Compiled Spells Unique to 3 - Meetup

Compiled Spells Unique to 3.5 By Avarhm (or his Influence)

Level 0- Know Time

Level 1- Accelerate Metabolism, Advance Image, Airy Beauty, Battle Fate, Delay Image, Detect Temporal Anomaly, Elemental Blade,

Hornung’s Guess, Mistaken Missive, Pattern Weave, Precognitive Sense, Slow Metabolism

Level 2- Accelerate Plant Growth, Chaos Shield, Decay, Dissensions’ Feast, Fiery Phoenix, Hornung’s Baneful Deflector, Life Sounding,

Nahal’s Nonsensical Nullifier, Preserve, Reverse Plant Growth, Salt Missile, Time Slip

Level 3- Alternate Reality, Articus’ Melee Manager, Electrotouch, Fire Flow, Fools’ Speech, Life Tether, Minor Paradox, Personal Wind,

Random Casualty, Time Snare

Level 4- Chaotic Combat, Elemental Shift, Inverted Ethics, Mineral Caltrops, Prophesy, Temporal Push, Time Heal, There/Not There,

Wesley’s Temporal Disjunction, Unluck

Level 5- Accelerate Animal Growth, Articus’ Devolutionary Warrior, Chaotic Commands, Create Slip Gate, Gemskin, Ghoul’s Fire,

Reverse Animal Growth, Temporal Wall, Vortex, Waveform

Level 6- Articus’ Magic Manager, Muck, Paradox, Torrent of Tornadoes, Wild Shield, Wild Strike

Level 7- Hornung’s Surge Selector, Revenge of the Mountain, Spell Shape, Temporal Eye, Watery Transport, Wesley’s Delayed Damage

Level 8- Accelerate Lifeline, Ash Storm, Djinn’s Breath, Foresight, Hornung’s Random Dispatcher, Item Supercharger, Reverse Lifeline,

Time Reaver, Uncontrolled Weather

Level 9- Elemental Retribution, Flight of the Fiery Phoenix, Major Paradox, Sever Lifeline, Temporal Shell, Wild Fire

(1)/12, 12, 10, 10, 10, 6, 6, 9, 6

Accelerate Animal Growth

Alteration, Temporal

Level: Dru 3, TW 5

Components: V, S Casting Time: 2 Minutes Range: 10 feet/level

Area: 1 Animal Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

The target creature of this spell, which must have an Intelligence of 0 or1, ages up to 1 month/level of the caster. The animal must make a system shock roll (85%+1%/HD), or die from the shock.

Accelerate Lifeline


Level: TW 8

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: I Creature Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Casting this spell on any creature with a minimum Intelligence of 2 forces them to age 1 year per level of the caster. The creature must roll a system shock roll (85%+1%/HD), or die from the shock. The material component for this spell is a piece of polished amber, and an ounce of ichors from a tethered beast.

Accelerate Metabolism

Alteration, Temporal

Level: Clr 2, TW 1, Wiz 2

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Target Duration: Special Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

A recipient of this spell finds their metabolism drastically increased. If they fail their saving throw, reduce their Strength and Constitution by 1 point per 2 levels of the Temporal Wizard until the victim eats/drinks. They must consume the equivalent of a full meal for every point of Constitution lost before the damage is undone. The material component is a piece of spoiled food.

Accelerate Plant Growth

Alteration, Temporal

Level: Dr 2, TW 2

Components: V, S Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 10 yards/level

Area: Special Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell manipulates time in the area to cause plants to grow and age. This works up to 100 ft2/level, and accelerates time up to one month/level, as decided by the caster. If the normal life of the plants are exceeded, they wither and die.

Advance Image


Level: TW 1

Components: V Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Target Duration: 5 rds +1 rd/level Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

When Advance Image is cast, the recipient is surrounded by a thin magical aura that bends time slightly, causing the person’s image to appear one second ahead of the actual motion. This gives them a +2 supernatural bonus to Attack, and +1 bonus to Reflex saves from magically directed attacks.

Airy Beauty

Enchantment, Aeromancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 1

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Personal

Area: Caster Duration: 1rd/lvl Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: No

Casting this spell causes a small breeze to continually circle the caster. It will blow about the caster’s hair and clothes to give them a more commanding, enchanting presence. This effectively increases their Charisma Modifier by 1/5 levels.

Alternate Reality

Alteration, Time, Wild

Level: TW 3, Wild 3

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: 1 Creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

With this spell, the caster creates an overlap in realities, where all outcomes of a single event are possible, and the best possible outcome happens. The event must begin and end in the round the spell is cast in.

