PUBERTY – Understand your changing body

PUBERTY – Understand your changing body

Here we will talk about:

• What is _______________?

• When changes happen to girls?

• What are the sex ______________?

• What are _____________periods and why do they happen?

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What is Puberty?

• It is the time when our bodies change toward an ____________ body.

• Start to develop new feelings and interests

• Males start to make _____________ sperm cells and females start to make ________cells

• The cells necessary to make a new human: Sperm + Egg = Baby

We will talk about the changes that happen that others can see.

And changes that are private.

When we talk about these things

it is normal to feel curious, disgusted, comfortable, shy, embarrassed, excited

When do changes happen?

Change can happen anywhere from ages ___________; however, most people begin to change between the ages ____________. When you start makes no _________________ to how you develop and no age is better than any other one. It will take some people a __________ time to change and it will take others a long time to change. This is all ____________.

What changes happen to girls? - Draw a line to where the changes happen.

• Get taller and heavier

• Bones grow bigger and heavier

• Hips get wider and more _____________

• Face changes shape

• _____________Voice gets a little deeper

• Hair grows under the _____________, around

the _____________ (pubic hair)

• Hair on arms and legs grows darker

• Breasts and _____________ larger

• Body sweats more

• Internal and external sex organs grow

• May have mood swings, sexual thoughts and _____________

What causes these changes?

• Hormones – chemical messengers that travel in the blood stream from the place where they are made (called glands) to the place where they do their work.

• Each hormone has a specific job.

• The pituitary gland, deep inside your _____________, gets things started. It sends out hormones to our sex organs to get them to start making sex hormones.

• It is the sex hormones that make the changes that cause _____________ bodies grow into _____________ bodies.

• Both _____________ and _____________ make the same sex hormones. The main ones are testosterone and estrogen.

• Boys make lots of _____________, not so much estrogen.

• Girls make lots of _____________, not so much testosterone.

What will I look like when I grow up?

• That depends mostly on your heredity, the genes you got when an egg cell and a sperm cell from your birth parents came together to make the cells that developed into you.

• Genes mostly determine how tall you will grow, the _____________ of your hair, the size and shape of your _____________ and your overall body shape.

• Other things that affect our body are the foods we eat, how active we are and how much sleep we get.

What are the sex organs? Draw a line to each part of the female’s reproductive organs.

• These parts are also called the reproductive organs and genitals.

The parts on the inside are: Draw a line to each part of the female’s reproductive organs.

So what are periods and why do they happen?

• Girls are born with hundreds of thousands of tiny eggs, called ova (single=ovum).

• These egg cells are only half formed.

• At puberty, hormones tell the ovaries it is time to start releasing ____________.

• Usually ________egg at a time matures (develops) and is released from an ovary.

• At the same time, the uterus starts to grow a thick lining on the inside ____________.

• The lining has lots of tiny ____________vessels.

• The lining is there to protect and ____________an egg that has combined with a sperm to form a fertilized egg.

When will I get my period?

• No one can tell exactly when it will start, but

• Many girls get some white or yellow stuff on their underwear.

• It is mucus and tells the girl that her period is coming sometime within the next year.

How long will the bleeding last?

• Each female is different. It can vary from 3 – 8 days.

• During a period we only lose a few tablespoons to about half a cup of blood in that time – not a lot.

How often will I get a period?

• At first there may not be any pattern to when you will get your next period.

• Some women never have a regular pattern.

• Most women eventually have a regular cycle – they know approximately when their next period will happen.

• The length of a cycle is from the first day of bleeding one month to the first day of bleeding the next time it happens.

• Each person is different so some women may have a period every 23 days, some every 28 days and some every 35 days.

Will it hurt?

• The bleeding is like a nosebleed – we don’t know it is happening until we become aware that we have blood on our underwear.

• Some girls get cramps – tight pains around the uterus – before and for a day or two during their period.

• Some girls get cramps every period, some once in awhile and some never.

• If you get them, talk to your mom or another woman about what to do for them.

Will people know when I get my period?

• Not unless you tell them.

• The blood usually dribbles out a bit at a time, it doesn’t gush out in a puddle.

What do I do when I get my period

• Females use pads or tampons to catch the blood that comes from the vagina.

