
Study From Home6th ClassMonday May 18th – Friday May 22nd Monday 18thTuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21stFriday 22ndMaths See accompanying plan of work.Gaeilge If you would like extra Irish work for the week log onto the Folens website where you can get access to Abair Liom on-line with access to extra resources and activities based on caitheamh aimsire. Fuaimeanna & FocailLitriú- Revise spellings in Aonad 1, lch. 4 Bosca 1 &2. Fuaimeanna & FocailLitriú- Revise spellings in Aonad 1, lch 4 Bosca 3 & 4.Fuaimeanna & FocailLitriú- Revise spellings in Aonad 2, lch 7 Bosca 1 &2. Fuaimeanna & FocailLitriú- Revise spellings in Aonad 2, lch 7 Bosca 3 & 4. Fuaimeanna & FocailComplete your Irish spelling test in assignments. Project for the week- listen to the recording of the reading on pg. 136 in the Irish resources (I have given English translations), read the paragraph. Using the vocabulary on page 132, 136, 137 and 163. write 8-10 sentences on your own hobbies and what you like. Listen to the recording on vocabulary from page 136 that I have in the Irish resources to help you, I have gone through the vocabulary on page 136 and explained how to use it, scroll up through the posts to see everything. Watch the YouTube clip of the children talking about their hobbies in the Irish resources, record yourself talking about your hobbies, you can use the sentences you wrote for the above activity. Make it sound natural. Please upload the recording to the assignments section, you can just send an audio recording, no need for video. You have the week to complete this activity, please don’t rush it. English Spellings- My spelling workbook unit 18, learn the first 11 words (souvenir - protection) make sure you understand the meaning of the word also . On Thursday/ Friday please complete the spelling test under assignments on Microsoft Teams. You will be timed completing the test. Complete activities on page 70-71 of My Spelling Workbook. Star Reading Test: Please log onto your Accelerated Reader account ( you have to use that exact address or go to the link in the school website, DO NOT Google it) and complete the star reading test. We hope to have individual login details for MYON in the coming weeks, this will give you access to a library of books suitable for you reading level. The test should take 20-30minutes. ArtFruit basket: Follow the step by step guide on how to draw a perfect fruit basket, this tutorial breaks down the complete drawing so anyone can give it a go. Be sure to send your masterpieces to your muinteoiri. The tutorial is in the Art channel on Teams. SESEHistory: History quest, read pages 92 to 96, look at the PowerPoint in Teams about Anne Frank and the diary she kept during this terrible time, take notes on important points.This week we will delve further in WWII and see what really happened during this time period (September 1, 1939- September 2, 1945)Quiz: Complete the quiz at the end of the week on TEAMS.*Optional: Diary entry, write a diary entry from the point of view of Winston Churchill after his famous oration “We shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them in the fields, we shall never surrender”SPHEPlease see the SPHE channel for SPHE work for next week.P.E.Try and do 10min activity every morning- 2 min jog on the spot (warm up), 10 jumping jacks, 10 squats, 10 burpees, repeat X4, 2min jog on the spot to cool down.Get outside as much as possible- take the dog for a walk, kick a ball around, read outside, listen to music, go for a cycle ……within 5km of home!!Guided Pilates: Give guided Pilates a go to build a really strong core, continue the work you have been doing with Rody and Josh. This video shows Ireland sevens star Greg O Shea taking you through a Pilates class (It’s a lot more difficult than you think) (Video is on Teams under the PE channel).Muinteoirs circuit challenge: A set of different exercises to keep fit and healthy. Keep your mind and body healthy with this challenge, all details will be up on Microsoft teams under the PE channel. (It is harder than it looks)Religion There is information on logging into the Grow in Love website in the Religion channel, here you can access an e-book version of Grow in Love as well as a wealth of resources. You might like to look over the lessons on Confirmation. ................

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