Module 8: How to Make Him Want You - Amazon S3

Module 7: How to Make Him Want You

James Bauer

? 2012


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? 2012


Module 7: How to Make Him Want You

Wanting a man is about attraction, chemistry and allure, but having a desire for someone is about more than sexuality. It's about something that happens at a level far deeper than sheer animal magnetism. Nevertheless, neglecting the sexual element in a romantic relationship would be like ignoring your gas gage when the needle points to "E." In spite of the fact that you want to take a fun and exciting road trip, you won't get very far without gassing up. This is a great analogy for relationships. Think of sexual chemistry in these terms: if you don't fuel the engine, you can't make the motor run and if the motor doesn't run, you'll never get anywhere!

Sexual chemistry is not something that is initiated during a steamy make out session and it certainly doesn't begin to take shape in the bedroom between the sheets. What happens during those physically intimate moments is more about biology than anything else. By the time biology kicks in, and things are getting hot and heavy, a man's body is responding in a sequential launch pattern that becomes increasingly difficult to abort. He is just hardwired that way. So, as a woman, you don't need to worry too much about that part of the equation ?biology is quite capable of taking care of itself without any help. Sexual chemistry? Now that's another story.

This module is about sexual chemistry, not sexual biology. We're interested in the powerful gravitational pull that precedes all the biological stuff. All too often, people rush into bed to create sexual chemistry, when in reality, it's the other way around. When sexual chemistry is developed correctly, then and only then does physical closeness ?I mean real, genuine physical intimacy ?follow. Sex should be an expression of chemistry, not a means to initiate it.

I feel I should mention that if you are committed to waiting until marriage to become sexually intimate with a man, I think that's fantastic. I would never encourage you to compromise your values or go against your own moral code just to please a man. However, you need to know that even in the absence of sex, your relationship will still be affected by sexual chemistry (or, in this case, the lack thereof). Sexual chemistry influences everything from his initial impression of you to his desire to get to know you better to his decision to invest in a long-term relationship with you, including marriage. In short: sexual chemistry matters.

A Manual for Dancing?

If you're not quite sure what I mean by sexual chemistry, I'd like you take a spin with me around an imaginary dance floor. May I have this dance?

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Think of the smooth, seductive movements of the hips of a woman who is particularly adept at letting the music move her body on the dance floor. There is something quite hypnotic about a woman who knows how to do this well. You can see her across a crowded room gently swaying her hips to the right beat with perfect balance, grace and rhythm. Her elbows are bent at just the right angle. She allows her entire body to move naturally, demonstrating fluid movements that do not appear forced or calculated. Despite her rhythmic movement, her dance speaks of nothing linear, logical, or contrived ?almost as if it flows through her body, originating from somewhere else.

As you silently observe, you instinctively know she did not learn this from a manual. The music is her teacher, the melody her guide. Remember our earlier discussion about art students who tried to use the standard way of perceiving the world while copying the drawing of a lifelike figure? They failed miserably. Now, remember what happened when they turned the picture upside down and drew the lines they saw instead of trying to fit them into a mental box of categories that defined physical features? Suddenly, the part of their mind that perceives the whole (relationships and patterns) was able to take over. The ability to draw sprang forth from an abundant well of creativity....even for the most hopelessly inartistic individuals. (Who, by the way, are not so hopeless anymore!)

You may think yourself to be somewhat awkward when it comes to embracing your own sexuality. I hope to change your mind about this in the next few paragraphs. You are a sexual being, a beautiful love goddess, if you will! This is true whether you know it or not and it's true whether you believe it or not. You were created by sex and you were created for sex. Your biological being includes all the genetic knowledge, wisdom, and instincts of every one of your ancestors dating all the way back to Eve. This is only possible because they succeeded in expressing their sexuality. You are the daughter of many generations of attractive women who have embraced their sexuality. My job is to help your analytical mind get out of the way so your intuitive mind can teach you to allow your sexual nature to rise gracefully to the surface.

Just as you cannot learn how to dance from a manual, you cannot learn sexual swagger from a manual. There is no textbook college course, workshop or seminar that can train you in the art of sexuality. But, just as the music teaches a woman's hips how to sway, your intuition can teach you how to unabashedly embrace your sexual prowess.

What do I mean by sexual swagger, you ask? I'm talking about your own special brand of feminine sexuality. I want to teach you how to wear it on your sleeve for the world to see. Yes, you should probably tone it down a bit with your boss at work, or with your grandfather, but you must learn to let it flow easily and naturally when you are flirting with the right kind of guy.

Don't take my word for it. Let your intuition become your teacher. Don't read a book about how to be sexy. Write your own. Don't even try to use your analytical mind to understand the concept of what it means to be sexy. Allow your R-Mode to lead the way. Assuming you have been diligent in going through each of the training modules so far,

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you may already have your own ideas about letting intuition teach you to express your sexuality in a way that is both classy and attractive.

Here's how you do it: observe, feel, flow. As I have mentioned a number of times throughout this material, using words to explain something that occurs without words proves to be quite difficult. Nonetheless, it's the only form of communication currently available to one human being trying to explain something to another. So, I'll give it a shot.

Observe, feel, flow.

Observe: Watch other women who seem to have a natural sexual swagger. Pay attention to how they walk, talk, and interact with men. Don't observe them with your thoughts. Don't analyze them with your mind. Instead, sit back and take it all in ?every single thing they have to offer in the area of sexuality. Absorb their essence. Breathe in their sensuality. Allow R-Mode plenty of time to simply observe them and get the feel of their movements and patterns at work.

Feel: As you observe women in your world who have that special sexual swagger, allow yourself to imagine what it would feel to mimic those patterns. Don't think about it. Feel it in your body. This is R-Mode's natural form of learning.

Psychologists originally thought a child's primary method of learning was to gather information taught to them by their parents. Then psychologists decided against this idea as they discovered how powerful behavioral modeling is. Children primarily learn by modeling, or experimenting with the behaviors they observe in the adults around them. On the same topic, psychologists have recently discovered something in our brain called "mirror neurons."

Mirror neurons are brain cells that light up when we see other people engaging in certain events. The brain responds as though we were actually experiencing these things ourselves. This phenomenon was first noticed in chimpanzees. Brain scans revealed the same patterns lighting up in the mind of one chimp as it watched another chimp eat a banana. It was as if the chimp who was observing was actually eating the banana!

From there, a host of other experiments were conducted. The studies continued to reveal that these mirror neurons would light up if one chimp watched another chimp throw a ball or reach for something outside of his or her cage. It turns out humans have mirror neurons that operate the same way. It has since been discovered that these mirror neurons are a significant part of what makes it possible for us to learn from other people. They also demonstrate how and why we feel empathy for others.

These very same mirror neurons will allow you to learn the intuitive way of thinking if you give them space to do so. How do you apply this to sexuality? You make it your intention to feel the movements of sexual swagger when you observe it in someone who

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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