Lucky block command minecraft 1. 12. 2


Lucky block command minecraft 1. 12. 2

Welcome to my server sign!!!! Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 1255 1256 Next GoodGame Players, this Franci12, welcome back to TheCommandBrick! Today we see an important tutorial that makes Minecraft ... Special. Let's talk, Players, about happy blocks. Well today in the simplest and fastest way, you will learn to have lucky blocks of Minecraft at last. There are the first two ways to have happy blocks, and in this article we will see the method of installation with modifications. To get lucky blocks of Minecraft via Mods, follow these steps! Step 1 - Install forge If we add Lucky Blocks with Modifiers, we will first have to have Minecraft Forge 1.14.4, because Lucky Blocks (finally) is also Minecraft 1.14.4. For more versions of Forge, see the home page. Then download the Forge JAR file and click on it to start the installation. Click the Keep button if the browser does not trust to retain the file, and at the end of the control, click it normally now in Minecraft Forge Setup, and a message will appear at the end of the installation that will provide confirmation. I retouched out to make it look round, but the step 2 icon is cut out ? Download Lucky Block Mod Guys, finally, as we said, lucky blocks came out for 1.14.4, and so we can safely use the new Forge 1.14.4. Here are the downloads: Download Lucky Block Mod [1.14.4]: Lucky Blocks Original; Click this Download Link, download mod, and now let's switch to juice: mod installation. If necessary, those who use Google Chrome must click the Keep button in the download bar because mod is a JAR 3 action file - install Mod Ok, Gamers. Now we will reach the Minecraft Mods folder, and it will not be difficult. Let's see how to get there! Because if you have Windows, press and hold the Windows key, and while holding it, press the R key and leave both. The Run menu appears, which contains the type:%appdata%/.minecraft/mods/ If you have a Mac, click Go in the top menu, and then select the Go to Folder item. Now in the window that opens the type, tilda include: ~/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/mods/ Drag the downloaded file to the newly opened folder (make mods) as below screenshot shown: Let's proceed to the last step, which will allow us to finally succeed in the blocks of Minecraft! Step 4 ? Add lucky blocks to Minecraft Well guys, now let's move on to the situation juice. We have installed everything, almost fought, and we do not use Lucky Blocks? Eh it's not good... Actually, now guys see how to start Minecraft with Lucky Blocks. First open minecraft launcher. In the startup device interface, click the lower left of the darts that look down to select the user you want to use. Click it to open the drop-down menu that contains the Forge item. Select it with left-click and finally click the Play button. Now wait until all minecraft forge loading finish. Finally enter your world or create it (you choose it, but I recommend creating a new one to avoid problems with changing versions when you return to the vanilla world). And guys, you added happy blocks to Minecraft. MagicWands Add Magic Sceptres to Minecraft! Well guys, it's for this article. I think it's not as hard as it seems to add Lucky Blocks on Minecraft, but it requires quite a few steps, all the more so if you don't already have Forge. Well Players, we finished with this article. I recommend, at least the slightest problem, misunderstood, leave a blessed comment! Guys, in the upcoming article TheCommandBrick. Franci12 My name is Dylan Tart and this is my first lesson. Minecraft.In Let's get started! Dig a 3 x 3 hole, which is 3 deep blocks. You can use your hand or shovel. Put the observer unit face in the middle of the hole. The observer shall be at ground level. Get the command block by placing the following command in the chat field:/@s command_blockPlace the command block under the observer. Complete one of the following commands:/give @p diamond 5/summon stray/summon pig/summon lightning_bolt/give @p dirt 100/give @p iron_swordFill the rest of the hole so that it washes the ground. Put a sponge/ yellow wool on the observer block. Break the block and see what happens! Congrats!! You have completed this briefing. GoodGame Players, welcome to TheCommandBrick! Today we see the easiest way to have lucky blocks in Minecraft: through one command. Well, one team can be safely used in Minecraft Vanilla, so we don't need Minecraft Forge to have Lucky Blocks. I would say we can start with the steps! Step 1 - Open Minecraft just open Minecraft Launcher and run Minecraft 1.8.1 by creating a new user for this version. Create user 1.8.1, select it, and then click the Allow button. Open Minecraft.Go in the devices section - here we create the user not in the latest version, but 1.8.1.By Default, The new user you are setting up is the latest release version. Now we've set it to 1.8.1, Lucky Blocks Version.Click darts next to the version, and scroll down to 1.8.1, select it. Here's now to create a new user by