Highland Literacy Project

Highland Literacy Project




Through Play

Developing the role play area in Infant Classes

Literacy Officer: L. Sim

Updated September 2009

Highland Literacy Project


Literacy through Play

A Curriculum for Excellence

The strategies suggested in this booklet support the following Literacy and English outcomes and experiences from A Curriculum for Excellence.

| | Levels |

|Organisers |Sub Divisions |Early |First |

|Reading |Finding and using |LIT 0-14a |LIT 1-14a |

| |information | | |

|Listening and Talking |Tools for Listening and |LIT 0-02a /ENG 0-03a |LIT 1-02a |

| |talking | | |

| |Creating texts |LIT 0-09a |LIT 1-09a |

| | |LIT 0-09a/LIT 0-31a |LIT 1-10a |

| | |LIT 0-10a | |

|Writing |Tools for writing |LIT 0-21a |LIT 1-24a |

| |Organising and using |LIT 0-26a |LIT 1-25a |

| |information | | |



A play corner is an essential part of any Infant class. Given a stimulating and ‘Literacy rich’ area in which to play, pupils will have increased opportunities to nurture and develop all aspects of Literacy – talking, listening, reading and writing, in addition to honing their social skills.

Play corners do not need to be expensive; a table and a couple of chairs can form the basis. It’s what you add that’s important: pens, notepad, phone, information notices, adverts, leaflets etc. Many shops/businesses are more than happy to donate notices, adverts, forms etc – you just need to ask!


Tips –

✓ Timetable the play corner so that every child has an equal opportunity to learn through play. Don’t use it solely as an activity for quick finishers as it is often the others who would benefit most from the social interaction.

✓ As each play corner is dismantled, store materials in labelled individual boxes (with lids). The next time you plan to use it, everything will be on hand.

✓ Try to change you play corner theme regularly – at least twice a term [three times for longer terms] as the pupils may lose interest after a few weeks.

✓ Link the play corner to a writing table [see below]

The Writing Table link

Having a writing table is also an excellent way to promote Literacy in the classroom in an informal and fun way.

Ideally, it should be located away from the play corner and have space for three or four children at a time. Giving the pupils a ‘set’ activity keeps them focussed and can make an ideal link to the play corner theme. For example, the pupils may be encouraged to write menus to be used in the ‘café or list surgery times for the ‘vets’. The children enjoy using their own made materials in the corner but also benefit from having teacher made/real materials as examples to read and inspire!

Likewise, it is important for pupils to have inspiration and support at the writing table. For example if the activity is to design a birthday card for the ‘newsagents’, then there should be some real cards on the table as well as blank card and felt pens etc. If the activity is to design a new label for the dog food to sell in the pet shop, there should be real dog food labels and cans on the table. The size and shape of the blank paper should fit the can so that it can actually be used in the shop [always use full cans, not empty ones -for health and safety]

Remember this should be a relaxed and enjoyable activity – Don’t correct their efforts, just encourage and praise them! Most importantly, show them that you value their work by sharing it with the class and then putting it in the play corner for their peers to use.

More Tips –

✓ You may want to link your play corner to another area of the curriculum eg If your science theme is ‘living things’, it may be the ideal time to have a ‘garden centre’ in your classroom.

✓ Here are a few useful items to gather – old white shirts (for vet, doctor, optician coats), material (for tablecloth etc), phone, till, old computer, old diaries, plastic pot plant, phone book, yellow pages, calendar, clock

✓ Ask pupils to bring in old items, such as glasses

✓ Find out the occupations of your pupils’ parents – this can be a good source of materials.

✓ Share your play corner materials with other infant teachers

✓ If possible, take your class to visit the ‘real thing’ before you set up the corner



Promoting Literacy: Telephone directory, phone, recipe books, calendar, newspaper

Link to writing table: write a shopping list


Promoting Literacy: open/closed sign, times of opening, menus, notepad for waiters/waitress, no smoking signs, till, table mats with café logo/name.

Link to writing table: make a menu or design a table mat with name and logo


Promoting Literacy: as café plus recipe books, weighing scales, black board/whiteboard with ‘Today’s Specials’, booking book with example of date, name and time of booking, phone, adding machine or calculator and receipt paper

Link to writing table: Use a whiteboard to write ‘today’s specials’

Grocer shop

Promoting Literacy: Shop sign, labels and prices for goods, tins, packets, till, money, old cards (to use as credit cards), adding machine or calculator and paper for receipts, shop bags, adverts, money off signs eg ‘Buy two get one free’

Link to writing table: Design an apron for staff with a logo and name of the shop

Flower Shop

Promoting Literacy: Interflora leaflets, ordering forms (could be homemade on computer), phone, pictures of flowers and plants with labels and prices, shop sign, plastic flowers, pots, ribbons, vases

Link to writing table: Design a new leaflet with drawings, descriptions and prices of bouquets/plants for home delivery


Promoting Literacy: Pictures of fruit and vegetables with prices, opening hours, shop name, plastic fruit and vegetables, real potatoes, onions, carrots, weighing scales, bags, till, old receipts

