Sales Presentation Rubric

Sales Presentation

The project will entail the various elements of the selling process and give you (the student) the opportunity to express your creative side and implement the concepts. Once the project is put together you (the salesperson) will present the information to your group (potential customers). You will be allowed to work with one partner unless otherwise approved. However, each of you will present the project to the class in a combined effort, not with just one person making the presentation.

Major Requirements:


o Questions for the customers / get them talking and engaged

➢ (N) Determine the NEED

o Observe, listen, and question the customer to figure out the need

➢ (P) Product PRESENTATION - Features and Benefits

o Demonstrate the product in some creative manner: Show them how the product works

o Videos, real-time demo, creative involvement

o DETAIL - Features & Benefits of the product

➢ (O) Overcome OBJECTIONS - Features and Benefits

o Come up with creative solutions to price, quality, quantity, sizing, variety, or any challenge that may be presented

➢ (C) CLOSE the Sale

o Use an established closing, many times the close will come naturally, but make sure you do!

➢ (S) SUGGESTION Selling

o Come up with 2 or 3 additional products you will sell in addition to your product. (Related items, warranties, trainings.)

➢ Follow up (Please provide a hard copy for teacher)

o Letter

o Coupons

o Brochure

o Receipt (Phone/online survey)

➢ Miscellaneous Requirements

o Props or Product (Impossible to do without them)

o Provide the teacher with a typed version of the SKIT. Follow the example!

Sales Presentation Rubric

| |0-2 Little / no value |3-4 - Poor |5-7 Average / Above |8-10 - Excellent |Total |

| |Student forgot to introduce |Student did not introduce |Student went through basic |Student introduced themselves | / 10|

|A |themselves & company and did |themselves / company and then |introductions Introduce |and the company They opened the| |

| |not attempt to engage |opened the sale. Little attempt|themselves & the company. Lack|sale creatively and engaged the| |

|APPROACH: |customer.  |to engage customer No |of enthusiasm. |customer by grasping their | |

| | |enthusiasm. | |attention. Creative, | |

| | | | |enthusiastic, and clearly | |

| | | | |focused | |

| |Customer cannot understand |Customer has difficulty |Salesperson observes, listens |Salesperson observes, listens | |

|N |presentation because there is |following the information |or questions the customer to |and questions the customer to | |

| |no sequence of information. |because student jumps around. |gain enough information. |gain valuable & detailed | |

|DETERMINE NEED: |Unprepared , more time needed |No /little fluency in the | |information. |/ 10 |

| | |sequence. | | | |

| |Student uses superfluous |Student uses a demo that rarely|Student presents |Student presents | |

|P |graphics or no graphics to |supports the presentation. |Feature/Benefits in logical |Feature/Benefits in logical, | |

| |demonstrate the product. |Visual aides are adequate, not |fluent sequence which customer |creative sequence which |/ 20 |

|PRODUCT | |fully organized / prepared |can follow. |customer can follow. | |

|PRESENTATION | | | | | |

|(Features & Ben.) | | | | | |

| |Student does not have grasp of |Student is uncomfortable with |Student is at ease with product|Student demonstrates full | |

|O |information; student cannot |information and is able to |answers to all questions, fails|knowledge by answering all | |

| |field objections effectively |answer only basic questions. no|to elaborate though |class questions with |/ 10 |

|OVERCOME | |elaboration | |explanations and elaboration. | |

|OBJECTIONS | | | | | |

| |Student simply ends sale Uses |Student does not use closing |Student closes adequately using|Student closes the sale | |

|C |no closing technique |technique effectively. |a technique. |effectively, not abrupt, uses |/ 10 |

| | | | |closing technique well. | |

|CLOSE SALE | | | | | |

| |Student does not incorporate or|Student incorporates products |Student offers other products |Student offers other products | |

|S |offer any elaborations for the |but offers no elaborations on |and somewhat explains. Could |and elaborates on each one of | |

| |other products that they are |the products sold product |have used more depth into |them. Done creatively and |/ 10 |

|SUGGESTION |selling |inappropriate to what is being |explanation. |exceptionally well. | |

|SELLING | |sold | | | |

| |Customer cannot understand |Customer has difficulty |Student presents information in|Student presents information in| |

|Organization |presentation because there is |following presentation because |logical sequence which customer|logical, creative sequence | |

|Presentation |no sequence of information. |student jumps around. Never |can follow. No major glitches |which customer can follow. |/ 10 |

| |Unprepared. |really gets started. |in the fluency of the |Extremely organized & | |

| | | |presentation |attractive visual aides. | |

| |Student’s outline doesn’t |Outline follows structure in |Outline is detailed follows a |Outline is done exceptionally | |

|Presentation Outline |follow format, more time and |some spots but fails to |structure but a few minor |well, clear, formatted, |/ 20 |

|(Paper Copy) |effort should have been |elaborate on any topics. |points could be better. |addresses major points | |

| |displayed | | | | |

| | | |

|TOTAL | |/100 |

Sales Presentation SKIT




Name of Company

Opening Comments

Determine Need




Product Presentation - Features and Benefits & Method

|(Product Name) |

|Features |Benefits |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Overcome Objection(s)

Challenge & Method used to solve challenge

Close the Sale

Closing Technique Used

Suggestion Selling

(Product Item 1) F&B

(Product Item 2) F&B

Follow Up

Attached (Letter, Coupon, Brochure, Receipt)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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