The human vocation: Life in God’s Spirit

The Human Vocation: Life in God’s Spirit: pgs 6-12, Christ & Culture

1. Humans are created in the ____ and likeness of God.

Of all __________ creatures, only humans can know and ______ the Creator. Only we are __________ to share, by knowledge and love, in God’s own life. YOUCAT:

2. Humans are called to happiness and _________________.

God has placed the _______ for happiness in the human heart in order to draw all people to the One, who alone can ___________ this desire. True happiness, which we can find only in God, is the _________ of our existence. God calls us to be _______, so that our desire for happiness may be fulfilled. YOUCAT:

3. Humans are __________ and free.

By reason, we can ____________ the order of things established by the Creator. By free will, we can __________ ourselves to be our true good. YOUCAT:

4. Humans are __________ beings.

Freedom is what makes us ____________ from the animals. Humans can act with freedom; animals cannot. Because we intend to do _________ things, our actions are moral: they are either good or bad. YOUCAT:

5. Humans have __________ or feelings.

Feelings or passions incline us to ____ or not to act. They are part of human ________. They are a sort of ___________ between our senses – touch, sight, hearing and feeling – and our mind. In themselves, ___________ are neither morally good nor __________ evil. YOUCAT:

6. Humans are blessed with a _____________.

Moral conscience is present at the _________ of every person. It is like a ________ that tells us, at the appropriate moment, to do good and to ________ evil. YOUCAT:

7. Humans are able to ____.

As _____________ and free creatures, we can _________ good or evil. When we fail to love God and _________, this is what the Scriptures call ______. Sin is an ______ against reason, truth and right conscience. It is an offence against God. YOUCAT:

Match the following paragraph sections from YOUCAT with the above.

|315 |293 |297 |58 |287 |284 |291 |

Seven Traits of Being Human: TV/Movie Hero

1) Select two TV/Movie heroes who you think are good examples of at least two of the seven traits of being human, according to the YOUCAT.

2) In your own words, clearly and concisely summarize the characters you have chosen.

3) Provide a written explanation, which justifies your selection.  Provide reasons why the characters you have selected is an example of the traits (at least two) you claim it represents:

i.e. I think Regina from “Once Upon A Time” exemplifies the trait humans have passions or feelings.  She has chosen to work with her former enemies because she strongly feels that helping them will help her redeem the hurt she has caused others. By appreciating and doing good with her powers of magic, Regina also exemplifies humans are called to happiness and holiness.  She is making use of his God given gifts and choosing to live in relationship with neighbour by making a positive difference in the lives of others. She also feels that this will draw her closer to her adopted son, Henry. This will help Regina to experience true happiness.  The choice Regina makes to do good is also an example of humans are rational and free because.....etc.  

You are to repeat this process for one more character.  

Your final product will include:

1) Two summaries (one for each example)

2) Four explanations (two traits per example)

3) Dress it up! – Include a picture (


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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