Link to writing table: Make a poster to promote this week’s special offer eg 6 oranges for £1


Promoting Literacy: old shampoo bottles, toothpaste boxes, bubble bath bottles, adverts, leaflets

Link to writing table: Design a new toothpaste box or Shampoo bottle (give pupils bottle shaped paper)

Gift Shop

Promoting Literacy: ornaments etc with labels and prices, tissue paper

Link to writing table: Design a new bag for the gift shop (you can get blank bags from wholesalers)

‘Argos’ type shop

Promoting Literacy: Argos catalogues, order forms, calculators, phone, notebook

Link to writing table: Add a page to a class catalogue- pupils could cut out pictures from old magazines and add prices and invent a new catalogue number. This could be photocopied to make multiple copies of class library.

Tourist Information Office

Promoting Literacy: maps, local brochures, hotel brochures, computer, adverts, tourist attraction brochures, phone

Link to writing table: make a map of the classroom or school

Doctor’s Surgery

Promoting Literacy: spilt into two areas: waiting room – magazines, leaflets, posters, reception area with phone, appointment diary: surgery with ‘body’ books as reference, labels for doctor’s name, magazines and comics

Link to writing table: make a health promoting leaflet for the waiting room eg a list of ‘dos’ and don’ts’ with illustrations

Post Office

Promoting Literacy: letters, postcards, parcels, labels, post-box, information leaflets, stampers, sorting boxes with labels of towns, atlases, pricing guides and measuring template for letter prices, weighing scales, postcode book, post office forms for TV licenses, road tax etc

Link to writing table: write a letter to a friend and post it in the box – paper, envelopes, 1p stamps (or old stamps stuck on with Blu tack)

Garden Centre

Promoting Literacy: Books about plants, info leaflets, labels for plants, information about each plant, prices, posters, seed packets, adverts, planted pots

Link to writing table: design a new seed packet to sell in the garden centre OR write instructions on how to look after a plant.


Promoting Literacy: phone, appointment book, eye test charts, notepads, adverts, leaflets, posters, old frames (without glass) with labels and prices, sunglasses, mirror, contact lenses boxes

Link to writing table: Make a new eye test chart


Promoting Literacy: spilt into two areas: waiting room – magazines, leaflets, posters, reception area with phone, appointment diary: surgery with ‘animal’ books as reference, labels for vet’s and nurse’s names (ask pupils to bring in some soft animal toys)

Link to writing table: Make a leaflet to explain how to look after a pet

Pet Shop

Promoting Literacy: shop name, animal food (empty boxes but full tins), labels for animals giving details, leaflets, pictures of animals, posters, books about pets,(ask pupils to bring in some soft animal toys)

Link to writing table: Design a new label for a tin of cat food

Santa’s Workshop (seasonal)

Promoting Literacy: The writing table activity is essential here as ‘Santa’ and his elves will use the lists to ‘make’ the toys. Materials, letters to Santa, in/out trays, address labels, wrapping paper, plastic toolkit, instructions to make toys

Link to writing table: Make a list for Santa (use Argos style catalogues) Remember to tell pupils that it’s just pretend!


Promoting Literacy: rules and regulations, fees, books for bedtime reading, torch, information leaflets, instructions on how to erect the tent

Link to writing table: make a map of how to get to the campsite



Promoting Literacy: magazines, comics, newspapers, paper, envelope, pens, till, notepads

Link to writing table: Make a birthday card


Promoting Literacy: photos of fish, fish information books, homemade ‘tanks’ [boxes] with homemade fish, labels to classify fish, magnifying glasses, opening times, entry prices, tickets, information leaflets, little fish net, fish food. If you have a real goldfish bowl, remember to add a ‘Do Not Touch’ sign.

Link to writing table: Design and make a 2D fish tank for the wall of the aquarium. Remember to label it.

Book Shop

Promoting Literacy: books, taped stories, posters, prices, labels

Link to writing table: Draw a 3 part story to sell in the shop. Add speech bubbles or captions.

Clothes Shop (or Shoe/hat shop)

Promoting Literacy: measuring tape, height chart, prices, labels for clothes sorted into categories eg hats, dresses, coats, till, posters of clothes, clothes magazines, mirror, labelled show boxes

Link to writing table: Design a new outfit. Label it.

Witches/wizards’ Cave (could be seasonal)

Promoting Literacy: pot for cauldron, witches hats, cloaks, notebook to make into a spell book, weighing scales, labelled pots of ingredients eg rats’ tails (obviously not real tails – could use wool!). You could make the corner as dark as possible with black paper and give them a torch and books about witches.