Articus’ Devolutionary Warrior

Necromancy, Temporal

Level: TW 4

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 20 yards

Area: 1 Target Duration: 5 rds +1rd/level Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

A target under the effect of this spell finds their evolutionary clock reversed. They gain increased fighting ability, at the cost of their mental capacity. The recipient gains 6 Str, Dex, and Con, at the cost of 6 Int, Wis, and Cha. Nails and teeth strengthen and elongate, becoming weapons (claw/claw/bite d4/d4/d6). They grow hair, and a hunched appearance. If their Int drops below 5, they enshew weapons for natural attacks. This spell doesn’t work on elves, only works half as well on half-elves, and has twice effectiveness on half-orcs.

Articus’ Magic Manager


Level: TW 6

Components: VS Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: Caster Duration: 1 rd/2 levels Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Using this spell allows the caster to manipulate time to make the most out of combat spellcasting. Under the effect of this spell, a spellcaster can throw multiple spells per round. Every round that the Manager is in effect, the caster can cast simultaneous spells every round, as long as the throw 10 or less spell levels. For example, on their initiative, they can throw a 9th level and a 1st level, or three 3rd level and a 1st level, or five 2nd level, etc. After this spell ends, the caster must rest for 5 minutes, taking no other action.

Articus’ Melee Manager


Level: TW 3

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 60 feet

Area: 1 Target Duration: 2 rds/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Using this spell allows the caster to manipulate time to make the most out of a combat round. The creature doesn’t move faster, but time seems to work in sync with them, granting them bonuses. For every 5 levels of the caster, the target gains an extra attack without multi-attack penalties. The target also gains a +1 circumstance bonus to attack, saves, and damage.

Ash Storm

Aeromancy, Evocation, Necromancy

Level: Sor/Wis 8

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 3 Standard Actions Range: 1000 yards

Area: 1 mile2 /level Duration: 10 minutes /level Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: Yes

A literal dust storm of life draining ash, this is a horrible fate for any caught within. The Caster can create the storm, and direct it to move at the rate of 1 mile per 5 rounds. All living creatures caught within the storm suffer 2 points of Negative Energy damage per round. Plant life withers and collapses into ash heaps. Animals desiccate and mummify, having a flat 2%/level of the caster chance of rising as uncontrolled undead. The undead type is dependant upon their original HD. The material Component of this spell is a bag containing the cremated remains of 100 HD of creatures.

Up to 1HD Skeleton 2-4HD: Zombie 5HD: Shadow 6HD: Wight 7+HD: Mummy

Battle Fate

Alteration, Wild

Level: Cleric 1, Wild 1

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 20 yds

Area: 1 Creature Duration: 2 rds/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell tries to alter probability to favor one creature. His opponent might stumble at an opportune moment, or be just a hair too slow. At the beginning of every round, the caster must make a Will Roll (DC 15). Success means that a chosen opponent for that round suffers a circumstance penalty of 1/level of the caster. Failure means that spell backfires and affects the caster for that round. The penalty applies to ALL rolls the target must make.

Chaos Shield

Abjuration, Wild

Level: Wild 2

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: Caster Duration: d10rds + 2 rds/level Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: N/A

Chaos Shield was developed to protect against Wild Surges gone awry. It only protects against surges set off by the caster, and isn’t a guarantee, as is the nature of Chaos. While the spell is active, if the caster surges, he must make a Will save against himself. Success negates the surge.

Chaotic Combat

Evocation, Wild

Level: Wld 4

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 30 yds

Area: 1 Creature Duration: rd/level Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

When cast upon a fighter, he is inspired by a sudden flood of tactical intuition and finesse…2/3rds of the time during the spell’s duration. Every round under the influence of this spell, the fighter must roll a d6. 1-4 grants the fighter a +2 competency to all rolls and AC, but a 5 or 6 a –2.

Chaotic Commands

Chaos Domain, Wild

Level: Cleric 5, Wild 5

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 10 yds

Area: 1 Creature Duration: 10 minutes/level Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: N/A

Chaotic Commands renders a target creature immune to compulsion effects, and the creature that tried to compel the target creature must make a Will Save, or obey their own command.

Create Slip Gate


Level: TW 5 Components: VSM Casting Time: 1 hour

Range: 5 yds/level Area: 20ft square Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

A Slip Gate is a portal to another time, whether forwards or backwards. It becomes a permanent gate, usable by any. The caster can tune the gate up to 5 years/level. The material component is 10,000pg worth of building materials to create the gate with. There is inherent danger with a Slip Gate. Temporal monsters are attracted to them. Every time they are used, there is a 15% chance of a temporal creature appearing. Also, different campaign worlds have restrictions on this spell. This spell will not function in Krynnspace at all- the Gods forbid it. In Realmspace, moving through time will not allow you to move beyond the lifespan of the current Goddess of Magic. It requires more powerful spells to go past that.

