10 Good Speech Manners

10 Good Speech Manners

1. Yelling is for outside games or emergencies.

2. Use “please”, “thank you”, and “excuse me.”

3. Whining is never allowed.

4. Look at the person to whom you speak.

5. Talking back, mocking, sassy answers are prohibited.

6. Wait your turn to speak.

7. Bathroom words stay in the bathroom.

8. Whispering secrets in front of others is rude.

9. Gossip about family and friends is never allowed.

10. Never make fun of someone’s poor grammar or pronunciation.

10 Good Speech Manners

1. ___________ is for outside games or emergencies.

2. Use “___________”, “___________”, and “___________.”

3. ___________ is never allowed.

4. ___________ at the person to whom you speak.

5. ___________, ___________, ___________ answers are prohibited.

6. Wait your ___________ to speak.

7. ___________ words stay in the bathroom.

8. ___________ secrets in front of others is rude.

9. ___________ about family and friends is ___________ allowed.

10. Don’t never make fun of someone’s poor ___________ or ______________.


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