Microsoft Word - getting_to_know_you.doc

Title: Getting to Know You Name: ______________________

Subject: _____________________

E-mail: ______________________ Birthday: _________________ (Mine is on December 11th)


You are all amazing people, and I am eager to learn more about each of you. Please note that this questionnaire is confidential. I will be the only one reading your responses.

Section I: Please answer questions 1-6.

1) Do you have brothers or sisters? If so, how many and what grades are they in?

2) What is your favorite activity?

3) What is your least favorite activity?

4) What is your favorite school subject?

5) Name any teams or clubs which you have been part of or plan on joining this year.

6) What is your favorite type of music?

Section II: Please complete the sentences below.

7) On the weekends I like to . . .

8) Someone I admire is ______________ because…

9) If I could go anywhere for a day, I would go . . .

10) I learn the most when the teacher . . .

11) The easiest part about English class is…

12) The challenging part about English class is…

13) Favorite English TV programs (Game of Thrones?!), movies, or books…

14) Any extra details about yourself / questions you have for me?



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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