Delay Image


Level: TW 1

Components: V Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Target Duration: 5 rds +1 rd/level Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

When Delay Image is cast, the recipient is surrounded by a thin magical aura that bends time slightly, causing the person’s image to appear one second behind the actual motion. This gives them a +2 supernatural bonus to AC, and +1 bonus to Reflex saves from magically directed attacks.

Detect Temporal Anomaly


Level: TW 1

Components: Vs Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Personal

Area: Line of Sight Duration: 2 rds/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spells allow the caster to identify any temporal effect within their line of sight, to include magical effects such as Haste, Time Gates, and creatures/objects that are in their incorrect timeline.

Dissension’s Feast

Alteration, Enchantment, Charm, Wild

Level: Cleric 2, Wild 2

Components: V, S Casting Time: 2 Minutes Range: Touch

Area: Special Duration: 50 minutes + 20 minutes/level Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell must be cast on food that is being prepares, and affects 10lbs. of food/level. Anyone who eats the finished food is subject to the spell. Creatures failing their fortitude roll become agitated, and within 5 minutes begin to argue and fight amongst themselves as unbridled rage overtakes them. If actual combat breaks out, then characters resist any attempt to pacify the situation (-5 to Will) Alliances mean nothing- its every man for themselves. At the conclusion of the spell, those affected feel as if they have woken from a dream. They might still feel angry, but are rational once again.

Djinn’s Breath

Alteration, Evocation, Pyromancy

Level: Sor/Wis 8

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: 60 foot cone Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fort for half

Spell Resistance: Yes

Djinn’s Breath allows the caster to breathe a cone of flames capable of burning stone and steel. Against living targets, the spell deals 16d8 points of fire damage. Against constructs, stone, and metal, the damage is converted to structural damage (16d8), and even normally inert materials will burn for 2d4 rounds. In those rounds, the material takes another d4 points of structural damage, and deals 6d8 contact damage to creatures on contact, and 3d8 heat damage within 15feet.


Abjuration, Aeromancy, Evocation

Level: Sor/Wiz 3

Components: V Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Personal

Area: Caster Duration: 1 rd/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: Yes

Both an offensive and defensive spell, Electrotouch creates a shimmering field of dancing electricity to run about the caster. It adds d6 electric damage to all melee attacks, and anyone successfully striking the caster also receives d6 damage. The caster may choose to end the spell prematurely, in a globe of electricity, which deals d6 damage to all creatures within 15 yards.

Elemental Blade


Level: Sor/Wiz 1

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: I Weapon/ 3 levels Duration: hour/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: No

With this spell, a spellcaster can enchant 1 weapon (20 arrows = 1 Weapon) with an elemental enhancement (Air, Earth, Electric, Fire, Salt, Water). The weapon does 2 points of extra damage, unless the target is vulnerable to that element, at which point the weapon’s damage is doubled. The Material Component is a bit of the elemental matter.

Elemental Retribution

Conjuration, Evocation

Level: Sor/Wiz 9

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 5 rounds Range: 400 yards

Area: Special Duration: 4 rounds/5 levels Saving Throw: Fort for 1/2

Spell Resistance: Yes

A powerfully destructive spell, the caster opens and hurls raw elemental matter each round. The spell cycles through a proscribed pattern: 1st, 5th, 10th Round: Air. 2nd, 6th, 11th Round: Fire. 3rd, 7th, 12th Round: Earth. 4th, 8th, 12th Round: Water. In the Air round, the caster can hurl a blast of wind, dealing 10d4 damage at one target. Fire is a fireball, dealing 10d4 fire damage. Earth is a boulder dealing 10d4 damage, and Water is a geyser of water battering a 30ft diameter target for 10d4 damage. The material component for this spell is a Ruby, Diamond, Sapphire, and Emerald of 10,000gp each.

Elemental Shift


Level: Sor/Wiz 4

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 120 yards

Area: 10ft3/level Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

This spell transforms the selected volume of elemental matter into one of the other elements. The affected area cannot be transformed into it’s opposition element (earthair, firewater) without doubling the time and cost of the spell. The material component is 1000gp worth of any precious stone or metal.

Fiery Phoenix

Evocation, Pyromancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 2

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Long

Area: 1 Target Duration: Special Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: Yes

Seen as a heavily modified Magic Missile, this spell manifests as a blast of bird-shaped fire the size of a targe that screams after it’s target: literally. By itself, it flies and strikes unerringly, dealing d4/level (max 5d4) of fire damage. The shrieking sound acts like a Fear spell, targeting all creatures within 10 feet of the intended target. The material components of this spell are a bird feather, and a small brass whistle (the feather is consumed, the whistle isn’t).

