Excel Exercise III

Microsoft Excel: Charts PracticeSarah runs a travel agency called Gulf Coast Destinations. Customers can choose from four different travel locations. Sarah takes trip reservations by mail, phone, online, and by appointment in her office. Sarah tracks her annual sales to help her make business decisions.Make a spreadsheet that looks like the one below:Gulf Coast Destinations Annual Sales 2011LocationMailPhoneOnlineAppointmentNew Orleans, Louisiana65122388400Pensacola, Florida133488500822Key West, Florida35596615991422Corpus Christi, Texas144299488577Click in cell B7 and then click the AutoSum button to calculate the total annual sales Sarah made by Mail. Press Enter.Click in cell B7 to select the cell, and use the fill handle (the tiny black cross in the bottom right corner of the selected cell) to fill in the sum for C7, D7, E7Click in cell F3. Highlight the column down to cell F7.Click the AutoSum button. This calculates the total sales Sarah made for each location.Highlight your entire chart. Click on the Currency button in the Number group on the Home tab. Save the spreadsheet on your flash drive or to the Desktop. Name it Annual Sales 2011. (Save is found by clicking the File tab on the Ribbon.)Highlight cells A3 to A6.Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard and then highlight cells F3 to F6. You should have two columns highlighted.Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon.Click Pie and click the first pie chart.A chart that looks like the one below should appear. It is comparing the amount of money Sarah has made from sales at each location. Look at the new Chart Tools tabs on the Ribbon these three tabs only appear when you are using charts. The tabs are called Design, Layout and Format. Click the Layout tab.Click Chart Title and then click Above Chart.A space for at title will appear on your chart. Change the chart’s title to Sales by Location.Click Data Labels and then click Best Fit. This will label each section of the pie chart with the amount of money it represents.When your chart appeared, it covered some of the data in your table. Hold your mouse over the chart until it looks like a four-pointed arrow. Then click and drag the chart below the table of information.Your spreadsheet should look like the one at the left.Highlight cells B2 to E2. Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard and then highlight cells B7 to E7. You should have two rows highlighted.Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon.Click Bar and then click the first bar graph under 3-D Bar.A chart that looks like the one below should appear. It is comparing the amount of money Sarah made in each category of reservation.Click the Layout tab on the ribbon.Click Chart Title and then click Above Chart.In the box that appears on your chart, change the title to Sales by Category.Click the area on your chart that says Series1. This is called the Legend. It is designed to tell you what each color on the chart represents. Press the Delete key on the keyboard to erase the Legend. There is only one color representing this data, so you do not need a Legend.Right click on the numbers at the bottom of the chart, and then click Format Axis.In the box that appears, click Number on the left side of the box. This gives you options about how your data is displayed.Change the number of decimal places to 0 and then click Close at the bottom of the box. This will make the Axis labels easier to read.Move the chart next to the pie chart so that it is not covering any other information.Highlight all the information in your table EXCEPT the totals.Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon.Click Column and click the first option. A chart that looks like the one below should appear. This compares the amount of money Sarah made for each location in each reservation category. This shows her most popular locations, and the most popular way to make reservations.Click the Layout tab on the Ribbon.Click Chart Title and then click Above Chart.In the box that appears on your chart, change the title to:Sales Comparison: Location and CategoryClick the Design tab on the Ribbon. This tab will allow you to change the way the chart looks.In the Chart Styles group, click the down arrow until you see the styles with a black background.Click the second option.Move the column chart next to the bar chart, so that it is not covering any information.Your spreadsheet should look like this: Click in the black space on the column chart to select it.Click the Design tab and then click Move Chart (located on the right side of the Ribbon.)In the box that appears, click the option for New Sheet and change the name of the sheet to Sales Comparison.Click OK. The chart will appear larger in its own sheet, so that you can see the details better.Click Sheet 1 at the bottom of the window to see the table and the other charts.Now make 2 more graphs on your own that have scatter plots with a trend line, equation and correlation value from the following data (Use the link for an example of how scatter plots are made).Scatter Plot Chart #1Effect of Changes in Temp on Volume in an Air BalloonTemp(C)Volume(ML)25101.530102351034010545106.550108.555109.560111.565112.7570114Scatter Plot Chart #2Average Ocean Water TempMonthTemp(C)Jan3.8Feb0.9March1.1April2.5May5.2June10.1July15.5Aug19.0Sept18.5Oct15.5Nov9.2Dec5.8Move each chart to a new sheet.Save the spreadsheet.Close Excel. ................

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