Build Captain Responsibilities and Hints for the Build Day


Build Captain for Assembling Components

Each Build Captain is leading a team that is responsible for different things. Your team is one of several Component Teams. Your team will be given 1-4 components to assemble and you’ll be provided with a bucket of hardware, a hardware “key,” installation instructions, and the tools needed for each component. Your KaBOOM! Project Manager (or ‘purple tee’) will let you know how many volunteers you should assign to each of the components and what your components are.

While your team is assembling the components you have been assigned, other teams will also be assembling components. Meanwhile, a team will be working with the installer on the decks and posts. Once the Decks and Posts Team has gotten the main part of the structure together and level, they’ll start asking the Component Teams to bring components over one by one and they’ll get attached. It is a blast! You’ll see the playground take form before your very eyes…and from your own hands!

Listed below are some more specific responsibilities for your particular team:

o Keep your team working together -- spread the work out and it will be more fun!

o Keep your folks taking breaks, especially if they are working too fast. Keep in communication with one of the purple shirts.

o Encourage the team members to READ the directions. Some of the components can be tough, like putting together a piece of furniture from Ikea or putting together a complicated toy. Be patient, read the directions and FOLLOW the directions… You could even assign someone to read directions and someone else to sort hardware while others are helping to put the component together... It is very important that you use the right-size bolt, nut or washer in the right place. Otherwise, you’ll find that you come up short on something somewhere down the line.

o We don’t include “star” tamper resistant bolts (AAE 662) in the buckets, not because we don’t trust you, but…the only place we’ll use them is to close the clamps. Therefore, only the Decks and Posts team have these bolts. So, even though the directions say they are supposed to be there, they won’t be. Neither will the rivets. That’s for the very end of the Build Day.

o Put everything together loosely until you know it fits together right. Then, tighten everything by hand and check with your ‘purple tee’ to look over it for you. DO NOT STRIP ANY BOLTS. If it feels like something isn’t going in right or if it’s really difficult to get something tight, STOP and ask your ‘purple tee’ for help.

o Attach ALL the pieces to the component, so everything is there and ready to attach to the main structure, even if some pieces may have to be removed before it goes into place. Just attach the pieces that will be coming off a little more loosely. But the pieces that won’t come off should be tight and secure.

o Use loctite where the installation instructions call for it.

o There are some spare hardware and tools available, and if you need something you don’t have, ask your KaBOOM! ‘purple tee.’

o Follow the lead of the ‘purple shirts’ and the playground installer about when to start to attach your components. As you bring over your components to attach them to the structure, make sure to bring the bucket of remaining hardware, your tools and your installation instructions with you.

o When carrying over big components, remind people to not fall into the holes! Have someone go in advance to clear people out of the way.


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