Law School Materials for Success - CALI

 Law School Materials for Success

Version 1

Barbara Glesner Fines

Associate Dean & Rubey M. Hulen Professor of Law University of Missouri Kansas City

CALI eLangdell? Press 2013

About the Author

Barbara Glesner Fines is the Ruby M. Hulen Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Faculty at the University of Missouri - Kansas City, where she has taught since 1986. Professor Glesner received her law degree from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and her masters of law degree from Yale Law School. She teaches Professional Responsibility, Family Violence, Divorce Process, and a Seminar in Ethical Issues in the Representation of Families and Children.

Her recent publications include Ethical Issues in Family Representation (Carolina Academic Press 2010); Professional Responsibility: Collaborative Approach (Context and Skills Series) (Carolina Academic Press 2012); Fifty Years of Family Law Practice - The Evolving Role of The Family Law Attorney, 24 J. AMER. ACAD. MATRIM. L. 601 (2011); Lessons Learned About Classroom Teaching from Authoring Computer-assisted Instruction Lessons, 38 WM. MITCHELL L. REV. 1094 (2012).

Professor Glesner has held leadership positions in many organizations devoted to legal education, including the AALS Section on Teaching Methods (Chair 2012-13); the AALS section on Professional Responsibility (Secretary 2012-13); the Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (Board of Directors, 1998- 2005; President 2002-2005; Editorial Board 1998- current); and the Institute for Law School Teaching and Learning (Advisory Board 2003-date, Acting President 2006-2008).


This is the first version of the first edition of this chapter, updated June 11, 2012. Visit for the latest version and for revision history.

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