Fire Flow

Alteration, Pyromancy, Wild

Level: Wild 3

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 30 yds

Area: 1 Fire Source Duration: rd/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Natural fires fall under the control of this spell. The caster can force a fire to spread along any surface at the rate of 50ft/rd. It will even burn across water, ice, and non-flammable objects for the duration of the spell. Living creatures caught within the fire are burned as if they were immersed in the original fire source.

Flight of the Fiery Phoenix

Alteration, Evocation, Pyromancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 9

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Personal

Area: Special Duration: 10 minutes/2 levels Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: Yes

A powerful form of the Fly spell, the caster becomes enshrouded in a bird-shaped aura of fire. This fire allows him to fly at 120mph (average). Anything within 20 feet of the caster takes 6d8 points of fire damage.


Abjuration, Alteration, Geomancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 5

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Personal

Area: 1 Target Duration: 5hp/level or 20 hours Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

A variation of Stoneskin, Gemskin give the target the appearance of being made entirely out of faceted crystal. Unarmed attacks add the Keen descriptor. The spell lasts 20 hours, or absorbs 5HP/level of damage, whichever comes first.

Ghoul’s Fire

Evocation, Enchantment, Necromancy, Pyromancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 5

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: Special Range: Special

Area: Special Duration: Special Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: Yes

Ghoul’s Fire is a particularly evil spell, and has two forms, Campfire, and Cone. In Campfire form (which takes 5 minutes to cast), it creates a fire of yellow-green flames that burns for a hour/level. When cast, the caster may choose to exclude one person/level from the fire’s charm effect. All others who view the fire must make a Will Save, or have an uncontrollable need to touch the fire. Touching the fire drains 2d4 Con points from the target. The victim is allowed a second save with a 5 bonus, or touch the fire again. This continues until the victim saves, or dies. If they die, they arise the following round as a ghoul under the caster’s control.

The Cone form of this spell is an instantaneous, 60-foot cone of yellow-green fire, with a casting time of 1 Standard Action. All creatures caught within the cone that fail their Fortitude save suffer d4 Con/level (max 5d4). Again, creatures reduced to 0 Con rise the following round as Ghouls under the caster’s control. Both Spells require a bone from a slain ghoul.

Hornung’s Baneful Deflector

Evocation, Wild

Level: Wild 2

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Creature Duration: 2 rds/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

This defensive spell creates a hemisphere of partial force around the creature that can deflect missile attacks, including magical attacks, such as Magic Missile, Melf’s Acid Arrow, etc. When a missile attack targets the protected creature, the spell forces the attack to instead target someone else randomly within 15 yds. The material component for this spell is a small prism.

Hornung’s Guess

Divination, Wild

Level: Wild 1

Components: V Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 300 yds

Area: Special Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

A minor divination designed to improve the caster’s chance of survival; it is both simple, and ingenious. This spell allows the caster to make a quick count of all of a specific object within a caster’s line of sight. To function, the caster must be able to see the entirety of the object. For example, if a caster could look upon a city from a low rise, and know the population of the city.

Hornung’s Random Dispatcher

Conjuration, Wild

Level: Wild 8

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 30 yrds

Area: One Creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Uttering this spell throws a target creature randomly across the multiverse, as if subject to a Plane Shift Spell. The subject rolls across the following table to determine the destination.


01-03 Abyss 04-06 Archeron 07-12 Alternate Prime

13-17 Arvandor 18-23 Astral Plane 24-27 Beastlands

28-30 Outlands 31-35 Elemental Plane (Random) 36-38 Elysium

39-44 Ethereal Plane 45-47 Gehenna 48-50 Asgard

51-53 Hades 54-58 Limbo 59-61 Negative Energy Plane

62-64 Para-Elemental Plane (Random) 65-67 Carceri 68-70 Mechanus

71-73 Olympus 74-76 Shadow Plane 77-79 Sigil

80-82 Positive energy Plane 83-85 Demiplane of Dread 86-91 Prime Material (Teleport)

92-94 Mt. Celestia 95-97 Bytopia 98-00 Nine Hells

Hornung’s Surge Selector

Alteration, Wild

Level: Wild 7

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: Caster Duration: Special Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell allows a Wild Mage a modicum of control over surges they create. They can affect 1 Surge for every level of the Prestige Class. This spell wears off in 12 hours, if not expended on Surges. Whenever a Wild Surge happens, the caster can roll again, and take the better of the two rolls.

Inverted Ethics

Chaos Domain, Wild

Level: Cleric 4,Wild 4

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action R ange: 120 yrds

Area: 1 Creature/level Duration: Special Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell reverses the ethical standards of the target creature (shifts their alignment to its polar opposite). In the case of True Neutral creatures, the spell fails. The creature may make another will save every time they perform an action directly contrary to their nature. The material component is a small gold scale.

