centertop0DENVER BRONCOS CONFERENCE CALL QUOTES (3/26/20)QUARTERBACK JEFF DRISKELOn what led him to the Broncos and if the game he started against the team with Cincinnati played into ending up with Denver“Going into free agency you never really know where you might end up. It’s a matter of a fit with the team and a fit with yourself. I kind of identified Denver early on in the process as one of if not my target destination just because I’ve heard so many good things about the organization, the culture, then the quarterback room with [QB] Drew [Lock] and Coach Shurmur [Offensive Coordinator Pat Shurmur]—just kind of seeing how he worked with [Giants QB] Daniel [Jones] last year and all of the improvement that he had. I just felt like it was a really good fit for myself and for the team. I’m just looking forward to getting out there.”On if he has talked to Lock and where he thinks he will be able to help him most“He actually reached out to me right when I had signed which I thought was really classy and just a really cool kind of ice breaker to get to know each other just a little bit as much as you can over the phone of text or whatever. I don’t know much about him except I’ve seen him play a few times. I know he’s a really good player with a lot of upsight. I’m looking forward to working with him and helping him out in any way I can—not just helping him but helping all my teammates and doing whatever I can to help our organization win games.”On what challenges the prospect of not having an offseason program will present“It’s difficult. It’s definitely something that nobody’s really had to do before. It’s not obviously just going to be me. It’s going to be the whole league so we’re all going to be on the same level playing field. I’ve learned enough offenses at this point where I can dive into a play book and study and kind of learn it my specific way. It’s just a matter of the reps that you might lose. It’s hard to replicate live reps and things like that. I can see where it might be hard for rookies coming into this league never really having to go through it before then try and do it on their own. It’s going to be a learning curve for a lot of people. We’re just going to have to take it in stride and do the best we can with the circumstance that is presented.”On what he thought his experience with the Lions last year did to help make him better before his injury“In the NFL especially playing the quarterback position game reps and getting out there and starting some games—it’s hard to come by. [Lions QB Matthew] Stafford when I was out there, he hadn’t missed a game in like eight years. It was—obviously you never want to see somebody go down like that, but it was a blessing to me to get out there and get a couple more games under my belt, showcase my talents to the league. Whenever you get more reps you’re more comfortable, you’ve been in more situations. I think it will help me moving forward. It brings some experience and when you get that experience you’re a lot more comfortable going out there.”On if the Broncos had sent him the playbook“I wasn’t able to get it until I was officially signed. It just came in in FedEx. There’s going to be a big learning curve. I’ve got a lot to learn. I’ll have a lot of time to study. I’ve had to learn a bunch of offenses over the course of my football career. I’m no rookie when it comes to learning a new system. It will just be in a different environment this year. Hopefully we can get out to Denver all together and go through some type of offseason program, but we’re just not really sure how that’s going to work this year.”On the evolution of the quarterback position to a more athletic position since he has been in the league“Guys like me love to see guys running around making plays. More and more starters in this league are making plays running around. It’s effective. If you go ask defensive guys it they have to account for a quarterback running the ball it’s a whole new game plan. I think other people being successful with it in the league whether it’s running the football or off-scheduled plays. I think that’s helped me a lot. I always say, it doesn’t matter how you score points as long as you’re scoring points.”On how he would describe his game“I don’t know if there’s a certain way to describe it. I always try to play within the system. You try to do what’s practiced. You try to just be efficient and move the chains. Sometimes things don’t play out on the field like they’re practiced or like they’re drawn up. You try to extend plays and that’s where you see a lot of big plays. I don’t know if there’s a term for that. I’m an athletic guy who’s willing to use all the gifts that I have and be effective.”On what the Broncos are getting with G Graham Glasgow“They’re getting versatility. He’s able to play all the interiors spots. In one of my games last year that I started he had to start at center after not really doing it all year. He went right in, played well, took control of the offensive line. He’s been a guy who’s been a starter ever since he’s been in the league. He brings a lot of experience. He’s a very calming presence. He’s fun to be around. They’re getting a really good versatile player with experience who’s just a fun guy and makes (8:01) in the building.”On what the benefit was in rounding out his game in college at Louisiana Tech“You never want to have to transfer or anything like that. I enjoyed my time at the University of Florida. It was just time to move on. That happens in life sometimes. It was good to go out on a positive note in college having a successful year. I was able to meet more people, learn some football from some new people. It was a good experience and it was good to go out playing well. I took a lot from that year so I think it was a really good decision for myself.”On how he was drafted by the MLB after having not played baseball in high school and if he is looking at giving professional baseball a shot later in life“I played high school baseball. I didn’t play college baseball. I got drafted while I was in college. I think it was after my junior year. I got drafted and it was a wild experience. Hopefully not—no plans to play baseball in the future. I’m going to play football as long as they let me hopefully until I’m about 40 years old. I don’t know if they want 40-year-olds in the minor leagues (9:47). That’s the plan.”On what position he played in high school“I played centerfield. They moved me to the outfield when they figured out I couldn’t field a ground ball.”On if he thinks being a starter for a few games last year gave him an understanding as to how he can help Lock “I think just from his point of view going into the offseason—I don’t know how many games he started. I think it was like three or four at the end of the year. Just having that experience and playing well is going to be huge for him going into the offseason. Taking those reps knowing he’s been there before when he goes into the offseason program and then training camp will be huge for him as well as the guys that are around him. They’ve done it with him before. They have confidence in him. I think just getting out there and playing well is huge. Like I said, I’m going to help in any way I can. That’s what I want to bring to the quarterback room just a healthy competitive spirit, but I want to help him out as much as I can because that’s going to help the team.”On how he trains while in a pandemic environment“I’m in Orlando, Fla. I’m pretty hunkered down in the house doing my workout stuff like weights and running, stuff like that just at my house and the little park that’s near my house. My brother is actually—he’s staying with me right now because he was in Miami. Miami was kind of the worst of it in Florida. He’s working remotely from my house right now. He’s paying rent in the form of catching me up. That’s how I’m keeping my arm alive and moving. It is a lot different. It’s something we all have to adapt to. We just have to figure it out on the move.”On if he is planning on having a fourth Annual Driskel Family Football and Cheer camp“That’s the plan. Like you said, it’s hard to plan anything right now with all the moving parts and all the unknowns. That’s something that me and my wife and my family and really the community really look forward to. It’s growing every year. It’s just something we’re really passionate about is serving our youth in the Orlando area. We’d be disappointed if we’re not able to do it. If we can we’ll be out there. It’s a good time. It’s something we really look forward to and enjoy doing.” ................

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