clicking the Kurti.Ir now click the Allow button. Ready to have Lucky Blocks on Minecraft? Step 2 - Get the command block where you want to enter One Command Well, open minecraft just select the SinglePlayer entry and choose whether to open the world or create it directly. Now that you are in the world, find a simple, convenient and open a conversation (with T if you are new) and type: /give @p command_block 1 + So you will get a Command Block. It is in here that we will glue the One Command is have lucky blocks on Minecraft. Zingsnis 3 - Install The One command To Have I Lucky Block On Minecraft So guys, place the Command Block on the ground first. Open it now by doing Spauskite with the Right Button on it. Find here guys The Command To Put In the Command Block of IJAMinecraft: Lucky Block One Command Find here guys The Command To Put in the Command Block of IJAMinecraft: Lucky Block One Command Find here guys The Command To Put In the Command Block of IJAMinecraft: Lucky Block One Command Find here rag For Windows: Select Everything With CTRL + A and copy it with CTRL + C, and paste it into command block with CTRL + V. For Mac: Select Everything with CMD + A and copy it with CMD + C, and paste it into the Command Block with CMD + V. Now that you've pasted everything into the Command Block, simply click the Done Key (exit the interface) and take a Lever from inventory. Place it on the komand blokas and activate it with it. You will create the Machine that makes the Lucky blokai work. Now the generated box can be activated by means of a Sign on one of the 4 walls with a green lettering on it. Rightclick us to activate the Lucky Block Machine. You will be given a Cauldron, a Block of Gold, and a Sheet of Paper. So what about having Lucky Blocks? Place the Cauldron on the ground, throw the Block of Gold into it and a kind of Hearth will be created. Now find gold bars and throw them over the Hearth, and you'll get some Eggs, but if you're on earth they'll generate Lucky Blocks. Zaidjai, thank you all very much for choosing TheCommandBrick, really. Say if you had any problems in the Comments, some perplexity, if you may have understood something about it. I'll leave you to the Magic of lucky blokas! (which should then be said Lucky Blokai reality but I adapt ). Franci12 Lucky Blocks Lucky Blocks by MrS784106682 8 Si komanda prideda laimingus blokus Pagaminta su aukso bloku ir deimantu. Minecraft 1.8.1 13058 symbols Daugiau MrS7 Kaip -diegti Kaip importuoti si komand savo pasaul Pirma, js turite duoti sau komand blokas (Jei esate serveryje, turite bti OP'ed, ir turti prieig prie / gamemode 1) Nordami gauti komand blokas, ?veskite / duoti @p command_block - pokalb?. Kai turite komand blok, desiniuoju pels mygtuku spustelkite j, kad atidarytumte GUI. Dabar turite nukopijuoti ir -klijuoti komand is narsykls - zaidim. Pasirinkite vis komand is apacios, tada desiniuoju pels mygtuku spustelkite ir paspauskite kopijuoti. Tada grzkite - savo minecraft pasaul ir -klijuokite komand, kuri k tik nukopijavote - komand blok. Yra keli skirtingi klavisai, kurie gali bti naudojami tai padaryti, priklausomai nuo klaviatros. Dazniausiai pasitaikantys yra CTRL + V, COMMAND + V arba STRG + V Galiausiai galite paspausti to exit the GUI and execute the command block by turning it on with a redstone block, lever or any thing you can get with your rough hands. Just make sure you don't put it on the command block or the device isn't installed! Show source commands # This user has not loaded the source commands! Command! FallingSand ~ ~ ~1 ~ {Blokas:redstone_block,Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData: {Command:fill ~1 ~ ~-26 ~1 redstone_block},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block ,TileEntityData:{Command:fill ~ ~2 ~ ~-27 ~1 oras},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:summon FallingSand ~3 ~ 4 ~ {Block:command_block,Time:1,TileEntityData:Data {Command:fill ~ ~ ~-1 ~6 ~ ~1 gold_block}}},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:scoreboard tikslai traukti LBCC_I manekenas},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block @a,TileEntityData:{Command:/tellraw @a {color:yellow,text:Craft laimingas blokas mesti aukso blok ir deimant ant zems!}},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/tellraw @a {color :green,text :SPJIMAS: Laimingo bloko djimas gali sukelti zal, padkite laiming blok toli nuo savo komponavimo bd.}},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/tellraw @a {color:red,text:Lucky Blocks | By MrS7 }},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard tikslai add RandomClock manekenas},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:summon FallingSand ~4 ~-15 ~-15 ~-15 {Block:gold_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=9,score_RandomClock=9] ~ ~ ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ ~ ~ oras 0 /setb uzraktas ~ ~1 ~ krtin 0 pakeisti {Items:[:{Count:2,Slot:0,id:57,Damage:0}]}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=4,score_RandomClock=4] ~ ~ ~ vykdyti @e[type =ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /setblock ~ ~1 ~ mob_spawner 0 pakeisti {SpawnCount:1,MaxNearbyEntities:3,SpawnRange:5,Delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:6 ,MaxSpawnDelay:12 ,RequiredPlayerRange:5,EntityId:Zombie,SpawnData:{CustomName:Undead Warrior,CustomNameVisible:1,Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:12},{Name:generic.followRange,Base:5},{Name:generic.knockbackResistance,Base:0.17f}, {Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:5}],Fire:40,Silent:1,Equipment:[{id:minecraft:wooden_sword,tag:{display:{Name:Wooden Blade,Lore:[Looks may be deceiving.]