TeachingEnglish Webquest


LearnEnglish Kids webquest

Full name ………………………………………… (Parents’)Tel Number……………………….

(Parents’) Email address…………………………………………….

To enter this English Language Week webquest competition, complete the personal details above, then visit Learn English Kids and find the answers to the 5 questions below. Write your answer for each question in the spaces ………….below. Save this document and send it to English4future@tn. by Friday 30th May 2014.

|1.Click listen and watch then ‘kids news’ section. Watch the ‘|What do Pisha and Pearas decide to make for their mum’s breakfast? Salad or toast? |

|breakfast ‘ video |[pic]…………………………………….. |

|[pic] | |

|2. Click the read and write section and Your turn. |When is World Book Day? |

|[pic] |[pic]…………………………………………. |

|3. Click the make section and make your own. Go to story maker. |What is 1 type of story in the ‘The Story Maker’ activity? (Look at the information |

|[pic] |below the picture to help you!) |

| |[pic]……………………………………… |

|4. Click the speak and spell section and tricky words and |What are 2 of the words with the ‘ch’ sound in the exercise? |

|Chocolate Chips for lunch exercise. |………………………………………………… |

|[pic] [pic] | |

|5. Click the grammar and then grammar videos |Watch the Kitty’s school day ‘ video. |

|[pic] |Kitty watched a video about ‘Ancient Rome’. |

| |True or false? ……………………… |

|Good luck! |


English Language Week

Tunisia 26-31 May 2014


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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