Link to writing table: write a spell for the spell book (give pupils a bank of useful words)


Promoting Literacy: old objects with labels giving information perhaps arranged into groups according to type, books about ‘Long ago’, entry tickets,

Link to writing table: make little information cards about long ago. {use reference books}


Promoting Literacy: name of Bakers, recipe books, weighing scales, adverts, posters, toy cooker with temperature gauge, timer

Link to writing table: Write a recipe for a new cake

Chinese Take away Restaurant

Promoting Literacy: Chinese recipe books, wok, phone, notepad, menus with prices, Posters, tinfoil dishes

Link to writing table: Copy some Chinese writing to decorate the restaurant

Theatre Show

Promoting Literacy: times of performances, entry prices, tickets, promotional poster showing pictures of actors eg pantomime posters, simple play scripts, or use story books to act out the story

Link to writing table: Design a flyer for the show

Puppet Show

Promoting Literacy: as per theatre show

Link to writing table: write a joke to be included in the show (pupils could use joke books for inspiration)


Promoting Literacy: mini blackboard, old reading books, white boards, jotters, number lines/fans, phonic cards/games – the list is endless!

Link to writing table: make an alphabet frieze for the play corner school

Tourist attraction eg ‘Seashore Centre’

This is a great corner to have, especially if it is linked to the class project, as it lends itself to lots of reading for information and discussing what they know.

Promoting Literacy: shells, seashore information books, labels to classify objects, magnifying glasses, boxes, trays, opening times, entry prices, tickets.

Link to writing table: make information cards. Could use digital photos of objects and information books.

Scientist’s lab eg studying insects {entomologists!}

This is also a great corner to have, especially if it is linked to the class project or Science topic. Pupils love wearing white coats

Promoting Literacy: plastic insects, insect information books, magnifying glasses, microscope, trays, labels for classifying insects, notebooks

Link to writing table: make a mini zigzag book about your favourite insect

Other ideas – studying rocks

Design Engineers eg designing cars and/or Lorries

Promoting Literacy: toy cars, pictures of cars, drawing boards, rulers, calculators, paint charts, books about cars, labels to classify cars

Link to writing table: design and label a car

Estate Agents (a good one for P3)

Promoting Literacy: Newspapers adverts for houses, Real house flyers, phone, map, calculator, notebook, pictures of different styles of houses

Link to writing table: Make a flyer for the Estate Agents – could use photos, real or from a magazine or drawings. Add details including purchase price.


Use your class library as the play corner. Add a table and a librarian!

Promoting Literacy: books, posters for authors, lending cards, notebooks

Link to writing table: Design a new cover for your favourite book

Travel Agents

Promoting Literacy: holiday brochures, computer, notepad, phone, atlas, globe, calculator, posters

Link to writing table: Write a postcard home (use blank postcards, writing on one side, including address and picture on the other)


Promoting Literacy: old computer, opening times, bureau de change, money, old bank forms, old account books, scales, calculator

Link to writing table: fill in a cheque (obviously not real cheques, perhaps a larger template made on the computer) OR design a new bank note

Weather Station

Promoting Literacy: old computer, map with stick on symbols, newspaper forecasts, taped weather forecasts (and headphones), large box cut to make TV screen (for televised broadcasts, graph/squared paper, rain gauge, thermometer, compass (plus any other forecasting equipment you may have), photographs of different clouds

Link to writing table: Write a weather forecast


Nursery may be able to lend you a ‘ride in’ car

Promoting Literacy: old car manuals, booking in chart, spare part brochures, plastic tools, phone, yellow pages, waiting area with tea/coffee and car magazines

Link to writing table: Make some safety signs for the workshop eg ‘slippery surface’

Music Shop

Promoting Literacy: instruments with labels and prices, headphones to listen to tapes, tapes and CDs, posters, real music sheets/books, till, catalogues

Link to writing table: write a song using music paper (make and photocopy) plus some real music to see how it is written. Pupils can add some lyrics.

Links to fairy tales/Nursery rhymes

Pupils, especially those at the beginning of P1, enjoy the familiarity of playing in a Fairytale corner

Eg Goldilocks and the three bears

Promoting Literacy: porridge recipes, story books for baby bear, clock, ‘Home Sweet Home’ sign

Link to writing table: Design a cereal box (as an alternative to porridge)

Links to stories

Eg Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Promoting Literacy: Recipes, chocolate boxes, mixing bowls, baking trays and cases, scales, sweet packaging

Link to writing table: Invent a new type of sweet. Name it and design the packaging.

Ones to avoid and why

Police station – pupils often come quite aggressive in overzealous arresting which may also lead to pupils running around the class!

Hairdresser – pupils have been known to cut off someone’s hair even if you have banned real scissors

Hospital – often leads to unwanted prodding and poking!

Dentist – we don’t want to encourage children to put their fingers into other’s mouths.

[pic]More Ideas

A Magic carpet – this can be a wonderful stimulus for talking, listening and writing. Instead of the play corner, have a magic carpet. The children will sit on it and let their imaginations go.

Link to writing table: After their trip they can write and draw where they went and what they saw!

Tip – to keep this exciting only bring it out very occasionally.


✓ Spaceship

✓ Castle

✓ Airport

✓ Time Machine

✓ Kitchen

✓ office

✓ airport

✓ igloo

✓ farm

✓ toy shop

[pic] even more ideas…

✓ zoo

✓ supermarket

✓ bus/train

✓ beach

✓ bothy

✓ beach/under the sea

✓ laundry

✓ newspaper office

✓ book shop


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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