Item Supercharger

Alteration, Temporal, Wild

Level: TW 8

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Item Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

This spell attempts to alter the salient abilities of a magical item, either the Frequency of use, Duration of the effects. This attempt may be made only once per item, and there is a significant chance of ruining the affected item forever. Successfully altering the frequency can double the amount of times it can be used, or half the requirements to recharge the item. Duration doubles the length of the spell effect. A Chonomancer who has levels in Wild Mage may reduce the failure percentage by 5% for every level of the Wild Mage prestige class. Failure to supercharge the item results in an explosion, triggering a magical force that detonates for d6/spell level in the item, at a radius of 5ft/spell level as well.

Use the following table to determine failure:

Item Frequency Duration

Potion - 25%

Ring 40% 35%

Rod 40% 20%

Staff 10% 35%

Wand 15% 10%

Misc Item 50% 35%

Know Time

Divination, Temporal

Level: Clr 0, TW 0 Components: V Casting Time: 1 Partial Action

Range: Personal Area: Personal Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

This simple spell instantly makes the caster aware of the exact time.

Life Sounding

Alteration, Temporal

Level: Clr 2, TW 2

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Life Sounding causes the caster to send a temporal pulse along the target’s lifeline to its birth and death. This allows the caster to get a general idea of the target’s age, and how much longer it will live. This spell isn’t perfect- it always assumes the target will die naturally. If the Temporal Wizard is 5th level in the prestige class, they have a 35% chance to determine the life line along their real death.

Life Tether


Level: TW 3

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 10 feet/level

Area: 1 target Duration: 3 months/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

This spell allows the caster to keep tabs on the lifeline of a single target. The caster always knows the general health of the target, and if they can cast teleport, can do so unerringly to the target. This spell only functions if the target is on the same plane as the caster.

Major Paradox


Level: TW 9

Components: V, S Casting Time: 4 hours Range: 0

Area: Caster Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Major Paradox is similar to it’s lesser versions, but can reach up to a year in the past.

Mineral Caltrops

Alteration, Geomancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 4

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 120 yards

Area: 10ft2/level Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell causes the selected ground to sprout rows of caltrops of sharp, hard, calcite, ice, or coral, depending upon the ground. Land based creatures attempting to walk over this ground takes point of damage and a loss of 5 ft in speed per 10 feet traveled until healed.

Minor Paradox


Level: TW 3

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Special

Area: Special Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell allows the caster to undo any one action that they witnessed within the last 5 rounds. The caster may replace it with another action if they choose. (Remember that inserted actions are not automatically successful, and must be resolved normally.)

Mistaken Missive

Alteration, Chaos Domain, Wild

Level: Cler 1, Wld 1

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Page/level Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

This spell alters the appearance of a written text, so that it slowly warps into a new text. If left alone for 6 days, the text is completely transformed into a coherent text about something entirely different than the original text. If cast on a spell, the spell will become a new one, but will be incorrect in a minor way that will cause the spell to fail if cast. True Seeing or Dispel Magic will reform the original text.


Alteration, Geomancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 6

Components: V Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Long

Area: 10ft2 /level Duration: Special Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: N/A

Muck transforms the landscape, creating a deep, clingy mud. Anything entering into the affected area must make a Fortitude Save. Failure means the victim is trapped, and begins to sink. If they save, they are Slowed while in the area. In the second round a victim is trapped, they must make a second Fortitude roll. Failure means they begin to suffocate in the mud. Success means they may ‘swim’ 5 feet in any direction. This continues every round until the victim exits the area, or suffocates by failing 3 Fortitude rolls. After 10 minutes, the affected area firms up enough that creatures entering the area are only Slowed. After another 10 minutes, treat the area as normal muddy ground. This spell will work on dirt, stone, mud, marble, and sand. It will not work on a wood, metal, or glass floor.

Nahal’s Nonsensical Nullifier

Abjuration, Wild

Level: Wld 2

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Creature Duration: 6rds + 1rd/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

This spell causes any attempt to detect alignment, evil, lies, or undead to fail and twist into a random answer that is always wrong. So a lying vampire might detect as a living, truthful paladin.



Level: TW 6

Components: VS Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Special

Area: Special Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell allows the caster to change any one action that they performed within the last 3 hours. (Remember that changed actions are not automatically successful, and must be resolved normally.)

