Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Reading Questions:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Reading Questions:

Fitt I

1. After opening with a discussion of Troy, what is the setting of the poem's opening in terms of time and place? What time of the year is it?

2. What are some of the amusements the court participates in as part of the celebration? (see stanzas 3 and 4).

3. Read the description of Lady Guinevere in stanza 4. How is she described? What other details does the author include in this section?

4. When Arthur is first introduced in stanza 5, how is he described? What does Arthur demand happens before the feast is allowed to begin?

5. As soon as the trumpets finish their flourish for the first dish, who shows up at the hall (stanza 7)?

6. In the tenth stanza, the poet lists some of the things the knight is not carrying or wearing. What are these items? Why might the narrator think it odd that the knight doesn't carry or wear these things?

7. In Stanza 11, how do all the guests initially react to the Green Knight’s demand to speak to Arthur, and what do they say? (trick question!)

8. In stanza 12, what does the knight say he has heard about the Knights of the Round Table?

9. How does the knight insult Arthur’s men in stanza 13?

10. What “game” does the Green Knight suggest to prove the bravery of King Arthur’s court?

11. If the Green Knight survives the blow from one of King Arthur's knight, what will he get to do to that knight? What date or duration is the set time for this "payback"?

12. Before Sir Gawain steps up to play, who first leaps down out of anger to play the game?

13. Why does Gawain say it will be no great loss if he dies while playing the Green Knight's game? What does this reveal about his character?

14. When the Green Knight bows down and extends his neck in order to have his head chopped off, what does he carefully move out of the way so his neck can be clearly seen?

15. What happens when Gawain takes his turn with the axe? How hurt is the knight by Gawain’s blow?

16. Where does the Green Knight's head tell Sir Gawain to come before New Year's Day of next year? What does he say will happen if Sir Gawain does not show up?

17. What does everyone do once the ax-blade has been hung up on the wall?

Fitt II

1. After Gawain's game, the poet describes the passing of winter games. He then describes the coming of spring and Lent and Easter in a single stanza, and then he describes the ripening of crops and the coming of summer in one stanza. The poet then describes All-Hallow's Eve (Halloween), All Saint's Day, and the season of fall in a few lines. What is the poet suggesting by rapidly moving through time in this manner when it comes to Gawain's situation? (see the bob and wheel for stanza 23).

2. How does the court react to Sir Gawain's decision to leave?

3. What is Gawain's response to those who say it is a shame for him "endure a deadly dint (blow)"?

4. What religious undertaking does Gawain participate in before mounting his horse and riding away?

5. What is the name of Gawain's horse?

6. What emblem or design appears on the front of Gawain's shield (blazon)?

7. Why is the number five important or significant, according to the narrator?

8. Whose picture appears on the inside of Gawain's shield?

9. In stanza 29, who do the people of the court seem displeased with after Gawain leaves for his errand?

10. What kind of creatures does Gawain fight as he searches for the Green Chapel?

11. Who is the first person Gawain meets at the mansion? What kind of reception does he receive upon his arrival?

12. How is the baron of the castle described in stanza 36?

13. In stanza 38, why are the people of the castle excited to have Gawain in their presence? What do they expect they will witness form his behavior?

14. How does the poet describe the physical appearance of the lady of the manor? Who accompanies the lady? How do their appearances compare?

15. Sir Gawain and the host arrange to play a "Christmas game" during the three days while they await the New Year's deadline. What are the rules of the game they play?

Fitt III

1. What activity is the host engaged in that keeps him away from the castle where Gawain is staying?

2. While the host is away, who visits Gawain in his bedroom? What does he try to do to avoid talking to this person?

3. After the visitor to Gawain’s bed laughs and bids him good morning, she chastises him for being a "careless sleeper." What does she say she will do to him if he does not make a truce and surrender to her?

4. What does the lady offer Gawain at the end of stanza 49? What is Gawain’s response to her offer over the next few stanzas?

5. While Sir Gawain and the lady are flirting and teasing each other at mass, what are the hunters doing to the deer they have captured? What kind of deer are they allowed to hunt? Why do you suppose the poet juxtaposes these two scenes?

6. What do Gawain and the host give each other at the first of their “exchanges”?

7. What animal do the host and his men hunt on the second day of the game?

8. While this seduction scene takes place in the castle, what's going on with the pursuit of the boar outside?

9. When it comes time for the host to trade his winnings of boar-meat with Gawain, what does Gawain give him in exchange? What does the Host declare about the game and Sir Gawain?

10. On the third day, what animal does the host hunt early in the morning?

11. What is Gawain dreaming of when the lady interrupts his sleep?

12. What gift does the lady first offer Sir Gawain as a love token? Why doesn't Sir accept that item?

13. What is the second gift the lady next offers Sir Gawain? According to the lady, what magical powers does this item have? What color is this item? Why is Gawain eager to accept it (if that's not too painfully obvious).

14. While Sir Gawain is praying, what happens to the fox being hunted by the host?

15. What does Gawain keep from the host? What does this say about Gawain’s troth?

Fitt IV

1. What special item is Sir Gawain wearing when he goes out to confront the Green Knight?

2. The servant assigned to guide Sir Gawain to the Green Chapel gives Gawain some unsolicited advice in stanza 85. He suggests that since the Green Chapel is so perilous, and since the Green Knight is so dangerous, Gawain should do what? What does the servant promise he will do if Sir Gawain takes his advice?

3. In stanza 87 Gawain reaches the “Chapel.” What does it look like? Why does this surprise him?

4. What sound does Sir Gawain hear as he walks around the outside of the Green Chapel? Why would that sound evoke a strong emotional reaction?

5. How does Sir Gawain react when the Green Knight gets ready to swing the ax the first time in stanza 91? What does the Green Knight have to say about that reaction?

6. When the Green Knight strikes Sir Gawain with the ax, he leaves a wound. Describe this wound.

7. What does Sir Gawain do after being cut by the Green Knight? What does he say?

8. When the Green Knight explains himself, why does he say he did not wound Sir Gawain with the first swing? Why does he say he didn't wound Sir Gawain with the second swing? Why did he actually strike Sir Gawain with the third swing, even though Sir Gawain gave him the appropriate number of kisses and didn't commit adultery? Who is the Green Knight?

9. Who sent the wife to seduce Gawain, according to the Green Knight?

10. What, according to the Green Knight, did Sir Gawain lack? Why doesn't the Green Knight blame or judge Gawain harshly for that failure?

11. Who or what does Sir Gawain initially blame for his failure, citing the events that happened to Adam, Solomon, and Samson in the Bible?

12. Why does Gawain say he will keep the green girdle?

13. What is the Green Knight's real name?

14. Who was the old lady at the castle? Why did she send the Green Knight to Camelot?

15. What happens to Sir Gawain's complexion as he recounts to King Arthur's court the story of his adventure?

16. How does the court comfort Sir Gawain? (i.e., what action do they take in the way they dress to show their support for him?)


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