Create a comic strip story with at least four vocabulary words

|Create a comic strip of the story. |Design an advertisement, poster, or brochure |Appeal to the senses by identifying the senses |

| |that persuades someone to visit the setting of |and part of text that appeal to each sense. |

| |the story. | |

|Create and complete a thinking map that |Create a matching game: |Choose 10 Vocabulary words from your book and |

|highlights key points from the story. |Cause – effect |complete the circle map for them. |

| |Problem – solution | |

| |Author’s purpose – perspective. | |

|Write a poem about your favorite character. |Write a news article as the main character. |Search for words that show mood or describe the|

|Include at least five facts and details. | |setting and create a wordle or word search with|

| | |them. |

|Re-draw an illustration and write the words |Prove the genre. Provide examples from the |Make three connections: self, text, and world. |

|within the text that match the drawing. |text that support the genre. | |

|Create a character analysis for 2 of the main |Create 5 diary/journal entries as one of the |Develop a music playlist for the theme of the |

|characters and compare/contrast them. |characters. Use the voice of the character you |story. |

| |have chosen. You may use quotes from the book. | |

|Create a DVD/Blue-Ray cover with the |Create a game including the themes of the story|Use your golden lines from the book and create |

|recommendation and awards on the back |and challenges that the main character faces. |a poster using them. |

|Write a poem about the events in the book. |Write a news article about one of the main |Create a memory box. You may use a shoe box or |

|Include at least five facts and details from |events in the story. Include characters that |bag. Include 8-10 items representing the theme |

|the book. |were there. Create quotes from what they may |of the story and a brief explanation for each |

| |have said about the event. |item. |

|Write a letter from the main character to one |Go online and read through the author’s |Create the hero cycle for the main character. |

|of the other characters. |webpage. Look for reviews online about the | |

| |book. Write your own review of the book, based | |

| |on the examples you read. Site your sources. | |


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