2007-2008 Living Well @ ASU Resident Agreement

2009-2010 Live Well @ ASU Resident Agreement

This agreement is for the entire 2008-2009 academic year, beginning August, 2009 and ending May, 2010. The Live Well @ ASU Residential Community is coordinated in collaboration with the ASU Living Well Network and the College of Nursing and Healthcare Innovations.

This agreement is entered between The Living Well Network and (Student Name) _______________________for the purpose of defining the Terms and Conditions to be accepted at the Live Well @ ASU Residential Community.

Please read the following statements. In order to reside at the Live Well @ ASU Residential Community, you must check the boxes to indicate that you have read, understood and agreed to comply with each one of the following requirements:

I understand that to live in Live Well @ ASU Residential Community, I must register for a required community course.

Fall 2009:  Required 3 credit course (HCR194) that focuses on concepts and strategies for managing stress, setting personal goals, and leading a healthy lifestyle to improve health and academic outcomes through information and skill-building activities.  This class is provided by the College of Nursing and Healthcare Innovations.

As a resident in the Live Well @ ASU Residential Community, I will engage in community service, bring health and wellness activities and information to my own community, classes I attend, and by way of events and other activities.

As a resident in the Live Well @ ASU Residential Community, I will attend the educational programs and events specifically planned and implemented for this community throughout the academic year.

As a resident in the Live Well @ ASU Residential Community I will demonstrate a personal commitment to developing and practicing a positive lifestyle including such practices as:  regular exercise, healthy eating, substance free living, positive relationships, healthy body image, successful stress management, and other positive habits. 

I have submitted an online applications for on-campus housing ____ Yes ____ No

I indicated in my housing application that the Live Well Community is my first choice ____ Yes ____ No

I have registered for HCR 194 class ____ Yes ____ No

My signature acknowledges I have thoroughly read the Live Well @ ASU Residential Community requirements for 2009-2010 and that I would like to be a member of the Live Well @ ASU Residential Community. I understand that to participate in the Live Well @ ASU Residential Community, I must meet the requirements listed above, I must reside in the designated residence hall, and I must be enrolled in HCR 194 class. I understand I am responsible for abiding by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

This agreement is meant only to provide general guidelines and expectations in order to become a resident at the Live Well @ ASU Residential Community.

Print Full Name: ________________________________________________________________



Please print and mail to:

Daniel Schulte, Ph.D.

Arizona State University Counseling & Consultation

PO Box 8721012

Tempe, AZ 852871012

Or fax it to:

Fax: (480) 965-3426


Name: ASU ID#:

Major: Affiliate ID#:

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