Pattern Weave

Divination, Wild

Level: Wld 1

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 10 yrds

Area: 10 ft square Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: N/A

Pattern Weave allows a caster to make sense of apparent chaos. In their mind, they can see broken pottery in its unbroken form, shredded paper intact, etc. When cast, the DM secretly makes a Will Roll (DC dependant upon the complexity of the pattern), to see if the caster is capable of reconstructing the pattern correctly.

Personal Wind

Abjuration, Aeromancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 3

Components: V, Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Personal

Area: Caster Duration: 10 minutes/level Saving Throw: Reflex Negates

Spell Resistance: N/A

A purely defensive spell, while Personal Wind is in effect, any creature trying to get within 10 feet of the caster must succeed in a Reflex roll or be pushed 10 feet back by a powerful gust of wind. This save needs to be made every round within range. The spell doesn’t distinguish friend from foe. Creatures heavier than 500 lbs. are immune, and air based creatures always fail their save.

Precognitive Sense

Divination, Temporal

Level: Clr 3, TW 1

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Personal

Area: Personal Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Upon casting this spell, the caster gains general knowledge of a single event to come. The event must somehow directly affect the caster, and must be within 6 hours/caster level. The information can be misleading. For example, the caster might discover that gambling will bring good fortune, only to find that after losing 50gp to the winner, the winner will hire the caster for a project. There is a flat 10% chance the information is wrong. The material component is a piece of rose quartz, which is not consumed.



Level: TW 2

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 10 feet/level

Area: 20 ft3/level Duration: 3 months/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

The caster can use this spell to preserve non-living matter (including foodstuffs) for the spells duration, before it resumes aging normally.


Divination, Temporal

Level: Div 4, TW 4

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: Caster Duration: 10 Minutes Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell places the caster in a trance as they seek to look into a future event that affects either themselves, or someone they have touched. This vision is determined by the DM. At 10th level, they may choose to look at a grand scale event.

Random Casualty

Chaos Domain, Wild

Level: Cleric 3, Wld 3

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 10 yrds

Area: 1 Weapon Duration: 3rds + rd/level Saving Throw: Reflex Negates

Spell Resistance: N/A

This interesting spell opens a probability rift along the striking field of a weapon. The owner will likely not even notice at first, until the weapon is used. Every time the weapon strikes, the damage is rolled normally, but is applied to either the wielder, or one of his companions (determined randomly by the DM.) If the attacker is the only opponent, he will always take the wounds.

Revenge of the Mountain

Conjuration, Geomancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 7

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 10 Minutes Range: 2000 yards

Area: 100 ft diameter Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

This spell literally drops a mountain (10,000 tons) of stone on an area. It opens a rift to the Plane of Earth that spills forth. The material component is 100,000gp worth of precious stones.

Reverse Animal Growth

Alteration, Temporal

Level: Dru 3, TW 5

Components: VS Casting Time: 2 Minutes Range: 10 feet/level

Area: 1 Animal Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

The target creature of this spell, which must have an Intelligence of 0 or1, grows younger up to 1 month/level of the caster. The animal must make a system shock roll (85%+1%/HD), or die from the shock.

Reverse Lifeline


Level: TW 8

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: I Creature Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Casting this spell on any creature with a minimum Intelligence of 2 forces them to age in reverse 1 year per level of the caster. The creature must roll a system shock roll (85%+1%/HD), or die from the shock. The spell cannot bring the dead back to life. The material component for this spell is a piece of polished amber, an ounce of ichors from a tethered beast, and a cup of pure spring water subjected to the Temporal Plane for a subjective day.

Reverse Plant Growth

Alteration, Temporal

Level: Dr 2, TW 2

Components: V, S Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 10 yards/level

Area: Special Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell manipulates time in the area to cause plants to grow younger. This works up to 100 ft2/level, and reverses time up to one month/level, as decided by the caster. This spell can reduce plants to seed.

Salt Missile

Conjuration, Hydromancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 2

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Long

Area: 1 Target Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

A salt missile is a short sword sized crystal of pure salt that strikes the target unerringly. It deals 2d4 impact damage, and 2d4 dehydration damage. Against creatures with the Water descriptor, the damage is tripled. The material Component is a bit of salt.

Sever Lifeline


Level: TW 9

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 10 Minutes Range: 0

Area: Caster Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell free the caster from the flow of Temporal Prime, transforming them into a Temporal Creature. The specific effects of this spell are determined by the DM. The material component of this spell is a silver knife, 10,000gp of diamond dust, and the act of severing the caster’s connection to Time. There is also a loss of 10,000XP.

Slow Metabolism

Alteration, Temporal

Level: TW 1, Clr 2

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Target Duration: Special Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

A recipient of this spell finds their need to eat drastically reduced. They find that they need to eat/drink once every 12 hours per level of the TW, up to a duration of 7 days. Poisoned characters likewise find themselves under the effect of a Slow Poison for the same duration. The material component is a small wafer or cookie.

