Nancy Brim – East Jackson Comprehensive high school

GOOGLE DRIVE / DOCS / SHARE379095029210Name: _____________________________Gmail address:_____________________________Password: _____________________________Name: _____________________________Gmail address:_____________________________Password: _____________________________Log into your Google email (gmail). Use your address and password in the box to the right.Once you get into gmail, look at the right had corner of the screen for the square with nine cubes in it. See below.276225787407620070485WRITING A DOCUMENT3. Click on the boxes and look for “Docs”4. Click on it.5. Click on start a new document and then start typing.6. When you get finished typing, you can just close the window. There is no need to save the document, it is saved automatically.7. When you close the document window, you should see the new document in the Drive window. You can name it by right clicking on it and choosing “rename”.00WRITING A DOCUMENT3. Click on the boxes and look for “Docs”4. Click on it.5. Click on start a new document and then start typing.6. When you get finished typing, you can just close the window. There is no need to save the document, it is saved automatically.7. When you close the document window, you should see the new document in the Drive window. You can name it by right clicking on it and choosing “rename”.339090012065SHARING A DOCUMENT3. Click on the boxes and look for “DRIVE”4. Click on it.5. Look towards the top where it says “My Drive”. 6. Click on the arrow and then choose either your “Goggle Docs” (the one you wrote) or choose “Upload files”. 7. Once the file appears in your drive, click on it to select it and then find the icon: to share it. 8. Type in and Click “done” and you are finished!00SHARING A DOCUMENT3. Click on the boxes and look for “DRIVE”4. Click on it.5. Look towards the top where it says “My Drive”. 6. Click on the arrow and then choose either your “Goggle Docs” (the one you wrote) or choose “Upload files”. 7. Once the file appears in your drive, click on it to select it and then find the icon: to share it. 8. Type in and Click “done” and you are finished!-2667003765550HAVING TROUBLE?Come see Mrs. Brim before or after school in room 441. Come to the Media Center during the second half of first lunch to see Mrs. Brim or Coach Garner. We are here to help!00HAVING TROUBLE?Come see Mrs. Brim before or after school in room 441. Come to the Media Center during the second half of first lunch to see Mrs. Brim or Coach Garner. We are here to help! ................

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