Color Palette - Appalachian State University Aportfolio

Aportfolio Dynamic Visuals ChecklistBefore you submit your Aportfolio for a visual aspect check, make sure you have completed everything on this checklist.Color PaletteYour color palette should have no more than four colors. Remember to keep your major and professionalism in mind; creative majors may use brighter, bolder colors. Please list the HEX codes for your color palette here:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Keep these HEX codes as you will need them each time you want to change a font or background color.Here are some tutorial pages and resources to assist in finding color palettes: banner will be on each Aportfolio page, therefore is should reflect who you are and your major. It is the first thing people see on your page. Think of it as your own personal brand.Use this Aportfolio tutorial to assist you in creating a banner: color/ImageUse your color palette to guide your background color/image choices. If you decide to use an image as your background, make sure it is simple and not distracting to your reader. Use the following tutorials to change the background color or background image of your Aportfolio: no more than three fonts; more than three fonts can be distracting to your reader. Each font should serve a specific purpose. Please list your fonts here:Header/title font _____________________________Subtitle/important information font _____________________________Body text font _______________________________________Using Visual ElementsAportfolios add a visual and interactive aspect to your portfolio of work. Take advantage of those aspects and add a visual element to every page of your Aportfolio. For this assignment however, add a visual element to two of your Aportfolio pages. Visual elements include:Data or charts included in the paperPicturesVideosDrawingsInfographicsQuote in a colored text boxCheck ListCheck your Aportfolio for the followingColor paletteBannerBackground color/imageFont variationVisual elements on two pagesOnce you have added each of the above to your Aportfolio submit the entire Aportfolio to be checked. Also, upload this document to your ASULearn page. ................

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