one dose left that you can retrieve by carefully removing the metal cap of the vial with a pair of pliers. Suck up the remaining fluid with your insulin syringe and inject.

Alcohol and syringe disposal: Standard recommendations are to wipe the tops of the vials with an alcohol swab before plunging the needle in, and to wipe your skin with alcohol before injecting. However, these recommendations have never been proven necessary by scientific studies and are probably unnecessary if the vial and your skin are clean. Use a new needle for each injection. Discard the used needles in a plastic jug and write “Used Needles” on it, so that your trash collector can keep it separate from other waste.

Travel: You can carry injectable medications with you as long as you have the label from the pharmacy showing that it is your prescription. To keep the vial cool for about 8hrs, purchase a small travel cooler for injectable medications at most pharmacies or online. After that time you’ll need refrigerate it. Request a room with a refrigerator. If you will not be able to keep the growth hormone cool, then just don’t take it with you. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t take it for a week or two, you just don’t get the benefits for that amount of time.


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