• Sanitary ____________are made of material that absorbs the blood.

• Most have a sticky strip on one side to hold the pad to the underwear.

• Pads come in a variety of sizes and shapes.

• A ____________is a small plug of material that fits inside the vagina to absorb the blood.

• Some girls like to use tampons, especially if they are doing physical activities

• Some girls only use pads.

People say you get PMS with periods. What is it and will I get it?

• PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome.

• Some females start to feel weepy, “headachy” and bloated.

• Before and when their period comes. It happens because the hormones are changing.

• Some females ____________have PMS. Everyone is different!

• If this happens to you talk to an adult you trust.

So what about Breasts?

• Lots of girls feel ____________when their breasts start to grow, other girls are ____________.

• Your genes determine the size and shape of breasts.

• The size does not affect how much milk a mother can make to feed a baby.

• The first thing you may notice is a bump behind the nipple.

• Then there will be swelling underneath

• The nipples are gets ____________darker.

• Breasts grow slowly and one side may be bigger for awhile.

• They may feel ____________at times while they are developing.

Do I have to wear a bra?

• That is up to you.

• Some girls never wear ____________.

• Some girls feel more comfortable wearing one.

I’m worried that I will get fat when I go through puberty. Can I stop it?

• Females’ body shape changes and hips ____________to make more space for a ____________ to develop.

• At puberty, both guys and girls gain weight and develop different strengths.

• Guys put on more ____________. Compared to a girl of the same height, weight and build, the guy may be able to lift more weight and run faster.

• Girls build up “adipose tissue” – fat, which is energy stored in our body in our upper arms, breasts, ____________and buttocks.

• Energy is needed for breast feeding and looking after a newborn child.

• Girls can survive things, like hunger and extreme heat/cold, better than a guy of her size.

What about feelings?

• You may have ____________swings – happy one day, sad the next.

• You may love your friends or family at times and not want to have anything to do with them at other times.

• Sometimes you may feel grown-up, other times like a ____________.

• There may be lots of tears and arguments.

• Changing hormones cause some of these feelings.

Sexual feelings

• You may think about or have dreams about things such as:

• Kissing someone

• Naked bodies

• Being touched

• Flirting

• Falling in love

• It could be someone your age, someone older, someone you know or someone you don’t know like a celebrity.

• It might be someone of your sex or someone of the opposite sex or both.

• When females get sexual feelings they can have a tingly feeling around their sex organs.

• The vagina gets wet.

• Some females touch their sex parts to get the intense feeling called orgasm. This is called masturbation. Some girls do it, some don’t.

As everyone grows up, they will go through puberty and their bodies will change. Everyone is different, so everyone will change differently. The most important is to love who you are and to comfortable with who you are.



Sex organ


Sperm cell

Egg cell





Pubic hair



Mood swings

Sex hormones

Pituitary gland





Reproductive Organs




Inner and outer labia


Vaginal opening


Fallopian tube






Blood Vessels

Fertilized egg




PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome






The parts on the outside are:


• The area of soft skin between a female’s legs.


• Small organ made of nerves and tissue.

• At the top where the lips join.

• Only the tip is on the outside, the rest is hidden inside.

• Sensitive to touch. Can feel tingly and pleasurable.  


• Not a sex organ.

• Tiny opening that urine comes out from the bladder.

Inner and Outer Labia

• Soft folds of skin that cover the inner parts

• Grow darker and bigger at puberty.


• Between the two cheeks of the buttocks.

• It is where bowel movements come out.

Vaginal opening

• Entrance to the vagina.


• Thin piece of skin that may cover part of the opening to the vagina.

• Often small or missing.


• Warm, soft, moist passageway joining outside and uterus.

Fallopian tubes

• Narrow tubes between the uterus and the ovary.


• Glands that make egg cells and female sex hormones.


• Sometimes called the womb.

• Muscular organ about the size of a pear.

• Where developing baby, called a fetus, grows and is fed.

• Where the period comes from.


• The lower part of the uterus.

• Makes mucus to keep sperm alive.

• Has opening where sperm enter uterus and where the baby comes out of the uterus.

Name: _______________

Date: _______________

Block: _________

What is Happening?


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