Módulo: Mecanizado (MEC)

|IC01 - Installing and maintaining computer hardware and software |

|AF Unit 3 – Installing the software |

This unit is about the installation of the basic software of a computer: the operating system, like MS Windows or any Linux distributions. You will download an ISO file and use a bootable USB to install the OS.


|All the computers have basic software called Operating System (OS). It is the interface between the hardware and the user’s software. |

Usually, when you buy a computer (desktop or laptop) you do not need to install any Operating System, because it comes with the computer.

So, when do you need to install the basic software?

• When you want to update your OS.

• When you configure a new computer from scratch.

• When you have an issue with your computer and need to start again from scratch.

3.1 Basic software

Which OS do you have? And your friends? and your family?

Take a look inside the next document to discover the OS usage statistics.

|[pic] |OS (for laptop and desktop) usage statistics |

|[pic] |OS (for tablet and smartphone) usage statistics |

Activity 1 :

After that, fill the next table about the OS that you know, and tell a little bit more about which ones you have used.

|Operating System name |I used it (YES/NO) |

|Windows 8 | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Android | |

|iOS | |

As you can see, most people use Microsoft Windows. One of the reasons is because most computers come with it.

Windows and Mac OS are proprietary, and Linux distributions are free and open source. So, think about the cost of installing a proprietary OS in a college or in a SOHO (Small Office and Home Office).

In the next step, you will download and use a free and open source operating system file. You will need:

- An empty USB memory stick.

- The OS file from the Internet.

- Software to make your USB bootable.

3.2 Installing basic software

This final part is divided into three steps:

1. Downloading the OS file.

2. Installing the OS file to the USB memory stick.

3. Installing the OS file from the USB to the hard drive.

Activity 2 : Downloading the OS file

A running Operating System is a huge program with thousands of files. But when you download it from the Internet, it is allocated in just one file: the ISO file.

Complete the next table about the main OS websites where you can find and download the ISO file to install the Operating System to the computer:

|Operating System name |Website when I can download the ISO file |

|Windows 8.1 | |

|Ubuntu | |

|Fedora | |

|Debian | |

The next steps are based on Ubuntu installation, but are perfectly valid for any OS.

The download page of the Ubuntu website is like this:


Once you have the ISO file, you need a Bootable USB memory stick to install the ISO file. Then, you will install the OS from the USB.

There are several ways to make a Bootable USB memory stick. Here comes one:

• Download and execute the next free software:

|[pic] |Rufus website |


Things you have to do with this software:

- Connect and choose your USB memory stick.

- Choose the ISO file that you have downloaded.

- Click on Start and wait for the process to finish.

After waiting for a while, your USB will be ready and bootable from the computer. So, connect it to the computer where you want to install the new OS and switch it on.

When the first screen appears, key the option to select the boot device as you can see in the next picture:


After that, choose your USB memory stick from the list (or removable drive).

That’s all; you can follow the main steps to install the system from the installing wizard, as shown:


Activity 3 :

The final exercise is to make a step-by-step user’s guide where you have to explain how to install an OS from a USB drive. You can do a Prezi or PowerPoint presentation where you have to attach some pictures of all the process and the explanation of each step.


|In the next video, there is an example of how to install the Ubuntu OS from a bootable USB. |

|[pic] |

|Installing basic software |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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