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You may know a couple of tricks to making men desire you, but do you know what the major secret is to getting men to actually NEED you?

I'm not talking about having him just like the idea of being with you or wanting you to be with him, I'm talking about being able to legitimately have a man in a state in which he truly believes that you and only you are the key to making him feel truly complete.

Do you have any idea what a man is prone to doing for a woman when he's in a state like that?

When a man truly believes that he needs you on a subconscious level, it will truly be almost as if he has been legitimately taken over by the forces of something supernatural within him.

He will be consumed by a feeling that gives him intoxicating urges to do loving things for you over and over again, with absolutely no signs of hesitation or fatigue.

The process that I've developed in order to help women activate this effect with the men they're interested in is called "Addictive Seeds of Desire".

I named the process Addictive Seeds of Desire due to the fact that, essentially, women who employ this technique are going to be dropping tiny seeds of desire in his mind that flourish into larger blossoms of attraction.

As the seed continues to blossom and grow, with desire flourishing to levels previously unheard of, eventually something that I like to call a "love fruit" comes into being. I call it a love fruit due to the feeling of fulfillment and


satisfaction that your man will have once he fully indulges in the complete extent of his devotion to you.

The more of this "love fruit" that your man partakes in from the great tree of desire that sprouted from the seeds you planted within his consciousness, the more he's going to desire as a result. In the simplest terms, he will literally be addicted to the feeling being able to care for and provide for you.

In order to enjoy the fruits from the tree, he is going to have to continuously return to your garden. As an effect of growing literally addicted to the sensation of having to provide for you at all times, he is going to associate the achievement of that feeling with needing to be closer and closer to you by the day.

Every time that he takes a bite of this fruit, he's going to be positively reinforced by serious feeling of rejuvenation, purposefulness, and genuine aliveness that he'll find it difficult to match with just about anything else.

So right now you may understandably be wondering exactly what it really takes in order to make it so that you can actually plant these seeds of desire into your man's heart in the first place. In order to make the process of planting these seeds a little bit easier for you to understand, I have broken the entire process down into four simple steps.

Step #1 ? Provide The Feeling of Emotional Choice

Never forget this absolutely critical principle: the man's number one desire is always going to be fulfill his ancient DNA-coded desires to provide, lead and guide. His desire to fulfill these roles is embedded at a level that has remained completely untouched for over two hundred thousand years.


In spite of all of the technological developments that we have collectively made as the human race in the years that we've been carving out our personal history, there are certainly elements of the human experience that have remained uncannily unchanged in spite of it all ? the male complex of leading and providing is one of those things.

Satisfying the ancient desire of a man to be looked to as a provider and leader is almost unparalleled in its effectiveness, but on the other side of the same coin, failing to satisfy this desire will create one of the least desirable effects possible in terms of successfully building a relationship.

If you fail to create the kind of feeling within him that will imbue him sensations of being a leader and a provider, he will like he's caged. Though it may be anything but that you'd actually intend to happen, he might actually be driven to believe that you actually don't think that he's the kind of man that is actually fit to provide and lead.

You've got to make it so that he legitimately feels like he has what he needs to be looked to as a dependable, strong male figure with the power to make decisive calls. As an extension of respect towards your man, then, you've got to give him the feeling of having legitimate emotional choice in the first place.

Before we move any further in this direction, we must fully cover exactly how to define the concept of what I've called an emotional choice.

An emotional choice is not an extremely complicated thing to understand. All that an emotional choice indicates is that the man has the ability to actually choose that he wants to be with you, to choose that he wants you, to choose that he desires and



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