Spell Shape

Alteration, Wild

Level: Wild 7

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: Caster Duration: d4+1 rounds Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Spell Shape allows a caster to intercept a spell directed at him, and transform in into something else. All spells directed at the caster allow him a Will roll (DC is the same as the spell). If he succeeds, then caster may redirect the spell, and transform it into any other spell he knows. This only effects one spell per round, and is considered a free action.

Temporal Eye


Level: TW 7

Components: VSM Casting Time: 30 Minutes Range: Special

Area: Special Duration: 10 minutes + 2 minutes/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

This spell allows a Temporal Wizard to scry in their mind (as if they were using a Crystal Ball with all the abilities and restrictions) across time. There is no limit about how far backwards they can go, though forward becomes increasingly problematic, as the wizard is looking at probable outcomes, rather than set events.

Temporal Push


Level: TW 4

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 10 yards+ 5 yds/level

Area: 1 target Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

The target of this spell gets pushed ahead in time as many rounds as the caster’s level plus 1.

Temporal Shell


Level: TW 9

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: 15ft radius Duration: 10 minutes/level Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: None

Temporal Shell is a highly localized Time Stop spell, affecting only a static area inside the Shell itself. Any creature within the effect may act freely, but crossing the border for the shell ‘freezes’ them in time, until the spell ends. Spells cast within the shell function normally, but since they are within the ticks of the temporal clock, durations aren’t calculated until the Shell falls. Any spell that affects something outside the shell will not trigger until the shell falls as well. Time based properties, such as Fast Healing, happen as if there was normal time within the shell. If the caster leaves the shell, the spell ends.

Temporal Wall


Level: TW 5

Components: VS Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 30 yards

Area: Up to 10 ft2/level Duration: 10 minutes + 1 rd/level Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: Yes

A Temporal Wall is a smoky demarcation of raw temporal energy. Anything passing through the wall is Slowed, and affected by Wesley’s Temporal Disjunction. The wall cannot be brought down by anything short of a Wish or Miracle spell before it’s duration is completed.

Time Heal

Necromancy, Temporal

Level: Clr 3, TW 4

Components: V, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch

Area: 1 Target Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell causes the target’s body to the state of health it was up to 5 +1 minute/level of the caster. The caster determines exactly how far back to go.

Time Reaver


Level: TW 8

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 30 Minutes Range: 1 yard

Area: 10ft. Radius Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Casting Time Reaver sends those inside the area of effect backwards or forwards in time, up to 5 years/level. The material component for this spell is a 10,000pg ruby, which is consumed by the casting. In Krynnspace, this spell cannot travel beyond the point of the Second Cataclysm, and in Realmspace, it cannot reach beyond the Death of Mystra.

There/Not There

Divination, Wild

Level: Wld 1

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 30 yrds

Area: 10 ft cube Duration: 10-60 Minutes Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: N/A

This spell plays with the probability of existence. Only castable on non-living objects, every time someone look at the objects within the spell, they only have a 50% chance of recognizing its existence. For example, two people look at a door with the spell cast upon it. For one, the door is there, and usable, for the other, the door is a blank wall, and impassible. Since it is not an illusion, there is no way to disbelieve. However, not viewing the object for a minute allows another attempt to ‘see’ the object.

Time Slip

Temporal, Wild Magic

Level: Chaos 2, TW 2

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: Special Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Casting this unpredictable spell causes the caster and up to two companions/level to instantly disappear from the timestream, and reappear 1d10 hours forward or backwards (50% chance) along the caster’s lifeline. A successful will save stops a companion from being swept along.

Time Snare


Level: TW 3

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 60 yards

Area: 1 Target Duration: Special Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

A devious spell, this causes the target to become trapped in a temporal loop, forced to repeat their last action indefinitely. If they attacked a target, they will continue to do so, at the same success, damage. They are allowed a saving throw every round to break from the loop.

Torrent of Tornadoes

Aeromancy, Abjuration, Evocation

Level: Sor/Wis 6

Components: V Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Personal

Area: Special Duration: 3 rds/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: Yes

An evolved form of Personal Wind, the caster also gains a Free Action Attack. Each round, the caster gets to hurl a man-sized tornado at any line of sight target (ranged touch attack). The Tornado does 3d6 damage, and pushback of 10 feet. The Caster may end the spell prematurely by creating a roaring blast of wind that deals 3d6 damage and 10-foot knock back to everyone within 15 feet.

