May 10, 2005 - Lovefraud


Love Fraud and how to avoid it

Donna Andersen, author of ,

teaches people to escape the relationships from hell

When it comes to love and romance, everybody has issues. But some people have much more than issues—they have personality disorders. Perhaps 12 percent of the population has serious psychiatric disorders that make them unsuitable, even downright dangerous, as romantic partners. These are the people—up to 37 million of them in the United States —who engage in love fraud.

The term "love fraud" was coined by Donna Andersen, author of . She defines love fraud as "the intentional exploitation of an individual through manipulating emotions in a personal relationship."

Andersen says the people who engage in love fraud are sociopaths. No, they are not all deranged serial killers. But they are social predators—people who live their lives by exploiting others. Technically, mental health professionals diagnose these people as having antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, narcissism or psychopathy. To Andersen, the official diagnosis is almost irrelevant—the conditions overlap, and all of them are lousy relationship partners.

"But you'd never know it to meet them," she says. "In the beginning, sociopaths are generally charming, charismatic, exciting and sexy. They act like your dream date long enough to get their hooks into you. Sooner or later, though, you find yourself in a true relationship from hell."

Andersen learned about sociopaths the hard way—by marrying one. In two years, this man defrauded Andersen of $227,000, cheated with at least six women, fathered a child with one of them, and then, 10 days after Andersen left him, he married the mother of the child. It was the second time he committed bigamy.

Now Andersen says these exploitative relationships are totally preventable, if people understand the warning signs. She uses several tools to teach people what to look for:

• —the best resource about sociopaths on the Internet, drawing more than 70,000 visitors per month.

• Lovefraud Blog—an online healing community of survivors.

• Red Flags of Love Fraud – 10 signs you're dating a sociopath, Andersen's new book that explains the traits of social predators, how they seduce their targets and why it’s difficult to escape the relationships.

• Red Flags of Love Fraud Workbook — everyone is vulnerable to sociopathic seduction; the workbook's checklists and questions help readers assess their weaknesses.

• Love Fraud—How marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan, Andersen’s first book, tells her own outrageous story. The Midwest Book Review gave it five stars, writing, “‘Love Fraud’ is a fine read with intriguing ideas, highly recommended.”

• Lovefraud Lessons—Video series on YouTube explaining personality disorders.

• Lovefraud Education and Recovery— presentations for dating abuse prevention for high school and college students.

Andersen bases her information on what happened to her, the 3,100 cases she's collected, and two Internet surveys, each with more than 1,300 respondents. Now she's sharing what she discovered.

"When targeting romantic partners, sociopaths all seem to operate out of the same playbook," Andersen says. "They use the same tactics and the same strategies. I'm giving you the playbook."

For more information, please contact Donna Andersen at 609-945-1384, or donna@. Also, please visit:




10 signs you’re dating a sociopath

By Donna Andersen

Anderly Publishing

June 11, 2012 / Softcover / 5.5 in. x 8.5 in. / 256 pages / Nonfiction

$19.95 / ISBN 978-0-9827057-1-1

Available in the Lovefraud Store and through other retail channels.

E-book version of this title is available in all formats at:


June 11, 2012 / Softcover / 5.5 in. x 8.5 in. / 38 pages / Nonfiction

$6.95 / ISBN 978-0-9827057-3-5

Available exclusively on


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