Contemporary Liturgy


Sign of the Cross


Blessed be God who rewards the faithful ones with eternal life.

May God’s love and peace be always with you.

Introduction and Litany of Praise

A In today’s liturgy God shows us the meaning of hospitality.

Our hearts must always be open to God,

ready to welcome him in whatever shape or form he comes to us.

Lord Jesus, your love lasts forever.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, our Savior, you welcome us into your presence.

Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you invite us to carry our cross and follow you.

Lord, have mercy.

B. Jesus invites us to take up our cross and lose our lives for his sake.

How have we responded to his call?

Let us pause to examine ourselves. (pause)

Lord Jesus, you want us to love you more than anybody or anything:

Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you invite us to carry your cross and follow you:

Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you encourage us to serve you in the least of our brothers and sisters:

Lord, have mercy.

Opening Prayer

A All holy God,

your incarnate Word commands our obedience

and offers us true life.

Make our ears attentive to the voice of your Son

and our hearts generous in answering his call,

that we may take up the cross with trust in his promises.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever. AMEN

B Pour into our hearts,

strong and faithful God,

the wisdom of your Spirit,

that we may take up the cross,

follow Christ,

and be willing to lose ourselves

in a life of sacrifice and service.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever. AMEN.


P Mindful of God’s steadfast love for all people,

we come with open hands

and confidently place our petitions before him.

CM Let our response be: Lord, we place all our hope in you.

1 That the Church may become a community of love

where all are welcome and no person feels rejected.

We pray:

2 That the homeless and displaced in our communities may receive from Government and Church the respect and care that they deserve.

We pray:

3 Just as the prophet Elisha was welcomed by the woman of Shunem,

may missionaries and preachers of the Word

find hospitality and open hearts in the people to whom they minister.

We pray:

4 That those suffering from injustice, poverty and disease

may find courageous, generous people who will assist them in their need.

We pray:

[The Presider may add a petition that is local / relevant]

P God, Father of Jesus and source of the Spirit,

hear the prayers that we have presented to you.

Listen also to those who live in our hearts.

Then, forever, we shall sing of your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, and Giver of life,

your Son, Jesus, invites us

to be guests at his table.

May we learn from him to welcome into our lives

those who cannot reward us in return.

Grant this in the name of the same Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Intro to the Our Father

One with Christ through baptism,

we pray with him to our heavenly Father:

Deliver Us

Deliver us, Lord,

from loving people and things more than we love you.

Give us generous hearts

so that we can share our lives with the little ones of this earth,

as we wait in joyful hope

for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles:

“Those who find their life will lose it,

and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.”

Look not upon our lack of generosity;

look rather on the faith of the Church,

and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom

where you live for ever and ever.

Sign of Peace

Jesus said:

“Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me”.

Let us extend the hand of welcome to the persons beside us.

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus who invites us to his table.

Blessed are we to be his honored guests.

Prayer after Communion

Good and generous God,

today we have been the guests of Jesus, your Son.

Help us to be to those around us

his helping hand,

his smile of welcome,

his voice of encouragement and pardon,

and his face of hope and love.

Grant all this through the same Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Solemn Blessing

May you consider yourselves dead to sin but alive for God.


May you love God more than anybody or anything else.


May you be always ready to share yourselves with God’s little ones.


And may almighty God bless you,

+ Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. AMEN.


Our celebration is ended.

Go, take up your cross and follow Jesus.


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