The Cegos Group was founded in 1926 in France and is Europe's largest training organisation. In 2013, the Cegos Group achieved a turnover of over $200 Million USD and trained more than 220,000 managers and team members internationally.

It is one of the major International players across the Asia Pacific region, based at its Regional HQ in Singapore, and with operations in China and Hong Kong. A network of region-wide Most Valued Partners, and Collaborators, ensures Cegos can support client training and development anywhere, in any language, consistently and with a truly "Think Global, Learn Local" approach ? meaning Cegos is experienced at driving training in the Asian context, not just in the context of the origin country/company.

Cegos Asia Pacific's annual research into learning trends in Asia Pacific recently identified two significant learning trends

Online learning has now surpassed classroom learning as the most popular form of learning in Asia

Percentage accessing different learning delivery methods

58% 59%

Classroom learning Online learning

Jeremy Blain

Regional Managing Director

Cegos Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

Blended learning is accelerating at a noticeable rate

Percentage of Learners experiencing blended learning


2014 2015


Cegos has invested heavily in flexible learning solutions aligned to these more obvious learning trends. Read on for more information.

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At Cegos, we have been pioneers in eLearning development since the 1990s.

Today our catalogue includes over 200 ready-to-use modules in up to 15 languages.

" The learning is the driver and technology is the enabler "

Our expert team of instructional designers take a pedagogical approach throughout the entire design and development phases of our modules, ensuring that the learner is always central to the learning and the modules themselves focus squarely on the learning goal.

Co-branded & Customisable

Learning Goal Driven & Learner


In-Built Competency

Based Assessment

On-Line Management &


Multiple Languages

Pedagogical Imperatives run through every Cegos eLearning Module

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Our modules are specially designed with the Learner in mind.

We take your Learners on a journey through an actual story to help link each of the learning objects together to support the overall Learning Goal. Your Learners will have the opportunity to complete activities and exercises that will test their knowledge of the subject matter throughout the entire module and give them opportunities to practice the learning prior to applying it in the workplace.


Every one of these modules is guaranteed to provide:

Real-life situations and cases based on today's workplace

Entertaining, interactive learning experiences averaging 30 minutes each

Learning sequences that learners can stop and start as they like, without losing track

Access to online resources

A platform available 24/7

Low cost

Benefits to your Organisation & your Learners

* Productivity

People need to be productive at work and productive while learning. More flexible learning solution.

* Leverage

More inclusive - More people having access to learning more of the time.

* Cost Avoidance

Helping you to manage your costs better by reducing traditional classroom time and introducing new forms of learning, bringing your per head cost down.


* ROI from Day ONE

Optional competency based selfassessment pre and post the eLearning.

Measurable impact from Day 1.

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200 Modules Across 11 Strategic Areas

Management & Leadership

Project Management

Finance & Management

Marketing & Innovation

Personal Assistant

Quality - Safety ? Environment

Our high quality modules cover 11 strategic areas and are all built using a comprehensive pedagogical design. They can be localised to suit your teams around the world and are multi-device friendly. You can choose individual modules or we can recommend bundle packs to meet your specific business needs.

Applied Personal Development

Professional Efficiency

Human Resources



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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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