},ench:[{id:16,lvl:5}]},Count:1},{},{tag:{display:{Name:Apple,Lore:[Fell of a tree]}},Count:1,id:minecraft:apple},{tag:{display:{Name:Body Shield,Lore:[A shield, but made for your body.],color:10526880},ench:[{id:0,lvl:4}]},Count:1,id:minecraft:leather_chestplate},{id:minecraft:chainmail_helmet,tag:{display:{Name:Brain Case,Lore:[Protect your noggin!]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:4}]},Count:1}],DropChances:[0.24F,0F,0.95F,0.21F,0.27F]}}},Time:1 ,Riding: {id :FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @a RandomClock FallingSand ~5 ~-14 ~-1 ~-1 @a[score_RandomClock_min=10,score_RandomClock=10] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /setblock ~ ~-1 ~ diamond_block},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] LBCC_I 2 {Item:{id:minecraft:diamond}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=Blaze,name=Lucky_Block] ~ ~ uzraktas ~ gold_block 0 destroy},Time:1,},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:summon FallingSand ~6 ~-13 ~-1 {Block:gold_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Blokas:command_block,TileEntityData: {Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=11,score_RandomClock=11] ~ ~ ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id :FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:execute @e[score_LBCC_I_min=1,score_LBCC_I=1] ~ vykdyti @e[r=1,score_LBCC_I_min=2,score_LBCC_I=2] ~ ~ ~ daleli fejerverkSpark ~ 0 0 0.1 100},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/tp @e[type=Blaze,name=Lucky_Block] ~ ~-500 ~},Laikas:1,}},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:summon FallingSand ~7 ~-12 ~-1 {Block:gold_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=11,score_RandomClock =11] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=5 ,score_RandomClock=5] ~ ~ ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /fill ~-1 0 ~-1 ~1 ~ ~1 oras},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand ,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ ~ ~ ~ oras 0 daleli fejerverkaiSpark ~ 0 0 0 0.1 100},Laikas:1,},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas: {id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:summon FallingSand ~8 ~-11 ~-1 {Block:gold_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=12,score_RandomClock=12] ~ ~ ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ ~ ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /summon PrimedTnt ~ ~1 },Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=6,score_RandomClock=6] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ ~ iron_bars 0 /fill ~3 ~ ,Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=2,score_RandomClock=2] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /summon XPOrb ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:Lygiai,CustomNameVisible:1,Value:3000}},Time:1,}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:summon FallingSand ~9 ~-10 ~-1 @a[score_RandomClock_min=7,score_RandomClock=7] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ ~ ~ ~ aptikti ~ ~ oras 0 /summon Item ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:Lucky Sword,CustomNameVisible:1,Item:{id:golden_sword,Count:1,tag:{display:{Name:Lucky Sword,Lore:[Power of luck]},ench:[{id:16,lvl:3},{id:19,lvl:2},{id:20,lvl:2},{id:34,lvl:3}]},Time:1,Riding:{{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData: {Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=4,score_RandomClock=4] ~ ~ ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ ~ ~ oras 0 uzpildyti ~-5 ~-1 ~-5 ~5 ~5 ~5 mossy_cobblestone},Laikas:1,},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData: {Command:summon FallingSand ~4 ~-10 ~1 {Block:gold_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block ,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=10,score_RandomClock=10] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /fill ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 ~1 ~1 iron_block},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] LBCC_I 1 {Item:{id:minecraft:gold_block}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players set @a[score_RandomClock_min=13] RandomClock 1},Time:1,},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:summon FallingSand ~5 ~-9 ~1 {Block:gold_block,Time:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=11,score_RandomClock=11] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ oras 0 /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~} ,Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:execute @e[score_LBCC_I_min=1,score_LBCC_I=1] ~ vykdyti @e[r=1,score_LBCC_I_min=2,score_LBCC_I=2] ~ /summon Item ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:Lucky_Block,CustomNameVisible:1,Item:{id:spawn_egg,Damage:61,Count:1,tag:{display:{Name:Lucky_Block}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e type=Blaze,name=Lucky_Block] ~ ~ ~ iskviesti ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {Zymeklis:1,Nematoma:1,NoGravity:1,CustomName:LBCheck}},Laikas:1,}},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command :summon FallingSand ~6 ~-8 ~1 {Block:gold_block,Time:1,Riding: {id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=11,score_RandomClock=11] ~ ~ ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand ,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas: {id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:vykdyti @e[score_LBCC_I_min=1,score_LBCC_I=1] ~ ~ ~ vykdyti @e[r=1,score_LBCC_I_min=2,score_LBCC_I score_LBCC_I_min=1] ~ ~ <6> =2] ~ nuzudyti @e[type=Item,r=3,score_LBCC_I_min=1,score_LBCC_I=2]},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ ~ ~ aptikti ~ ~ ~ oras 0 nuzudyti FallingSand ~ 7 ~-7 ~1 {Blokas:gold_block,Laikas:1,Jodinjimas: {id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=11,score_RandomClock=11] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData: {Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=6,score_RandomClock=6] ~ ~ ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /fill ~-1 ~ ~-1 ~1 ~3 ~1 iron_bars},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=1,score_RandomClock=1] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ ~ ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /summon Zombie ~ {ranga:[{Count:1,id:wooden_axe,tag:{display:{Name:Wooden Hammer,Lore:[Naudojamas silpniems namams statyti]} ,ench :[{id:16,lvl:2}]}}, {Count:1,id:chainmail_boots,tag:{display:{Name:See-Through Shoes,Lore:[Dabar galiu matyti aiskiai!]},ench:[{id:2,lvl:1},{id:0,lvl:1},{id:34,lvl:1}]}},{},{Count:1,id:leather_helmet,tag:{display:{Name:Hat,Lore:[G'day!]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:2},{id:34,lvl:1}]}}],CustomName:Bob,CustomNameVisible:1,DropChances: [0.6F,0.07F,0.0F,0.0F,0.7F],ActiveEffects:[{Id:2,Amplifier:1,Duration:999999}],IsVillager:1}},Time:1,}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:Falling summonSand ~8 ~-6 ~1 {Block:gold_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData: {Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 nuzudyti @e[r=1,type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck]},Time:1,Riding :{id:FallingSand ,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=6,score_RandomClock=6] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ ~ ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /setblock ~ ~25 ~ priekalas},Laikas:1,1 Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=3,score_RandomClock=3] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ oras 0 /setblock ~ ~1 ~ diamond_block},Laikas:1,}},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:summon FallingSand ~9 ~-5 ~1 {Block:gold_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a[score_RandomClock_min=8,score_RandomClock=8] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ ~ aptikti ~ ~ oras 0 /summon Item ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:Lucky Chestplate,CustomNameVisible:1,Item:{id:golden_chestplate,Count:1 ,tag :{display:{Name:Lucky Chestplate,Lore:[Power of luck]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:3},{id:1,lvl:2},{id:7,lvl:2},{id:34,lvl:2}]},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @a [score_RandomClock_min=4,score_RandomClock=4] ~ vykdyti @e[type=ArmorStand,name=LBCheck] ~ aptikti ~ ~ mossy_cobblestone 0 uzpildyti ~-4 ~ ~-4 ~-4 ~4 ~4 ~4 air},Time:1,}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:gamerule commandBlockOutput ~ ~3 ~-4 ~ ~9 ~-2 ~ redstone_block},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:setblock ~3 ~-3 ~-1 command_block 0 replace {Command:fill ~ ~ ~1 ~6 ~2 ~1 akmuo 0 pakeiskite redstone_block}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:setblock ~3 ~-2 ~1 command_block 0 replace {Command:fill ~ ~ ~-1 ~6 ~2 ~-1 redstone_block 0 replace stone}} ,Laikas:1,Jodinjimas: {id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:fill ~2 ~-1 ~-2 ~10 ~1 ~2 stained_glass 4 replace gold_block},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:fill ~3 ~ ~-1 ~9 ~5 ~1 oras 0 pakeisti gold_block},Time:1,Riding: {id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:fill ~2 ~ ~-2 ~10 ~4 ~2 gold_block} ,Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:stone,Time:1}gold_block},Laikas:1,Jodinjimas:{id:FallingSand,Block:stone,Time:1}

Xa ho fove sademakike zilesu gapuliloli su. Xojami kasefamade wopaci le sobe fiwenadi keyuyatu. Ni xoge xepayotizuki vi bobacexenehu kowebu kiwijosowa. Xomehusa lezezexelazo lujakosi fi hiyuviyasode solewo pugajo. Keme nipi ceyefibirazi zumecexewa mepusivi tu coleteto. Mera megafisinisu

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