Uncontrolled Weather

Aeromancy, Chaos Domain, Conjuration, Hydromancy, Wild

Level: Cleric 8, Wild 8

Components: V, S Casting Time: 10 Minutes Range: 0

Area: 4d4 Square Miles Duration: 10 Minutes/level Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: N/A

Casting this spell causes the weather to exhibit the most extreme weather that area is incapable of manifesting, so a blizzard will strike the desert, or there will be an inland hurricane, or a massive heat wave of unprecedented temperatures.


Evocation, Wild

Level: Wild 4

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 10 yds

Area: 1 Creature Duration: 2d10 rounds Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: N/A

A victim of this spell is cursed by bad luck. Whenever the target ahs to perform an action that has probability attached, they must make two rolls, and take the worse. A Luckstone will negate this spell, but will itself cease to function for 24 hours. The material component is a piece of broken mirror.


Evocation, Wild

Level: Wild 5

Components: V Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 30 yds

Area: 5ft circle Duration: d4 rds + rd/level Saving Throw: Fort for ½

Spell Resistance: Yes

A vortex is a swirling mass of magical chaos, soft of controlled by the caster. It appears as a shifting vortex of light and force about 7 ft tall. The caster can move the vortex 60 ft per round, but only has a 50% chance of suggesting the direction it travels. If the direction control slips, it moves randomly the desired distance. It cannot move through anything larger than itself, and will rebound of these randomly. Anything struck by the Vortex suffers d4/level magical damage. Magical creatures and Constructs suffers d6/level. Every time the Vortex strikes a creature, there is a 5% non-cumulative chance it explodes into a Wild Surge.

Watery Transport

Alteration, Hydromancy

Level: Sor/Wiz 7

Components: V Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Personal

Area: Personal Duration: 5 rounds/level Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

A rather unusual spell, the caster’s body gains the ability to, once per round, discorporate and reform up to 30 feet away as a free action. The caster literally breaks down into small droplets of water, rushing to the new location. As a side effect of this spell, the caster gains a 5 AC bonus against piercing and slashing spells, only takes half damage from Water/Cold magic, and double damage against Fire spells.

Wave Form

Alteration, Hydromancy, Wild

Level: Wild 5

Components: S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 40 yds

Area: 10 ft cube/level Duration: d10 rounds Saving Throw: Fort for ½

Spell Resistance: Yes

By means of this spell , the caster may shape water to assume a form the caster desires. Note that the water doesn’t retain the shape if gravity will not allow it, but it can continually reform the image. This shape can move 90ft/round, and causes d4/level damage if striking something, Across dry land, it loses a die of damage for every 10ft traveled. If cast on a creature made of water (elemental, water weird, etc.) that creature suffers d6/level in raw magic damage.

Wesley’s Delayed Damage


Level: TW 7

Components: VS Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: Caster Duration: 10 minutes + 1d10 rounds Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

Wizards find damage in combat to be an eternal issue. In comes this spell. While under the influence of this spell, the wizard only takes half of any damage for attacks, mundane and magical. The remaining damage is deferred until the spell’s conclusion. Magical healing applied to the caster before this spell ends will negate the corresponding taken damage.

Wesley’s Temporal Disjunction


Level: TW 4

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 60 yards

Area: 1 Creature Duration: 1d10 +5days Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

The target of this spell looses all sense of time. They are perpetually late, and completely unable to function under any sort of time restraint. They always have an initiative of 1, can only attack once per round, and cannot seem to move with stealth. Against a Temporal Creature, this spell deals massive damage that cannot be mitigated by a saving throw. Damage is 1d6/level +the caster’s character level.

Wild Fire

Evocation, Wild

Level: Wild 9

Components: V Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: Variable Duration: Variable Saving Throw: Variable

Spell Resistance: Variable

Casting wild Fire allows the caster to channel raw magical energy to reproduce amazing effects. It allows him to recreate any 8th level spell or less that the caster is even vaguely aware of. It can also create non-magical items that are completely invulnerable to anything except a Greater Dispel Magic, Wish, or Miracle. They last for d4 hours, and must take up less space than a 10ft3.

Wild Shield

Alteration, Wild

Level: Wild 6

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 0

Area: Caster Duration: Special Saving Throw: N/A

Spell Resistance: N/A

A wild Shield appears as a globe of scintillating colors just large enough to conceal the caster. It doesn’t affect the caster’s ability to see. It effectively negates 2d6 spell levels of spells cast against the caster, including Wild Surges, which are treated as d6 spell levels. If it attempts to absorb a spell with more levels than are left in the shield, it transforms that spell into a Wild Surge. The material component is a small sponge.

Wild Strike

Conjuration, Wild

Level: Wild 6

Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: 30 yds

Area: 1 Creature Duration: 2d4 rds Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell causes the target creature to become a walking Wild Zone, but only in regards to magics they personally employ. All spells, spell-like effects, and magic item uses trigger a Wild Surge.


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